How to Disable Gravatars in WordPress

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Do you want to disable Gravatars in WordPress?

WordPress uses Gravatars to display user profile photos or Avatars. It is a third-party service that allows users to have the same profile photo on different websites.

Gravatars are highly useful, particularly in WordPress comments. However, some users may not want to use Gravatars at all.

In this article, we’ll show you how to easily disable Gravatars in WordPress. We’ll also show you how to use local avatars instead.

Turn off Gravatars in WordPress

Why Disable Gravatars in WordPress

Gravatars are a third-party service that allows users to add a profile photo to their WordPress website and use it across the internet.

Basically, you create an account and then upload your profile photo.

Managing Gravatar profile

After that, whenever you use that particular email address on a website that supports Gravatar, it will automatically show your profile photo from the Gravatar website.

To learn more see our explainer, What is Gravatar and why you should use it.

However, some website owners may not want to use Gravatars for several reasons.

For instance, they may want to turn it off to improve website performance and speed.

Similarly, some site owners may not want to use Gravatar due to privacy concerns.

That being said, let’s take a look at how to easily disable Gravatars in WordPress.

Disabling Gravatars in WordPress

WordPress makes it super easy to customize or turn off Gravatars on your website.

First, you need to login to the admin area of your website and then go to the Settings » Discussion page.

From here, you need to scroll down to the Avatars section and uncheck the box next to ‘Show Avatars’ option.

Turn off Gravatars in WordPress

Don’t forget to click on the Save Changes button to store your settings.

WordPress will now disable Gravatars across your website. You’ll now see a generic user icon in the admin toolbar instead of your Gravatar image.

User profile photo disabled

Similarly, the comments page inside the admin area will also stop showing Gravatars.

Comments page without Gravatar images

WordPress will also stop showing Gravatar images in the comments area under your posts and pages.

Comments without Gravatars

How to Replace Gravatar with Local Avatars in WordPress?

Some users may want to disable Gravatar but still want to display profile photos under author bios and other places.

This allows you to keep the avatar functionality in WordPress and enable users to upload their own profile photos. At the same time, it disables Gravatars and prevents your website to make any requests to Gravatar website.

To do this, you’ll need to install and activate the WP User Avatars plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you need to visit the Settings » Discussion page and check the box next to the ‘Block Gravatar’ option.

Block Gravatar

Don’t forget to click on the Save Changes button to store your settings.

The plugin will now block any requests to while allowing you to keep avatar functionality.

To upload profile photos, users will need to upload their own images under their profiles.

Simply go to Users » Profile page. From here, you can upload an image from your computer or use one from the media library.

Local avatar

Don’t forget to click on the Update Profile button to save your changes.

WordPress will now use custom profile photos instead of Gravatars. For all unregistered users it will show the default avatar image you have set in the settings.

For all registered users, it will use the custom avatar image that they uploaded. If a user hasn’t uploaded their custom avatar image, then the plugin will use the default avatar image.

We hope this article helped you learn how to disable Gravatars in WordPress. You may also want to see our guide on how to make a membership website in WordPress, and our comparison of the best WordPress page builder plugins.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Disable Gravatars in WordPress first appeared on WPBeginner.

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How to Customize WooCommerce Product Search Results Page

Set Up Woocommerce

Would you like to customize your WooCommerce product search results page?

By default, WordPress and WooCommerce have limited search capabilities. By customizing your product search results, you’ll be able to increase sales and grow your business.

In this article, we’ll show a few easy ways you can customize your WooCommerce product search results page to provide a better user experience.

How to Customize WooCommerce Product Search Results Page

Why Customize WooCommerce Product Search Results Page?

By default, WooCommerce comes with a built in product search feature. However, it has serious limitations. This could mean that your customers won’t be able to find the products they’re looking for.

As a result, you may be losing potential sales. If your customers can’t find what they’re looking for, then they may not come back to your online store.

How does this happen? The default WooCommerce search only indexes the title, content, and excerpt of posts and pages. It doesn’t consider any content within custom fields while performing a search.

That’s a problem because a great deal of your WooCommerce product data is stored in custom fields. As a result, none of your WooCommerce product categories, tags, reviews, and other special attributes will be indexed.

Luckily, you can solve this problem using a WooCommerce product search plugin.

That being said, let’s take a look at some examples of how you might improve your WooCommerce product search results page.

Here is what you will learn from this guide. You can click the link to skip ahead to the section you’re interested in.

Making WooCommerce Product Data Searchable

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the SearchWP plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

SearchWP is the best custom search plugin for WordPress, and is used by over 30,000 websites. It’s also one of the best plugins for WooCommerce because it delivers more relevant product results to your customers.

Note: You’ll need at least the Pro plan to access WooCommerce integration.

Upon activation, you need to visit the SearchWP » Settings page and switch to the ‘Support’ tab to enter your license key. You can find it in your account area on the SearchWP site.

Paste Your SearchWP License Key

Next, you need to install and activate the WooCommerce Integration extension.

You can download it from your account area on the SearchWP website and install it as you would install any other WordPress plugin.

Install the WooCommerce Integration Extension

Now you are ready to set up your SearchWP custom search engine.

Simply go to the SearchWP » Settings page and make sure you’re on the ‘Engines’ tab. Once there, you need to click the ‘Sources & Settings’ button.

Click on the 'Sources & Settings' Button

This will bring up a popup where you should make sure the checkbox next to ‘Products’ is checked. This will allow SearchWP to index your WooCommerce products.

WooCommerce product reviews are stored as comments. If you want to make reviews searchable, then you should also check the ‘Comments’ box.

Check the Products and Comments Boxes

Once you’ve done that, click on the ‘Done’ button to close the popup.

Now you need to scroll down to the ‘Products’ section. Notice that by default, the plugin will only look at the product title, content (description), slug, and excerpt (short description).

Click the 'Add/Remove Attributes' Button in the Products Section

You can extend SearchWP’s reach by clicking on the ‘Add/Remove Attributes’ button.

This will bring up a popup where you can include specific custom fields and taxonomies in searches. For this tutorial, we’ve added the ‘color’ and ‘size’ custom fields, and the taxonomies ‘product categories’ and ‘product tags’.

Add Custom Fields and Taxonomies to the Search Engine

You can now click the ‘Done’ button, and you should notice that those custom fields and taxonomies have been added to the products section of SearchWP.

After that, you can adjust the weight of each attribute. If you’d like to make a specific attribute more important in search results, then simply move the slider to the right.

Adjust the Importance of Each Attribute

When you’re done, go ahead and click on the ‘Save Engines’ button at the top of the screen to save your settings.

SearchWP will then start rebuilding your search index in the background. After that, the plugin will be ready to start delivering more relevant search results to your WooCommerce store.

Click the 'Save Engine' Button

SearchWP will automatically use any search forms on your online store. However, if you need to add a search form, then see our step by step guide on how to create a custom WordPress search form. This will also teach you how to style the results page using custom CSS.

Now you can go to your WooCommerce store to try out the search feature. We’ll search for the product category ‘hoodies’, and all products in that category will be displayed.

Product Search Results Page Preview

To learn more, see our guide on how to make a smart WooCommerce product search.

Customizing Which Products Will Be Shown on Search Results Pages

By default, SearchWP will include all of the products in your online store in the search results. However, you may wish to specify which products should or should not be displayed.

For example, you can automatically exclude products if they fall under certain conditions, like if they are discontinued or out of stock. Or you might only display products that are on sale or come with free shipping.

For example, the AeroPress WooCommerce store lets you search for products with free shipping. This is a great incentive for customers to make a purchase.

AeroPress Product Search Results Page

To get started, you should click the ‘Edit Rules’ button in SearchWP’s Products section.

Click the 'Edit Rules' Button

Right now there are no rules. You can create as many rules as you need.

To create your first rule, you need to click the ‘Add Rule’ button.

Click the 'Add Rule' Button

Now you can specify the conditions for which products should be shown or excluded from search results. For this tutorial, we’ll exclude all out of stock products.

First, you should select ‘Exclude entries if’ from the first drop down menu. Then select the ‘Product visibility’ taxonomy and type ‘outofstock’ in the field next to it.

Creating a Rule to Exclude Out of Stock Products

If you like, you can add additional conditions that should be excluded by clicking the ‘OR’ button. Once you’re finished adding rules, click the ‘Done’ button.

Now all you need to do is press the ‘Save Engines’ button at the top to store your changes.

Click the 'Save Engine' Button

To learn about more ways you can make use of SearchWP’s rules, see our guide on how to exclude specific pages, authors, and more from WordPress search.

Displaying Product Search Results in Live Mode

Live search will improve the search experience on your WooCommerce store by automatically showing search results as your customers type their queries.

For example, Good Dye Young offers live search results on their hair and makeup products.

Relevant products and articles are immediately displayed while the customer types their search query, providing a better user experience.

Good Dye Young Product Search Results Page

To add this to your own store, all you need to do is install and activate the free SearchWP Live Ajax Lite Search plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, your WooCommerce search forms will automatically provide live search.

Live Search Preview

For more details, see our guide on how to add live search to your WordPress site.

Finding Partial Matches and Other Advanced Features

Partial matching will help your customers to find what they are searching for, even if they don’t type the whole word or use the correct spelling.

For example, the Magna-Tiles online store has partial matching enabled. Customers only need to type part of a product name to find it in the search results.

Magna-Tiles Product Search Results Page

To enable partial matching in SearchWP, you should navigate to SearchWP » Settings and click on the Advanced tab.

On this page, you can enable some settings that will make it easier for your users to find what they are looking for.

SearchWP Advanced Settings

Check any of these options that you would like:

  • Partial matches will also display results that don’t quite match the term that is being searched for.
  • Automatic “Did you mean?” corrections will suggest a slightly different search term that will match more products in your online store.
  • Supporting “quoted/phrase searches” will allow your users to use quotes when searching for exact phrases.
  • Highlighting terms in results will make it easier for your customers to find what they are looking for in the search results.

We hope this tutorial helped you learn how to customize the WooCommerce product search results page. You may also want to learn how to add wholesale pricing in WooCommerce, or check out our list of the best email marketing services.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Customize WooCommerce Product Search Results Page first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Move Comments Between WordPress Posts (Easy Method)

Wp Plugins

Are you looking for an easy way to move comments between WordPress posts?

You might be writing a new version of a post and plan to redirect it from the original post. Redirects are great for avoiding broken links and preserving your WordPress SEO, but the original comments won’t be moved to the new post.

In this article, we will show you how to easily move comments between WordPress posts.

How to Move Comments Between WordPress Posts

Why Move Comments Between WordPress Posts?

By default, any comments you get on your WordPress site are attached to a specific post or page and can’t be moved.

However, sometimes, you might need to move comments to another post or page.

For example, you might decide to combine several posts together into a new post and then delete the individual ones. Or you may decide that a post would work better recreated as a page or vice versa.

Redirecting those deleted posts is good for your website’s search engine optimization, but it won’t save the comments.

In these scenarios, it would be helpful to move comments from one post or page to a new one instead of losing them or having to recreate them all manually.

How to Move Comments Between WordPress Posts

You can easily move comments between WordPress posts using the free Copy or Move Comments plugin. 

Note: We recommend making a backup of your site before moving the comments since it can’t be reversed. See our expert pick of the best backup plugins for WordPress to get started.

First, you’ll need to install and activate the Copy or Move Comments plugin. If you need help, then please see our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, click on Copy/Move Comments in the WordPress sidebar. 

How to move comments between WordPress posts

This WordPress plugin lets you choose between moving or copying comments.

If you choose ‘Copy,’ then it will duplicate all of the original comments and then add them to the new page or post.

When you copy the comments, the original comments won’t be deleted. This means you will end up with duplicate comments on your WordPress blog

If you choose ‘Move’, then the plugin will delete the original ‘source’ comments and then add them to the new ‘target’ page or post. This helps you avoid duplicate content.

Once you have made your decision, open the Action dropdown. You can now select either ‘Copy’ or ‘Move’.

Choosing whether to copy or move comments between WordPress posts

Your next task is choosing the Source. This is the location from where you want to copy your comments.

To get started, click on the ‘Source’ dropdown. 

You can now choose the post type. For example, if you wanted to copy comments from a specific WordPress post, then you would choose ‘post’.

Choosing a source page or post

Next, click on the ‘Select Post’ dropdown. Depending on your selection, this will show all of your pages or all of your posts. 

You can now simply click to select the page or post that you want to use as your source. 

Selecting a source WordPress page or post

The next step is opening the ‘Select Comment Type’ dropdown.

You can choose whether you want to see comments that have replies or ‘Single’ comments. These are comments that have no replies.

How to choose a WordPress comment type

The plugin will show all of the comments that fit your criteria.

Now, you can simply click to select every comment that you want to move or copy. If you want to move all of the comments, then you can click on the checkbox at the top of the column to select them all at once.

A list of WordPress comments

Your next task is to tell the plugin where it should move these comments to.

To do this, scroll down to the Target section at the bottom. After that, open the ‘Select Post Type’ dropdown and choose the destination’s post type. 

How to choose a target WordPress post

Next, click on the ‘Select Post’ dropdown. 

Here, you can choose your target, which is the post or page where you want to move these comments to. 

How to move comments between WordPress posts

After choosing your target, just click on the ‘Perform Action’ button. 

The plugin will now move or copy all of the selected comments to this page.

If you check out the target page or post, you will see that all of your comments have been added to this page.

It’s also worth checking the source page or post. If you chose ‘Copy’, then you should still see all of your original comments. However, if you chose ‘Move’, then all of the original comments should have vanished from this page or post. 

After moving your comments, you may want to change the order in which WordPress displays these comments. By showing newer comments first, you can keep the conversation fresh and get more comments on your WordPress blog.

You can learn how to do this in our step-by-step guide on how to display the most recent comments first in WordPress.

Bonus: Improve WordPress Comments Using Thrive Comments

Now that you know how to move comments to a different post, you might be wondering how to improve your comments section in other ways. The best way to do that is with Thrive Comments, which is a powerful and easy-to-use WordPress comments plugin.

It can save your team time with its flexible comment moderation features. Besides being able to approve comments or mark them as spam, you can also feature positive comments and even mark them as testimonials that can be displayed somewhere else on your website.

Feature comment from dropdown menu

You can show appreciation to your commenters by displaying a message or redirecting them to a Thank You page. You can also award your commenters badges when they reach certain milestones.

Another benefit of this plugin is that you let your users upvote comments by clicking Like and Dislike buttons. This can create a sense of community and increase user engagement without users needing to leave a comment of their own.

We hope this article helped you learn how to move comments between WordPress posts. You may also want to see our guide on how to allow user registration on your WordPress website or our expert pick of the best WordPress comments plugins.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Move Comments Between WordPress Posts (Easy Method) first appeared on WPBeginner.