Developing a Cloud Adoption Strategy

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The value of technology in businesses and organisations cannot be underestimated, and there was nothing like the COVID-19 pandemic for us to see its value first-hand. 

Overnight, the way we interact with and operate businesses was forcefully changed forever, effectively accelerating our journey towards digitally transforming our organisations. According to a 2020 McKinsey report, companies were able to adopt digital changes 20-25 times faster than they would have anticipated.

Should You Invest in a Digital Transformation Office?

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Undertaking a digital transformation journey is easier said than done. Efforts to transform an organization often face significant challenges, including integration of legacy platforms with modern technology stacks, the skill sets required for implementation, and an organizational structure that can communicate and embrace change. According to a 2020 study by the Boston Group, 72% of digital transformations fail, falling short of their objectives, and are often met with radical consequences after. 

With so much at stake when it comes to transforming an organization, Adecco Group’s Sabine Laute suggests that a dedicated transformation office could be a viable solution.

Spelling “Equality” With IT: Addressing the Gender Gap in the Tech Industry

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Without a doubt, women are the minority in a lot of industries. From the general workforce up to the management levels, McKinsey’s “Women in the Workplace 2021” report tells us that women are still very much underrepresented in corporate America.

From their findings, white women make up 30% of the entry-level workforce while white men make up 35%. In more stark comparison, white men make up 62% of the C-Suite population while white women only make up 20%. An even wider gap was seen for women of color, making up only 17% of the entry-level workforce and a measly 4% for the C-Suite levels.