How to Prioritize Integrations for Your B2B SaaS Product

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One of the most frequent integration questions we hear from SaaS teams is, "Which integrations should we build first?"

This question often arises as they start with our embedded integration platform (since it substantially increases how quickly they can launch new integrations). Still, it's relevant no matter how you build integrations to the other products your customers use.

Anatomy of a Webhook HTTP Request

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An HTTP message is a common means by which two systems, usually a server and a client, exchange data. We typically refer to each HTTP message as an HTTP request or an HTTP response.

Webhook HTTP requests are a specific subset of HTTP requests which transfer data between systems based on events in those systems. Webhooks are used with many event-driven integrations.

How to Secure Webhook Endpoints With HMAC

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Webhooks are ubiquitous in SaaS integrations, and there’s a good reason for that. They are a simple and speedy way to transfer data via HTTP callbacks between systems based on changes to data in those systems. 

In this post, we’ll describe the recommended approach. But first, let’s lay some groundwork.