Hello. I’m Niun

Category Image 052

Hello. I'm Niun. No joke, this is how they call me IRL :x

I got into web developing arround 5 months ago, and currently am trying to learn React.js

I just finished (i hope i finished) my first project, and i think it is pretty much what i wanted it to be. I have been working on optimisation of the site and ,ofcoure, SEO.
multiple sources including google say that Text to HTML ratio should be 7:3 or similar which is difficult to achieve given the nature of my website, so i ended up adding a bunch of useless text at the bottom of each page, because in google it says that hiding the text with css rules will get me penalised.

The website covers mobile gaming, more specifically mobile MMO, MMORPG and Multiplayer Online games.
I was wondering if hiding this much text would be a 100% penalisation from google, or should i keep it there like that?
this is the site https://www.teletappie.com/

The topic of the site is not original and competition fot it is rather big but, my main purpose is creating a gamelist ( https://www.teletappie.com/Gamelist ) where all of the mobile games that have some multiplayer function would be sorted, and the user could easily and quickly get the suggestion.