Send Time Optimization

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Did you know that email Send Time Optimization (STO) can improve the open rate by up to 93%? Awesome! Or it might only be 10%. A slightly more credible case study claims that message delivery at the right time resulted in an open rate of 55%, a click rate of 30%, and a conversion rate of 13%. I’ll take that increase any day if there’s a positive ROI. 

Optimization can be applied to any number of problems. It can be applied equally to content, where it may be to the customer’s benefit, as it can be applied to price, where optimization can deliver the maximum possible price for merchants. 

LLM: Trust, but Verify

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My most-used Gen AI trick is the summarization of web pages and documents. Combined with semantic search, summarization means I waste very little time searching for the words and ideas I need when I need them. Summarization has become so important that I now use it as I write to ensure that my key points show up in ML summaries. Unfortunately, it’s a double-edged sword: will reliance on deep learning lead to an embarrassing, expensive, or career-ending mistake because the summary missed something, or worse because the summary hallucinated? 

Fortunately, many years as a technology professional have taught me the value of risk management, and that is the topic of this article: identifying the risks of summarization and the (actually pretty easy) methods of mitigating the risks.