Yes, GitHub’s Copilot Can Leak (Real) Secrets

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There has been a growing focus on the ethical and privacy concerns surrounding advanced language models like ChatGPT and OpenAI GPT technology. These concerns have raised important questions about the potential risks of using such models. However, it is not only these general-purpose language models that warrant attention; specialized tools like code completion assistants also come with their own set of concerns.

A year into its launch, GitHub’s code-generation tool Copilot has been used by a million developers, adopted by more than 20,000 organizations, and generated more than three billion lines of code, GitHub said in a blog post.

Automate Boring Tasks With Hooks

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Most developers hate doing things that could be automated.

As emphasized in this tweet, we often have to accept that we cannot do it. Fortunately, in the case of code reviews, a lot of things can indeed be automated. As my previous CTO told me once:

4 Reasons MSPs Should Monitor Their GitHub Footprint

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In recent years, resorting to MSPs has become very popular for companies wanting to accelerate the digitization of their businesses. With this surge in popularity, MSPs are broadening their range of responsibilities and now face the question: how to ensure we can meet our cybersecurity responsibilities?

In this article, we will see why monitoring in real-time code-sharing platforms such as GitHub should be a top priority for any MSP.