What Are Network Operation Centers (NOCs) and How Do NOC Teams Work?

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Modern-day markets are highly competitive, and in order to foster stronger customer relations, we see businesses striving hard to be always available and operational. Hence, businesses invest heavily to ensure higher uptime and to have dedicated teams that constantly monitor the performance of an organization’s IT resources. In this article, we will explore what NOC teams are and why they are important.

The following pointers are covered in this article:

Classifying Severity Levels for Your Organization

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Incident severity levels and priority are invaluable to solving infrastructural problems faster. This blog helps you understand levels of severity and how they can enhance your incident response process.

Major outages are bound to occur in even the most well-maintained infrastructure and systems. Being able to quickly classify the severity level also allows your on-call team to respond more effectively. 

Anti-Patterns in Incident Response That You Should Unlearn

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It is important to invest time and effort in understanding why a system performs the way it does and how we can improve it. Companies continue with practices that yield successful results but ignoring anti-patterns can be far worse than choosing rigid processes. In this article, we will explore anti-patterns in incident response and why you should unlearn those.

Common Anti-Patterns in Incident Response 

Just Get Everyone on the Call 

Alerting everyone each time an incident is detected is not the best of practices. Sometimes notifying everyone is easier or adds value. For example:

Tips to Make Your Retrospectives Meaningful

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If done right, retrospectives can help you inspect past actions, help adapt to future requirements and guide teams towards continuous improvement. However, organizations find it difficult to adopt the right mindset to execute retrospectives effectively. This article will help you understand what retrospectives are and provide valuable tips to make your retrospectives meaningful.

This article will cover: 

Traditional vs. Modern Incident Response

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What Is Incident Response?

An incident is an event (network outage, system failure, data breach, etc.) that can lead to loss of, or disruption to, an organization's operations, services or functions. Incident Response is an organization’s effort to detect, analyze, and correct the hazards caused due to an incident. In the most common cases, when an incident response is mentioned, it usually relates to security incidents. Sometimes incident response and incident management are more or less used interchangeably.

However, an incident can be of any nature, it doesn’t have to be tied to security, for example: