Infection Method: Domain Takeover

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A domain takeover is a cyberattack when an attacker gains control of a domain name owned by another person or organization. This can have severe consequences as the attacker can use the domain for malicious purposes, such as spreading malware, phishing, or taking control of a company's online presence.

Below, we will look at different ways in which such a takeover can take place:

EclipseStore: Storing More Complex Data Structures

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In the first part of my series, I showed how to prepare EclipseStore for use in a project. We also initialized the StorageManager and saved, modified, and deleted the first data. But what about more complex structures? Can you use inheritance? To do this, we will now create a small class model.

First, let's look at what inheritance looks like. To do this, we take an interface called BaseInterfaceA, an implementation BaseClassA and a derivative LevelOneA. We will now try to save this and see how it behaves depending on the input when saving.