“41% of all code on GitHub right now is AI generated.”


This just in from an AI researcher.

Given the impact GenAI has had, it's been odd to see how unwelcome discussions about GenAI are here and other places.
Then again, it is an existential threat to new and old programmers that don't add these new tools to their repertoire or skill set.

Also, AI/ML has created no end of angst in Hollywood. Last month a company that makes audiobooks reduced its workforce because the AI tool to make audiobooks costs 20USD a month. Everyday voice actors at this point are going to have a rough time going forward except for the big names.

I have stories about the use of AI/ML/GenAI in the circles I run. All use has resulted in higher productivity. Which is good for the company, not so much everyone else.

Google as a tool to search for information is getting worse.

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I f***ing hate Google anymore. 5 years ago you would have searched that and found a definite answer and guide on how to find your password. I'm gonna guess you got a bunch of poorly written articles from strange websites that weren't actually helpful?

I'm not the only one seeing Google's decline as a search engine or place to find information.
Not to pull any punches here, ChatGPT is blowing up the idea you go to ye olde link purveyor along with Reddit doing what they do as well.

The fallout from this is enormous as it threatens to tear up the ideas of SEO and ranking. Why bother with a google search when you have alternatives? Yes I've read where humans, AI, Reddit can get it wrong but Google has been moving away from being a good way of finding information for over a decade.

If there's anything good about ChatGPT is that it has the Google founder's attention as a credible threat and they are back at work.
Too bad their first reveal (Google Bard) was a flop.

How do I delete duplicates on the Daniweb front page?

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The front page seems to fill with duplicates. I'll paste what I'm seeing but here I am again finding the front page a place that I only check out to see if there's been any change for the better. Today, it's a reminder why I don't go there.

After watching “The Social Dilemma” it appears to be successful you must..

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Watched most of The Social Dilemma ( https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11464826/ ) it appears to me to be successful you must learn certain, let's say, deep physcology and think about how to sway your followers using all the tools noted in the movie. This is a drama documentary but what you see there does remind me of what methods I've seen before.

Yes, they do paint a dim picture but if you don't, your site and presence on the web appears to be diminishing.

Worth a watch.

Comment if you feel that pull to "The Dark Side."