Navigating the PAM Landscape: Overcoming Deployment Barriers for Modern Security

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Privileged access management (PAM) is critical for securing sensitive systems and data, especially with remote work's expanded attack surface. However, recent research by Keeper Security reveals significant barriers still inhibit broad PAM adoption. Cost and complexity top the list of challenges.

A survey of 400 IT and security leaders found 58% have not deployed PAM because it was too expensive. And 56% attempted PAM deployment but failed to fully implement due to excessive complexity. This indicates an appetite for robust PAM, but solutions remain out of reach for many.

How TIBCO Is Evolving Integration for the Multi-Cloud Era

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TIBCO recently held its annual TIBCO NEXT conference, outlining its product roadmap and strategy for modernizing its pioneering integration and analytics platform. As a trusted integration anchor for over 25 years, TIBCO aims to simplify connecting systems and data across today's complex hybrid technology landscapes.

Several key themes indicate how TIBCO is adapting to emerging needs:

Oktane 2023: Okta Unveils New Identity Innovations To Secure the AI Era

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At Oktane 23, Okta’s annual flagship conference, CEO Todd McKinnon and other executives introduced one of the company’s most ambitious identity and access management (IAM) roadmaps to date during the keynote Go Beyond with AI and Identity.

With pressures in the macro environment, new waves of technology like AI, and an ever-changing threat landscape, organizations today are tasked with more challenges and opportunities than ever before. Okta aims to help companies tackle these demands and thrive amidst the complexities of tomorrow.

Embracing the Constantly Evolving World of Technology

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The rapidly evolving world of technology demands constant creativity, innovation, and adaptation from professionals in the field. At Oktane 2023, Okta's user conference, world-renowned chef and humanitarian Jose Andres delivered an inspirational keynote speech highlighting valuable lessons for developers, engineers, and architects on driving innovation in their work.

Andres is an award-winning chef and restaurateur known for his creative cuisine and trailblazing restaurants. But beyond his culinary fame, Andres is also a prominent humanitarian and founder of the non-profit World Central Kitchen, which provides nourishing meals to communities in need after disasters around the world.

Ransomware: An Existential Threat Demanding Urgent Action

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Ransomware continues to pose a serious and growing threat to organizations of all sizes and across all industries. According to a new research report from Zerto and Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG), nearly two-thirds of IT and cybersecurity professionals view ransomware as one of the top three most serious threats to the viability of their organization. With AI-driven attacks becoming more frequent and sophisticated, organizations must take action now to improve ransomware preparedness and mitigate risks.

Ransomware Prevalence and Impacts

The ESG survey of 600 IT and cybersecurity professionals reveals troubling statistics about the prevalence of ransomware and its impacts. 

How to Build Accountability In Your Team

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Imagine you've built a team of people who are all-stars at their individual roles. Every one of them is exceptional and has the potential to become a leader at another company. But they won’t because they don’t have accountability on their team. 

If you’re reading this, it means you’re the team leader or aspire to be one someday. You understand that teams are responsible for their outputs, not just their inputs. You know that to build your team and its effectiveness, you need to create a culture where people take ownership of their performance, and working together as a unit is more important than competing against each other for personal gain.