Celebrating the Trailblazers: International Women in Engineering Day 2024

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As we approach International Women in Engineering Day on June 23, 2024, we must recognize women's remarkable achievements and invaluable contributions to engineering. 

This global awareness campaign, celebrated annually, aims to highlight the accomplishments of women engineers and encourage more women to pursue careers in this dynamic and impactful industry. In this article, we bring together the insights and experiences of several exceptional women in technology who share their thoughts on the significance of this day and the importance of promoting diversity in the tech industry.

Solix Empowers the Data-Driven Enterprise With Comprehensive Data Management and Integration Solutions

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Solix, a leading provider of data management and integration solutions, recently presented to the 54th IT Press Tour, sharing insights into how their solutions can help developers, engineers, and architects organize enterprise data and optimize infrastructure. With a mission "to organize the world's enterprise information with optimized infrastructure, data security, analytics, and AI," Solix focuses on enabling the data-driven enterprise.

Founded in 2002 and headquartered in Santa Clara, CA, Solix has grown to 350 employees worldwide. As Executive Chairman John Ottman explained, "Almost everything we've been able to accomplish is a function of working with customers on projects. All of our products are pretty much developed that way. We like to engage with our customers on a very collaborative basis."

A Revolutionary Cold Storage Solution for the Data Era

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We are generating more data every day than ever before. By 2025, it's estimated that 463 exabytes of data will be created each day globally – that's the equivalent of 212,765,957 DVDs. Much of this data is "cold data"; rarely accessed after being stored, yet still needing to be retained for the long term. Managing cold data is becoming a rising challenge as the world's data generation grows exponentially. 

Traditional storage media like magnetic tape and hard disk drives struggle to provide the longevity, capacity, accessibility, and affordability needed for sustainable cold data storage. But one startup has developed an innovative solution that could be the answer.