Do backlinks to disallowed URLs help the domain overall?

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I do realize that backlinks to URLs disallowed via robots.txt do still have whatever Google's modern version of pagerank is. Depending upon how many incoming backlinks there are, even if Google can't crawl a URL, it might use those external signals to still rank the URL in the search results (albeit with no page title or description).

My question, however, is whether the domain overall is helped? I suspect URLs that are unable to be crawled can't spread pagerank to other pages. By any chance does the domain root get a little lift up? Or does that pagerank completely evaporate at the URL level?

Improve HAVING BY performance

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What are some ways to improve MySQL performance on queries against large tables that include the HAVING BY clause. It's my understanding that anything in there doesn't benefit from table indexes.

AdSense says I’m not using a Google-certified GDPR message but I am

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For some context, I use Google Ad Manager for all display ads on my site. Within the Privacy & Messaging section of Ad Manager, I have GDPR messages enabled for my entire domain. The message is published and the reporting stats indicate a sizable usage.

Additionally, various ad units have the option enabled to "Maximize revenue of unsold inventory with AdSense". As such, I have a Google AdSense account that earns revenue.

However, when I log into said AdSense account, I am confronted with the following message:

You're not currently using a Google-certified GDPR message to collect consent for GDPR, which means your site/s will stop showing AdSense ads and receiving revenue in the EEA and the UK on January 16, 2024.

I do not have any AdSense tags directly installed anywhere on my domain. There should be no AdSense impressions that were not loaded through Ad Manager, and, subsequently, no EU-based AdSense impressions that loaded without Ad Manager passing them through its GDPR alert.

Additionally, the Access and authorization > Third parties section of Google AdSense shows that its connection to my Ad Manager account is active.

What can I do to ensure that AdSense continues to work in 2024?

Regex to match word one or more times in a string


I'm really bad with regex. For the purposes of URI rewriting, I'm trying to figure out how to match a word one or more times in a string.

For example, I want to do something like:

string/string/string/foo/bar => foo/bar
string/string/bazbat => bazbat

Currently I have:

^string/(.*)$ => $1

and that works, but I want to make string/ work for one or more times, not just once.

Which social network when?

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When is it appropriate to use which social network to promote your business in your feed? I am active on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. If I have something to share about my business, do I cross-post on all three? Is it common for social networking content managers to use the same feed for all?

Average response time jump

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On Tuesday, November 15th, the average response time (ms) in the Crawl stats section of my Google Search Console skyrocketed. It's been slowly coming back down since, but I was wondering if something changed outside my control that may have caused this anomaly. I'm still working on getting to the bottom of it, and was just curious if anyone else has experienced the same thing around the same time?

ChatGPT to answer Question Hub

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As you may know, Google Question Hub lets you type in keywords or topics you wish to write about on your site, and you're presented with a list of questions that Google wants to encourage you to write about. For example, I typed in PHP and was presented with questions such as:

  • What is shell script in PHP?
  • Where to test PHP code?
  • How to make PHP work?

I assume that these are search queries that a non-negligible number of people searched for on Google, and Google detected the content that exists out there for them to be sub-par. Therefore, they want to encourage high quality writers to provide better content so they can provide better results for their searchers.

As of January 5th of this upcoming year (just a few short weeks away), Question Hub will end and instead be migrated into Google Search Console as an experimental feature named "Content ideas". It's yet to be determined if this is going to happen for all search console users, or just certain ones (perhaps ones who have consistently demonstrated a history of high quality content on their site?)

Either way, it got me thinking with the recent popularity of ChatGPT. Imagine just how easy it would be to plop each of these Google-sourced questions straight into the popular A.I. content creator. If there's no existing quality content answering these questions already that Google could find, imagine ChatGPT taking a go of it. It's probably one of the reasons that Google is announcing all ChatGPT content is against their search quality guidelines.

Mastodon vs. Twitter

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I'm not understanding the recent obsession with companies switching their social presence from Twitter to Mastodon. Whatever you think of Elon Musk, how does that affect someone's day to day use of Twitter? Mastodon looks to me, at least at the surface, as just a Twitter clone. What am I missing?

rel=”ugc” vs rel=”ugc,nofollow”

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According to this page we switched links within our forum posts from using rel="nofollow" to rel="ugc". However, Do you think that it makes sense to use rel="nofollow,ugc", or is the nofollow part already implied? Does anyone have any anecdotal evidence as to whether they've noticed a real world difference between the two?

Signed Exchanges recommended cache TTL

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According to this page, Google requires "as a rule of thumb" that the SXG expiration date is less than 1 day in the future if the content is JS, or otherwise 7 days in the future.

My external Javascript files are immutable. Why should they have a 1 day cache life? Currently I am doing something similar to max-age=3600, s-maxage=604800 for HTML files, and a flat max-age=2592000 for JS.

Is this not ideal?

Noindex RSS feeds?

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Has anyone ever come across any authoritative statement from Google on their official position of whether RSS feeds should be noindexed or not?

What is Education Q&A?

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Search Appearance in Google Search Console performance report shows a line item "Education Q&A".

Does anyone know how this differs from "Q&A rich results"?

Education Q&A has a really good search position compared to Q&A rich results, which is the majority of our pages.

When I look at top pages, I'm not really seeing a big distinction that would make them stick out as specifically education-related.