Beyond Captchas: Exploring the Advancements of AI in Modern Bot Mitigation

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The battle between human users and sneaky bots is a constant struggle in the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape. And the conventional defense mechanisms, including CAPTCHAs, have been a reliable shield for a long. 

However, with the sophistication of cyberattacks and bots becoming smarter, the conventional shield needs a big upgrade since it no longer has the potential to safeguard against modern threat vectors. 

Navigating Resistance To Change in Digital Transformation: Insights for CIO Strategies

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The modern digital business landscape demands enterprises to undergo digital transformation to remain competitive and relevant. However, the digital transformation journey isn’t a bed of roses and brings challenges, one of the most daunting being resistance to change.

Undoubtedly, CIOs are at the forefront of innovation, and they’re the ones who can swiftly navigate the digital revolution by adopting cutting-edge technologies. However, most of them are resistant to significant changes. And this isn’t a good sign from a growth perspective! 

Fronton Botnet Attacks — Why Enterprises Should Worry?

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A botnet attack is a common form of cyberattack that has existed for more than two decades. However, the severity of various botnet attacks has been the most common reason businesses worry over the past couple of years. 

Those who aren’t sure what a botnet attack is are a form of cyberattack that occurs when a group of internet-connected devices is infected with malware controlled by a cybercriminal. These attacks usually involve data theft, sending spam emails, and exploiting customer data by launching vicious DDoS attacks