How to Verify Your WordPress Site on Pinterest (Step by Step)

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Are you looking for a simple way to verify your WordPress site on Pinterest?

Verifying your website on Pinterest will unlock neat features like Pinterest analytics, ads program, stats for your photos, and more.

In this article, we will show you how to easily verify your WordPress site on Pinterest.

How to Verify Your WordPress Website on Pinterest

Why You Should Verify Your WordPress Site on Pinterest?

Pinterest is one of the most popular social media platforms to share your photos, videos, and other visual content. It allows you to create an account and manage your images like Instagram or Flickr.

It also allows other users to collect website links, and other visual content by creating boards.

If you are running a photography website or any other type of blog with images and videos, then Pinterest can be an important source of traffic.

Verifying your website on Pinterest will help you learn more about your visitors using Pinterest Analytics. You will also be able to participate in their ad program and plan a strategy to grow your Pinterest traffic.

That being said, let’s take a look at how to easily verify your WordPress blog on Pinterest.

How to Verify Your WordPress Site on Pinterest

Before we start, you’ll need to upgrade your Pinterest profile to a business account. This will allow you to use all their Pro tools like analytics, ads program, and more. The Pinterest business account is free and easy to set up.

Ready, let’s get started.

Step 1. Upgrade Your Pinterest Account to Business

First, you need to log into your Pinterest account and click on the down arrow at the top right corner of your screen. Next, click on the ‘Unlock business tools’ option.

Click the Unlock business tools option

On the next screen, you will see a list of features the business account will offer. To use these features, click the ‘Switch to business’ button.

Select the Switch to business button

After that, enter your business account details like a profile name, website URL, country, and language. Once you have entered all these details, click the ‘Next’ button.

Build your profile

Pinterest will now ask you to describe your business. You can select an industry from the drop-down menu and pick 3 goals from the given options. After that, click the ‘Next’ button.

Describe your business

Now select an option to get customized recommendations and click the ‘Next’ button.

Get customized recommendations

On the next screen, you can select an option if you are interested in advertising on Pinterest and then click the ‘Next’ button. For the sake of this tutorial, we selected the ‘No, I am not planning to advertise’ option.

Planning to run Pinterest ads

Next, Pinterest will show you different options to get started with your business account. You can click the ‘cross’ icon in the top right corner to skip this part.

Where would you like to start

Step 2. Claim Your Website on Pinterest

The next step is to claim your website on Pinterest.

To do that, you can click on the ‘Claim domain’ button from your Pinterest Business hub page, and it will directly take you to the claim settings page.

Claim domain in Pinterest

Another way to claim your website is by clicking on the down arrow in the top right corner and selecting the ‘Settings’ option. Then head over to the ‘Claim’ section in the left menu.

To get the credit for your content on Pinterest, click the ‘Claim’ button for Websites.

Click websites claim

Once you click the button, a popup window will appear with three options to claim your WordPress website.

Choose how you want to claim

We are choosing the ‘Add HTML tag’ option because it is the easiest.

However, if you prefer, you can choose the other option where you download the HTML file and upload it to your website’s root directory using an FTP client or your WordPress hosting file manager.

Alternatively, you can also add a verification record to your domain settings using your domain registrar.

Step 3. Add HTML Tag to Your WordPress Website

There are multiple ways to add an HTML tag to your website’s header, but we will only cover the two easiest methods.

First, you can use the All in One SEO (AIOSEO) WordPress plugin and enter the HTML tag to your website. For more details, follow our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

AIOSEO is the best SEO plugin for WordPress and makes it very easy to optimize your site for search engines without hiring an expert.

While we recommend the Pro version, you can also use the free version of AIOSEO to add Pinterest verification.

To add the HTML tag, go to All in One SEO » General Settings and then click the ‘Webmaster Tools’ tab from the top menu.

After that, click the ‘Pinterest Site Verification’ block.

AIOSEO Webmaster Tools

Now enter the HTML tag you copied in the previous step in the Pinterest Site Verification field and click the ‘Save Changes’ button.

Enter Pinterest Verification Code

Aside from using AIOSEO, another way of adding the HMTL tag is by installing and activating Insert Headers and Footers plugin.

Upon activation, you need to visit Settings » Insert Headers and Footers page in your WordPress admin area. In the Scrips in Header section, you need to paste the HTML tag and click on the Save button.

Insert HTML tag in header script section

Once the HTML tag is added in your website’s header section, you need to go back to the Pinterest screen and click on the Continue button in the popup.

It will now ask you to enter the URL of your website and then click the ‘Verify’ button.

Verify your site in Pinterest

Once you do that, you will see a message saying ‘Verification in progress.’ Normally, the process takes 24 hours, and you get an email about your website’s verification.

Verification in progress

That is it, you have now successfully verified your WordPress website on Pinterest.

Tip: If Pinterest fails to verify after you’ve added the verification code, then it means you need to clear your WordPress cache.

We hope this article helped you learn how to verify your WordPress site on Pinterest. You may also want to see our expert pick of the must-have WordPress plugins for your website, and our comparison of the best business phone services for small business.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Verify Your WordPress Site on Pinterest (Step by Step) appeared first on WPBeginner.

How to Move a Site from WordPress Multisite to Single Install

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Do you want to move a site from a WordPress multisite to a single install?

If you run a WordPress multisite network, sometimes, you may need to move one of the websites to its own separate WordPress install.

In this article, we’ll show you how to easily move a site from WordPress multisite to its own single install while preserving SEO rankings and all your content.

Moving a child site from WordPress multisite

Step 1: Getting Started

To move a website from a WordPress multisite network, you’ll need a domain name.

If you already have a domain name where you want to install the single site, then you are good to go.

If you don’t have a separate domain name, you’ll need to register and add a new domain name to your hosting account.

We recommend using They are one of the best domain name registrars in the world and offer beginner-friendly domain management experience.

For more details, see our article on how to register a domain name.

Alternatively, you can buy a separate hosting account and domain name for your fresh WordPress install.

We recommend using Bluehost. They are offering a free domain name with a generous discount on hosting.

Basically, you can get started for $2.75 per month.

After getting your domain name and hosting, the next step is to install WordPress.

See our step-by-step WordPress installation tutorial if you need help.

Important: Since you are going to make some serious changes to your WordPress multisite, it is necessary to create a complete WordPress backup before you do anything else.

Now that everything is set up, let’s move a site from WordPress multisite network to its single install.

Step 2: Exporting a Single Site in WordPress Multisite Network

The built-in WordPress import/export functionality works the same way in multisite as it does on a single site install. We will use the default tools to export the data from a site on a WordPress multisite network.

First, you need to log in to the dashboard of the single site you want to move, and then click on Tools » Export.

Next, you want to ensure all content is checked and click on the Download Export File button.

Export single site in a WordPress multisite

WordPress will now create an XML file containing all your data and send it to your browser for download.

Be sure to save the file on your computer because you will need it later.

Step 3: Importing Child Site to New Domain

Login to the WordPress admin area on the new location where you want to move your child site and then go to Tools » Import. On the import screen, WordPress will show you a number of import options.

Install WordPress importer on the new single site

You need to click on the ‘Install Now’ link below ‘WordPress.’

Wait for the importer to be installed and then click on the ‘Run Importer’ link.

Run WordPress importer

On the next screen, you will be asked to upload the WordPress export file you downloaded earlier from the WordPress multisite.

Click on the Choose file button to select the file from your computer and then click on the ‘Upload file and import’ button.

Upload import file

On the next screen, WordPress will ask if you would also like to import users. If you do nothing, then WordPress will import all users. This is recommended if you do not want to change authors.

You will also see the Import Attachments option, and you want to make sure it is checked so that WordPress can download images from your posts and pages.

Don’t worry if it misses out on some or most of your images. You can import them separately afterward.

Import settings

Click on the ‘Submit’ button to continue.

WordPress will now start importing your content. This will take a few minutes depending on how much content you have. Once it is done, you will see a notification that says ‘All done. Have fun!’

Importing finished

That’s all. You have successfully imported data from a multisite network child site to an individual WordPress install. There are still a few things left to do.

Step 4: Setting up Redirection

If you were using WordPress multisite with custom domains, then you don’t have to set up any redirection.

However, if you were using subdomains or directory structures in your WordPress multisite, you need to set up redirection so that users coming to your old URLs are redirected to your new site.

There are two ways to do this. You can set up a redirect using a WordPress plugin (recommended), or you can add some code to your WordPress .htaccess file.

We’ll show you both methods, and you can choose the one that best suits you.

Note: Make sure that your old site on the multisite network and the site on the new domain are both using the same permalink structure.

Method 1. Setting Redirects Using All in One SEO for WordPress

This method is easier and recommended for all users. We’ll be using All in One SEO for WordPress, which is the best WordPress SEO plugin on the market.

It allows you to easily optimize your WordPress site for search engines and comes with powerful features like SEO analysis, custom XML sitemaps, support, and a redirects manager.

First, install and activate the All in One SEO for WordPress plugin on your WordPress multisite and then Network Activate it for the child site. For more details, see our guide on network activating plugins on WordPress Multisite.

Network activate a plugin

Note: You’ll need at least the Pro plan to access the Redirection Manager feature.

Next, you need to install and network activate the Redirection Manager addon. You can find it under ‘Downloads’ from your account page on the All in One SEO website.

Download redirection addon for All in One SEO

Once you have network-activated both plugins, you need to switch to the dashboard of the child site.

From here, go to the All in One SEO » Redirects page and switch to the ‘Full Site Redirect’ tab.

Redirect settings

First, turn on the Relocate Site option by toggling the switch next to it.

Then, enter your new site’s domain name next to ‘Relocate to domain’ option.

Now click on the Save Changes button to store your settings.

All in One SEO for WordPress will now redirect users to your new domain name.

Method 2. Setting up Redirects using the Redirection Plugin

First, you need to install the Redirection plugin on your WordPress Multisite.

You can Network Activate a plugin, or you can log in as Super Admin on your child site and activate the Redirection plugin for that particular site alone.

After that, you need to visit the admin dashboard of the child site for which you want to set up the redirect.

Redirecting from Subdomain to New Domain

The Redirection plugin makes it super easy to point a domain name to a different one.

Simply go to the Tools » Redirection page and switch to the ‘Site’ tab.

Redirection set up

Simply enter your new domain name and then click on the ‘Update’ button to save your settings.

The plugin will redirect all your site users to your new domain name with the correct permalink structure.

The advantage of this method is that you can still log in to the admin area of your old subdomain.

Redirecting from Directory to New Domain

If your multisite uses a directory-based URL structure, then the Redirection plugin makes it easy to redirect it properly to your new domain.

Simply go to the Tools » Redirection page on your sub-site, and then click on the Add New button at the top.

New redirect

This will take you to Redirection’s setup form. Here is how you need to fill in that form:

Source URL: ^childsite/(.*)$
Target URL:$1

Be sure to replace childsite and with the name of your subsite and its new location.

Don’t forget to change select ‘Regex’ from the dropdown to the right, and then just click on the Add Redirect button to save your settings.

Redirect subdirectory

You can now visit your sub-site to see the redirects in action.

Method 2. Setting up Redirects Using .htaccess file

For this method, you need to add redirect rules to the .htaccess file in your WordPress hosting account for your multisite network.

Subdomain to New Domain Redirect

For subdomain installs, you need to use this code in the .htaccess file of your WordPress multisite.

Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [L,R=301]

This code redirects visitors coming to any page on to The $1 sign at the end of the destination URL ensures that your users land on the same page they requested.

Redirecting From Directory to New Domain

For directory-based multisite installs, you’ll need to paste the following code in the .htaccess file of your WordPress multisite.

Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^childsite/(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]

This code simply redirects any users coming on to The $1 makes sure that your users land on exactly the same page or post they requested.

Don’t forget to replace childsite and with the name of your subsite and its new location.

Step 5: Troubleshooting the Migration

Moving a site is not a routine task, so it is likely that you may come across some issues.

1. Export File Too Large – If your WordPress export file is too large, you may fail to import it properly. To fix this, you may need to split large XML file into smaller pieces.

2. Images Not Imported – Another common issue is that images may not import correctly to your new site. To fix this, you can try importing them as external images.

3. Redirects Not Working – If users are not being redirected correctly to your new site, then you need to carefully review your redirect settings. Make sure that your single install and the child site are both using the same Permalinks structure.

For other issues, see other common WordPress errors and how to fix them.

We hope this article helped you move a site from a WordPress multisite to a single install. You may also want to review our WordPress SEO checklist for your new install or try these essential WordPress plugins on your fresh site.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Move a Site from WordPress Multisite to Single Install first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Split WordPress Posts into Multiple Pages (Post Pagination)

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Are you looking for a way to split long WordPress posts into different pages?

Splitting lengthy content into several pages makes it easier for your visitors to read articles and navigate different sections.

In this article, we will show you how to split WordPress posts into multiple pages, step by step.

How to Split WordPress Posts

Why Split WordPress Posts into Multiple Pages?

If you have blog posts or guides that are lengthy, then setting up post pagination can improve the readability of your content.

It helps to break down the article into different sections and split them into multiple pages. This way, visitors can easily digest your content and read any section they are interested in.

Another benefit of splitting WordPress posts is that it can help increase pageviews and boost ad revenues.

That being said, let’s take a look at how to split WordPress posts into multiple pages. We will cover how to break your WordPress posts into multiple pages without a plugin and using a WordPress plugin.

Method 1. Split WordPress Posts without a Plugin

The easiest way of setting up post pagination is by using the ‘Page Break’ block in your WordPress content editor. You don’t need a WordPress plugin to break up your articles into multiple pages.

First, edit or add a new post on your WordPress website. After that, click the plus (+) button where you want to split your content and add a ‘Page Break’ block.

Add a page break block

You should now see a page break line in your content to indicate where the pagination will appear.

See page break in your content

If you are using the classic editor, then use the <!––nextpage––> tag to split your content.

Just edit any blog post and go to the ‘Text’ view to enter the tag where you would like to split the content.

Insert next page tag in the classic editor

You can also use the Alt + Shift + P keys on your keyboard to insert page breaks. To do that, go to the ‘Visual’ view and press the keyboard shortcut keys where you would want to add a page break.

After that, you can preview and publish the blog post. You will now see post pagination at the bottom of the content.

Post pagination example

Method 2. Split WordPress Post into Multiple Pages Using a Plugin

Another way to break lengthy content into various pages is by using a WordPress plugin. The benefit of this method is that it will automatically paginate posts when it meets certain criteria.

For this method, we will use the free Automatically Paginate Posts plugin, as it’s easy to use and works with any WordPress theme.

First, install and activate the Automatically Paginate Posts plugin on your WordPress website. For more details, go through our tutorial on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Once the plugin is active on your site, go to Settings » Reading and scroll down to the ‘Automatically Paginate Posts’ section.

You can select the post types to split into different pages. After that, choose whether to split posts by the total number of pages or approximate words per page.

Automatically Paginate Posts section

Next, click the ‘Save Change’ button to store your settings.

The plugin will automatically split your content based on your settings. However, you can also add page breaks manually to your content while using the plugin.

We hope this article helped you learn how to split WordPress posts into multiple pages. You may also want to see our guide on the best WordPress page builders to create custom layouts, and our tutorial on how to add web push notifications in WordPress to grow your website traffic.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Split WordPress Posts into Multiple Pages (Post Pagination) appeared first on WPBeginner.

How to Search By Category in WordPress (2 Ways)

Wp Plugins

Do you want to add category specific search in WordPress?

Adding a search by category feature to WordPress lets your visitors quickly find what they’re looking for. You can add options to search specific blog categories, product categories, and more.

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how you can add a search by category feature to your WordPress site.

How to search by category in WordPress (2 ways)

Why Add Search By Category to WordPress?

A search by category feature allows your visitors to search specific website categories.

If you have a lot of content, then categories can help organize your content and make it easier for your visitors to find what they’re looking for.

You can add a category search feature to your archive pages to help your visitors quickly find what they’re looking for.

WordPress archive category search example

Category search can also be added to your online store, so visitors can quickly find the exact products they want.

Overall, this offers your visitors a better onsite experience and can help your WordPress website give off positive SEO signals like increased dwell time and lower bounce rate.

The best way to add a category search feature is by using a WordPress plugin.

We’re going to share two different WordPress search plugins that can help you customize WordPress search. Simply use the quick links below to choose the type of WordPress category search you want to add.

Method 1: Using SearchWP to Add Category Select Search Form to WordPress

SearchWP is the best search plugin for WordPress. It’s very easy to use and lets you add a category selection feature, giving your users control over their search results.

First, you need to install and activate the SearchWP plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, navigate to Settings » SearchWP. This brings up the main search settings menu.

SearchWP settings menu

You can adjust the search engine settings by clicking on ‘Posts’, ‘Pages’, or ‘Library’ drop downs.

Changing the ‘Weight Multiplier’ sliders customizes how the search engine values content. If you want the search engine to value page content higher than the title, then adjust the slider accordingly.

SearchWP save search engine

Once you’re done, make sure you click the ‘Save Engines’ button to generate your first search engine.

Next, we’re going to customize the search form to add a category selection option, so your visitors can decide which category they want to search.

To do this, you’ll need to add code to your WordPress files. If you haven’t done this before, then check out our guide on how to copy and paste code in WordPress.

You’ll need to copy and paste the following code and add it to your functions.php file, in a site-specific plugin, or by using a code snippets plugin.

function my_searchwp_get_search_form_with_categories_dropdown( $form ) {
	ob_start(); ?>
		<form role="search" method="get" class="search-form" action="<?php echo home_url( '/' ); ?>">
				<span class="screen-reader-text">Search For</span>
				<input type="search" class="search-field" placeholder="Search..." value="<?php echo esc_attr( get_search_query() ); ?>" name="s" title="Search for:" />
				// for more information see
				$swp_cat_dropdown_args = array(
						'show_option_all'  => __( 'Any Category' ),
						'name'             => 'swp_category_limiter',
				wp_dropdown_categories( $swp_cat_dropdown_args );
			<input type="submit" class="search-submit" value="Search" />
	<?php return ob_get_clean();

add_filter( 'get_search_form', 'my_searchwp_get_search_form_with_categories_dropdown' );

This code modifies the search form on your WordPress blog, and gives users a drop down box to select their preferred category.

After the code is added you can view any of your search forms, and you’ll see that a category search drop down has been added.

Select category drop down

You also use SearchWP to customize your WooCommerce product search pages. For more details, see our guide on how to make a smart WooCommerce product search.

Method 2: Using Ivory Search to Add Search By Category Form to WordPress

Ivory Search is another popular WordPress search plugin. It’s very easy to use and helps you simply control search categories across WordPress.

First thing you need to do is install the plugin. For more details, see our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Once the plugin is activated, you’ll have a new WordPress menu item called ‘Ivory Search’.

Go to Ivory Search » Search Forms, then click the ‘Add New Search Form Button’.

Add new category search form

Now it’s time to start building your category search form.

First, give your search form a name. This name will not appear when you add the search feature to your website. It’s only for admin purposes.

Name category search form

Next, click the drop down in the ‘Post Types’ meta box. This brings up a menu to select the type of content you want to allow. You can add Posts, Pages, and Media to the search.

You can simply enable the toggle for the content types you want to allow.

Select post option for category search

After that, click the ‘Posts’ option to bring up the expanded menu. Then, turn on the ‘Search posts of only selected taxonomies’ toggle.

This allows you to select the WordPress categories you can add to search.

Choose WordPress search categories

Once you’ve selected the category or categories, click the ‘Save Form’ button.

Now, under your search form title, copy the shortcode and paste it into a text file.

Copy category search shortcode

This shortcode gives you the flexibility to add WordPress category search to any page, post, or widgetized area of your website.

All you have to do now is open the post, page, or widget where you want to add your category search and paste your shortcode. For more details, see our guide on how to add a shortcode in WordPress.

Add category search shortcode

After you click ‘Save’, the post or page will now have your active category search form.

You can add this shortcode to as many areas of your site as you’d like.

Category search form example

When a user searches with this form, they’ll only be able to view posts within the selected category.

In this case, visitors will only be able to view posts from the ‘Tutorials’ category.

Category search form results

If you want to create multiple different category searches, then follow the steps above to create another search form and embed the new shortcode into your site.

We hoped this article helped you add search by category in WordPress. You may also want to see our expert pick of the best WordPress plugins for businesses, and our comparison of the best email marketing services.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Search By Category in WordPress (2 Ways) appeared first on WPBeginner.