How-to guide for creating edge-to-edge color bars that work with a grid

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Hard-stop gradients are one of my favorite CSS tricks. Here, Marcel Moreau combines that idea with CSS grid to solve an issue that’s otherwise a pain in the butt. Say you have like a 300px right sidebar on a desktop layout with a unique background color. Easy enough. But then say you want that background color to stretch to the right edge of the browser window even though the grid itself is width-constrained. Tricker.

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Global and Component Style Settings with CSS Variables

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The title of this Sara Soueidan article speaks to me. I’m a big fan of the idea that some CSS is best applied globally, and some CSS is best applied scoped to a component. I’m less interested in how that is done and more interested in just seeing that conceptual approach used in some fashion.

Sara details an approach where components don’t have too much styling by default, but have CSS custom properties applied to them that are ready to take values should you choose to set them.

For each pattern, I’ve found myself modifying the same properties whenever I needed to use it — like the font, colors (text, background, border), box shadow, spacing, etc. So I figured it would be useful and time-saving if I created variables for those properties, define those variables in the ‘root’ of the component, and ‘pass in’ the values for these variables when I use the pattern as I need. This way I can customize or theme the component by changing the property values in one rule set, instead of having to jump between multiple ones to do so.

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Quick Tips for High Contrast Mode

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Sarah Higley has some CSS tricks up her sleeve for dealing with High Contrast Mode on Windows, which I learned is referred to as WHCM.

Here’s the first trick:

[…] if the default CSS outline property doesn’t give you the visual effect you want [in WHCM] for focus states, there’s a very simple fix. Instead of overriding default browser focus styles with outline: none, make it transparent instead: outline 3px solid transparent.

That will essentially do nothing outside of WHCM, but in WHCM, it will be a thick white border, which is a strong, good visual focus style.

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Just another +1 for subgrid

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I’d say 85% of my grid usage is in one of these two categories…

  1. I just need some pretty basic (probably equal width) columns that ends up being something like like grid-template-columns: repeat(3, minmax(0, 1fr)); to be safe.
  2. Actually doing some real layout where five minutes in I realize I’d really like subgrid.

Subgrid? It’s a nice intuitive way to have a child element on the grid inherit relevant grid lines from the parent grid.

Here’s a great recent video from Rachel Andrew covering it. Last year, we linked up her talk on the same! It’s such a clutch feature and I wish we could rely on it cross-browser. Right now, Firefox is the only one that has it. (Chrome issue, Safari issue)

In my recent video, right about at 20 minutes, I realize subgrid would make even a fairly simple layout much nicer, like removing the need for variables or resorting to magic numbers.

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Understand why CSS has no effect with the Inactive CSS rules indicator in Firefox DevTools

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It’s useful when DevTools tells you that a declaration is invalid. For example, colr: red; isn’t valid because colr isn’t a valid property. Likewise color: rd; isn’t valid because rd isn’t a valid value. For the most part, a browser’s DevTools shows the declaration as crossed out with a warning () icon. It would be nice if they went a step further to tell you which thing was wrong (or both) and suggest likely fixes, but hey, I don’t wanna look a gift horse in the mouth.

Firefox is starting to go a step further in telling you when certain declarations aren’t valid, not because of a syntax error, but because they don’t meet other qualifications. For example, I tossed a grid-column-gap: 1rem on a random <p> and I was told this in a little popup:

grid-column-gap has no effect on this element since it’s not a flex container, a grid container, or a multi-column container.

Try adding either display:grid, display:flex, or columns:2. Learn more

Well that’s awful handy.

Elijah Manor has a blog post and video digging into this a bit.

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Adding CSS to a Page via HTTP Headers

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Only Firefox supports it, but if you return a request with a header like this:

Header add Link "<style.css>;rel=stylesheet;media=all"

…that will link to that stylesheet without you having to do it in the HTML. Louis Lazaris digs into it:

[…] the only thing I can think of that could justify use for this in production is as a way to include some Firefox-only CSS, which Eric Meyer mentions as a possibility in an old post on this subject. But it’s not guaranteed to always only work in Firefox, so that’s still a problem.

Do with this what you like, but it’s extremely unlikely that this will have any use in a real project.

I appreciate some classic CSS trickery.

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On fixed elements and backgrounds

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After just playing with apsect-ratio and being pleasantly surprised at how intuitive it is, here’s an example of CSS acting unintuitively:

If you have a fixed element on your page, which means it doesn’t move when you scroll, you might realise that it no longer acts fixed if you apply a CSS filter on its nearest ancestor. Go ahead, try it on the CodePen.

This is because applying a filter on the fixed element’s immediate parent makes it becoming the containing block instead of the viewport.

Hui Jing has more to teach in there about scrolling, rendering performance, and trickery with using pseudo elements to avoid issues.

I find this kind of thing among the most challenging CSS concepts to wrap my mind around, like Block Formatting Contexts (BFCs). A BFC Is A Mini Layout In Your Layout. 🤯

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Overlapping Header with CSS Grid

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Snook shows off a classic design with an oversized header up top, and a content area that is “pulled up” into that header area. My mind goes to the same place:

Historically, I’ve done this with negative margins. The header has a height that adds a bunch of padding to the bottom and then the body gets a margin-top: -50px or whatever the design calls for.

If you match the margin and padding with a situation like this, it’s not exactly magic numbers, but it still doesn’t feel great to me beaus they’re still numbers you need to keep in sync across totally different elements.

His idea? Build it with CSS grid instead. Definitely feels much more robust.

Random coinsidence, I was reading Chen Hui Jing’s “The one in black and orange” post and the pattern showed up there as well.

(I ended up doing a video on this).

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Global CSS options with custom properties

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With a preprocessor, like Sass, building a logical “do this or don’t” setting is fairly straightforward:

$option: false;

@mixin doThing {
  @if $option {
    do-thing: yep;

.el {
  @include doThing;

Can we do that in native CSS with custom properties? Mark Otto shows that we can. It’s just a smidge different.

html {
  --component-shadow: 0 .5rem 1rem rgba(0,0,0,.1);

.component {
  box-shadow: var(--component-shadow);

<!-- override the global anywhere more specific! like
     <div class="component remove-shadow">
     <body class="remove-shadow"> -->
.remove-shadow {
  --component-shadow: none;

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A First Look at `aspect-ratio`

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Oh hey! A brand new property that affects how a box is sized! That’s a big deal. There are lots of ways already to make an aspect-ratio sized box (and I’d say this custom properties based solution is the best), but none of them are particularly intuitive and certainly not as straightforward as declaring a single property.

So, with the impending arrival of aspect-ratio (MDN, and not to be confused with the media query version), I thought I’d take a look at how it works and try to wrap my mind around it.

Shout out to Una where I first saw this and boy howdy did it strike interest in folks. Here’s me playing around a little.

Just dropping aspect-ratio on an element alone will calculate a height based on the auto width.

Without setting a width, an element will still have a natural auto width. So the height can be calculated from the Aspect ratio and the rendered width.

.el {
  aspect-ratio: 16 / 9;

If the content breaks out of the Aspect ratio, the element will still expand.

The Aspect ratio becomes ignored in that situation, which is actually nice. That’s why the pseudo-element tactic for Aspect ratios was popular, because it didn’t put us in dangerous data loss or awkward overlap territory when content got too much.

But if you want to constrain the height to the Aspect ratio, you can by adding a min-height: 0;:


If the element has either a height or width, the other is calculated from the Aspect ratio.

So aspect-ratio is basically a way of setting the other direction when you only have one.


If the element has both a height and width, aspect-ratio is ignored.

The combination of an explicit height and width is “stronger” than the Aspect ratio.

Factoring in min-* and max-*

There is always a little tension between width, min-width, and max-width (or the height versions). One of them always “wins.” It’s generally pretty intuitive.

If you set width: 100px; and min-width: 200px; then min-width will win. So, min-width is either ignored because you’re already over it, or wins. Same deal with max-width: if you set width: 100px; and max-width: 50px; then max-width will win. So, max-width is either ignored because you’re already under it, or wins.

It looks like that general intuitiveness carries on here: the min-* and max-* properties will either win or are irrelevant. And if they win, they break the aspect-ratio.

.el {
  aspect-ratio: 1 / 4;
  height: 500px;

  /* Ignored, because width is calculated to be 125px */
  /* min-width: 100px; */

  /* Wins, making the Aspect ratio 1 / 2 */
  /* min-width: 250px; */

With value functions

Aspect ratios are always most useful in fluid situations, or anytime you essentially don’t know one of the dimensions ahead of time. But even when you don’t know, you’re often putting constraints on things. Say 50% wide is cool, but you only want it to shrink as far as 200px. You might do width: max(50%, 200px);. Or constrain on both sides with clamp(200px, 50%, 400px);.

This seems to work inutitively:

.el {
  aspect-ratio: 4 / 3;
  width: clamp(200px, 50%, 400px);

But say you run into that minimum 200px, and then apply a min-width of 300px? The min-width wins. It’s still intuitive, but it gets brain-bending because of how many properties, functions, and values can be involved.

Maybe it’s helpful to think of aspect-ratio as the weakest way to size an element?

It will never beat any other sizing information out, but it will always do its sizing if there is no other information available for that dimension.

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PureCSS Gaze

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Diana Smith with another mind-bending all HTML & CSS painting.

I love that these occupy a special place on the “Should I draw this in CSS?” curve. Things like simple shapes are definitely on the “yes” side of the curve. Then there’s a large valley where things get a little too impractical to draw that way, and using some other image format (e.g. SVG) makes way more sense.

Diana’s work pulls the curve back up to the “yes” side. Not only because it’s proof that CSS can be an amazing expressionistic art tool, but also from a performance standpoint — it’s only 2 KB of HTML and 10 KB of CSS.

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Flexbox-like “just put elements in a row” with CSS grid

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It occurred to me while we were talking about flexbox and gap that one reason we sometimes reach for flexbox is to chuck some boxes in a row and space them out a little.

My brain still reaches for flexbox in that situation, and with gap, it probably will continue to do so. It’s worth noting though that grid can do the same thing in its own special way.

Like this:

.grid {
  display: grid;
  gap: 1rem;
  grid-auto-flow: column;

They all look equal width there, but that’s only because there is no content in them. With content, you’ll see the boxes start pushing on each other based on the natural width of that content. If you need to exert some control, you can always set width / min-width / max-width on the elements that fall into those columns — or, set them with grid-template-columns but without setting the actual number of columns, then letting the min-content dictate the width.

.grid {
  display: grid;
  gap: 1rem;
  grid-auto-flow: column;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(min-content, 1fr));

Flexible grids are the coolest.

Another thought… if you only want the whole grid itself to be as wide as the content (i.e. less than 100% or auto, if need be) then be aware that display: inline-grid; is a thing.

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CSS fix for 100vh in mobile WebKit

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A surprisingly common response when asking people about things they’d fix about anything in CSS, is to improve the handling of viewport units.

One thing that comes up often is how they relate to scrollbars. For example, if an element is sized to 100vw and stretches edge-to-edge, that’s fine so long as the page doesn’t have a vertical scrollbar. If it does have a vertical scrollbar, then 100vw is too wide, and the presence of that vertical scrollbar triggers a horizontal scrollbar because viewport units don’t have an elegant/optional way of handling that. So you might be hiding overflow on the body when you otherwise wouldn’t need to, for example. (Demo)

Another scenario involves mobile browsers. You might use viewport units to help you position a fixed footer along the bottom of the screen. But then browser chrome might come up (e.g. navigation, keyboard, etc), and it may cover the footer, because the mobile browser doesn’t consider anything changed about the viewport size.

Matt Smith documents this problem:

On the left, the browser navigation bar (considered browser chrome) is covering up the footer making it appear that the footer is beyond 100vh when it is not. On the right, the -webkit-fill-available property is being used rather than viewport units to fix the problem.

And a solution of sorts:

body {
  min-height: 100vh;
  /* mobile viewport bug fix */
  min-height: -webkit-fill-available;

Does this really work? […] I’ve had no problems with any of the tests I’ve run and I’m using this method in production right now. But I did receive a number of responses to my tweet pointing to other possible problems with using this (the effects of rotating devices, Chrome not completely ignoring the property, etc.)

It would be better to get some real cross-browser solution for this someday, but I don’t see any issues using this as an improvement. It’s weird to use a vendor-prefixed property as a progressive enhancement, but hey, the world is weird.

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Why does writing matter in remote work?

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Talk to anyone who has an active blog and I bet they’ll tell you it’s been valuable to them. Maybe it’s opened doors. Maybe it’s got them a job. Maybe it’s got them a conference invite. Maybe they just like the thrill of knowing people have read and responded to it. Maybe they learned a lot through its creation and maintenance.

Khoi Vinh said:

It’s hard to overstate how important my blog has been, but if I were to try to distill it down into one word, it would be: “amplifier.”

But what about other kinds of writing? Just day to day writing? Is that important for web workers? “Especially now”?

Tim Casasola:

In remote work, we communicate primarily through writing. We send messages in Slack. We document projects in Notion. We send meeting invites with a written description of the purpose. We’re writing all the time.

It’s just so damn important for team work of any kind, particularly when you aren’t next to each other physically.

While writing forces people to think clearly, writing also forces teams to think clearly. In my experience, having a clearly written thing makes it easy for folks to collaborate with me. This is because people naturally enjoy poking holes in arguments, adding points that were missed, or mentioning any risks that weren’t taken into account. I’ve found it helpful to use this human tendency to my advantage. Extra opinions and poked holes are hard to surface if you didn’t write something in the first place.

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I’m getting back to making videos

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It’s probably one part coronavirus, one part new-fancy-video setup, and one part “hey this is good for CodePen too,” but I’ve been doing more videos lately. It’s nice to be back in the swing of that for a minute. There’s something fun about coming back to an old familiar workflow.

Where do the videos get published? I’m a publish-on-your-own site kinda guy, as I’m sure you know, so there is a whole Videos section of this site where every video we’ve ever published lives. There is also a YouTube channel, of course, which is probably the most practical way for most people to subscribe. We’re about halfway to Wes Bos-level, so let’s go people!

I had literally forgotten about it, but ages ago when I set this up, I created a special RSS feed for the videos so I could submit it as a video podcast on iTunes. That’s all still there and working! An interesting side note is that this enables offline viewing, as most podcatchers can cache subscriptions. Why build an app when you get the core ability for free, right?

I keep the original videos, of course. On individual video pages, I show a YouTube player that could be somewhat easily swapped out for another player if something crazy happened, like YouTube closes down or drastically changed their business model in some way that makes it problematic to show videos with their player. The originals are stored in an S3 bucket. If you’re an MVP Supporter, I give you the original high-quality download link right on the video pages.

If your curious about my workflow, I’m still using ScreenFlow. I don’t make nearly enough use of it, but it feels good in that it’s fairly easy to use, very reliable and fast, and I can always learn and do more with it. Shooting my screen is easy and a built-in feature of ScreenFlow of course. I also have a Rode Podcaster on a boom arm at my desk so the audio is passable. And I just went through a whole process to use a DSLR camera at my desk too, and I think the quality from that is great. It’s all a little funny because I have this whole sound recording booth as well, with a $1,000 audio setup in there, but I only use that for podcasting. The lighting sucks in there, making it no good for video.

It’s this new desk setup that has inspired me to do more video, and I suspect it will continue! One thing I could really use is a new high quality intro video. Just like a five-second thing with refreshed aesthetics. Anyone do that kind of work?

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`lh` and `rlh` units

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There’s some new units I was totally unaware of from the Level 4 spec for CSS values! The lh unit is “equal to the computed value of line-height” and rlh is the same only of the root element (probably the <html> element) rather than the current element.

Why would that be useful? Šime Vidas’ has a strong point:

“Vertical Inline Centering” of an icon
.inline-icon {
  display: inline-block;
  width: 1lh;
  height: 1lh;

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[David Baron’s] Thoughts on an implementable path forward for Container Queries

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That’s the title of a public post from David Baron, a Principal Engineer at Firefox, with thoughts toward container queries. I know a lot of people have been holding their breath waiting for David’s ideas, as he’s one of few uniquely qualified to understand the ins and outs of this and speak to implementation possibility.

We’re still in the early stages of container queries. Every web designer and developer wants them, the browsers know it, but it’s a super complicated situation. It was very encouraging in February 2020 to hear positive signals about a possible switch-statement syntax that would give us access to an available-inline-size used to conditionally set individual values.

Now we’re seeing a second idea that is also in the realm of the possible.

This ideas uses an @rule instead for the syntax. From the document:

@container <selector> (<container-media-query>)? {
  // ... rules ...

So I’m imagining it like:

.parent {
  contain: layout inline-size;
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 100%;
  gap: 1rem;
@container .parent (min-width: 400px) {
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;

  .child::before {
     content: "Hello from container query land!";


  1. I’m not sure if you’d have to repeat the selector inside as well? Or if dropping property/value pairs in there automatically applies to the selector in the @rule.
  2. David says, “The rules can match only that container’s descendants. Probably we’d need support for some properties applying to the container itself, but others definitely can’t.” I’d hope grid properties are a strong contender for something you can change, but I have no idea. Otherwise, I think we’d see people wrapping elements with <div class="container-query"> to get around the “only descendants” limit.

Containment seems to be a very important part of this. Like, if the element isn’t property contained, the container query just won’t work. I don’t know that much about containment, but Rachel has a great deep dive from late last year.

Again, this is super early days, I’m just having fun watching this and none of us really have any idea what will actually make it to browsers.

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