Close, Exit, Cancel: How to End User Interactions Well

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What’s in a word? Actions. In the realm of user interfaces, a word is construed as the telltale of a control’s action. Sometimes it points us in the correct direction, and sometimes it leads us astray. We talk a lot about semantics in front-end web development, but outside of code, semantics are at the heart of copywriting where each word we convey can mean different things to different people. Words, if done right, add clarity and direction.

As a web user, I’ve come across words in user interfaces that have misled me. And not necessarily by design, either. Some words are synonymous with others and their true meaning depends entirely on context. Some words are easy to mistake for an unintended meaning because they are packed with so much meaning. A word might belong to a fellowship of interchangeable words.

Although I’m quite riled up when I misread content on a page — upset at the lack of clarity more than anything — as a developer, I can’t say I’ve always chosen the best possible words or combination of words for all the user interfaces I’ve ever made. But experience, both as a user and a developer, has elevated my commonsense when it comes to some of the literary choices I make while coding.

This article covers the words I choose for endings, to help users move away, and move on, without any confusion from the current process they are at on the screen. I went down this rabbit hole because I often find that ending something can mean many things — whether it be canceling an action, quitting an application, closing an element, navigating back, exiting a chat interaction… You get the idea. There are many ways to say that something is done, complete, and ready to move on to something else. I want to add clarity to that.

Screenshots of “ending” controls and navigation from Google Cloud,, and New York Times

Getting Canceled

If there’s a Hall of Fame for button labels, this is the Babe Ruth of them all. “Cancel” is a widely used word to indicate an action that ends something. Cancel is a sharp, tenacious action. The person wants to bail on some process that didn’t go the way they expected it to. Maybe the page reveals a form that the person didn’t realize would be so long, so they want to back off. It could be something you have no control over whatsoever, like that person realizing they do not have their credit card information handy during checkout and they have to come back another time.

Cancel can feel personal at times, right? Don’t like the shipping costs calculated at checkout? Cancel the payment. Don’t like the newsletter? Cancel The Subscription. But really, the person only wants to undo an incorrect action or decision leaving no trace of it behind in favor of a clean slate to try again… or not.

The only times I feel betrayed by the word cancel is when the process I’m trying to end continues anyway. That comes up most when submitting forms with incorrect information. I enter something inadvertently, hit a big red Cancel button, yet the information I’ve “saved” persists to the extent that I either need to contact customer support or start looking for alternatives.

That’s the bottom line: Use “cancel” as an opportunity to confirm. It’s the person telling you, “Hey, that’s not actually what I meant to do,” and you get to step in and be the hero to wipe the mistake clean and set things up for a second chance. We’re not technically “ending” anything but rather starting clean and picking things back up for a better go. Think about that the next time you find yourself needing a label that encourages the user to try again. You might even consider synonyms that are less closely associated with closed endings, such as reset or retry.

“Cancel Subscription” mock-up

Quitting or Exiting?

Quit window, quit tab, quit app — now we’re talking about finality. When we “quit” or “exit” something, we’re changing course. We’ve made progress in one direction and decide it’s time to chart a different path. If we’re thinking about it in terms of freeway traffic, you might say that “quitting” is akin to pulling over and killing the engine, and “exiting” is taking leaving the freeway for another road. There’s a difference, although the two terms are closely related.

As far as we’re concerned as developers, quit and exit are hard stop points in an application. It’s been put to rest. Nothing else beyond this should be possible except its rebirth when the service is restarted or reopened. So, if your page is capable of nuking the current experience and the user takes it, then quit is the better label to make that point. We’re quitting and have no plans to restart or re-engage. If you were to “quit” your job, it’s not like your employer is expecting you to report for duty on Monday… or any other day for that matter.

But here’s my general advice about the word quit: only use it if you have to. I see very few use cases where we actually want to offer someone a true way to quit something. It’s so effective at conveying finality in web interfaces that it shuts the door on any future actions. For instance, I find that cancel often works in its place. And, personally, I find that saying “cancel payment” is more widely applicable. It’s softer and less rigid in the sense that it leaves the possibility to resume a process down the road.

Quit is also a simple process. Just clear everything and be gone. But if quitting means the user might lose some valuable data or progress, then that’s something they have to be warned about. In that case, exit and save may be better guidance.

I consider Exit the gentler twin of Quit. I prefer Quit just for the ultimatum of it. I see Exit used less frequently in interfaces than I see Quit. In rare cases, I might see Exit used specifically because of its softer nature to Quit even though “quitting” is the correct semantic choice given that the user really wants to wipe things clean and the assurance that nothing is left behind. Sometimes a “tougher” term is more reassuring.

Exit, however, is an excellent choice for actions that represent the end of human-to-human interactions — things like Exit Group, Exit Chat, Exit Streaming, Exit Class. If this person is kindly saying goodbye to someone or something but open to future interactions, allow them to exit when they’re done. They’re not quitting anything and we aren’t shoving them out the door.

“Exit Class” mock-up

Going Back (and Forth)

Let’s talk about navigation. That’s the way we describe moving around the internet. We navigate from one place to another, to another, to another, and so on. It’s a journey of putting one digital foot in front of the other on the way to somewhere. That journey comes to an end when we get to our destination… or when we “quit” or “exit” the journey as we discussed above.

But the journey may take twists and turns. Not all movement is linear on the web. That’s why we often leave breadcrumbs in interfaces, right? It’s wayfinding on the web and provides people with a way to go “back” where they came from. Maybe that person forgot a step and needs to head back in order to move forward again.

In other words, back displaces people — laterally and hierarchically. Laterally, back (and its synonym, previous), backtracks across the same level in a process, for instance, between two sections of the same form, or two pages of the same document. Hierarchically, back — not to mention more explicit variants like “home” — is a level above that in the navigation hierarchy.

I like the explicit nature of saying something like “Home” when it comes to navigating someone “back” to a location or state. There’s no ambiguity there: hey, let’s go back home. Being explicit opens you up to more verbose labels but brevity isn’t always the goal. Even in iconography, adding more detail to a visual can help add clarity. The same is true with content in user interfaces. My favorite example is the classic “Back to Top” button on many pages that navigate you to the “top” of the page. We’re going “back to the top” which would not have been clear if we had used “Back” alone. Back where? That’s an important question — particularly when working with in-page anchors — and the answer may not be as obvious to others as it is to you. Communicating that level of hierarchy explicitly is a navigational feature.

While the “Back to Top” example I gave is a better illustration of lateral displacement than hierarchical displacement, I tend to avoid the label back with any sort of lateral navigation because moving laterally typically involves navigating between states more than navigating between pages. For example, the user may be navigating from a “logged in” state to a “logged out” state. In this case, I prefer being even more explicit — e.g., Save and Go Back, or Cancel and Go Home — than hierarchical navigation because we’re changing states on top of moving away from something.

Navigation mock-up

Closing Down

Close is yet another term you’ll find in the wild for conveying the “end” of something. It’s quite similar to Back in the sense that it serves dual purposes. It can be for navigation — close the current page and go back — or it can be for canceling an action — close the current page, and either discard or save all the data entered so far.

I prefer Close for neither of those cases. If we’re in the context of navigation, I like the clarity of the more explicit guidance we discussed above, e.g., Go Back, Previous, or Go Home. Giving someone an instruction to Close doesn’t say where that person is going to land once navigating away from the current page. And if we’re dealing with actions, Save and Close affirms the person that their data will be saved, rather than simply “closing” it out. If we were to simply say “cancel” instead, the insinuation is that the user is quitting the action and can expect to lose their work.

The one time I do feel that “Close” is the ideal label is working with pop-up dialogues and modals. Placing “Close” at the top-right (or the block-start, inline-end edge if we’re talking logical directions) corner is more than clear enough about what happens to the pop-up or modal when clicking it. We can afford to be a little less explicit with our semantics when someone’s focus is trapped in a specific context.

The End.

I’ve saved the best for last, right? There’s no better way to connote an ending than simply calling it the “end”. It works well when we pair it with what’s ending.

End Chat. End Stream. End Webinar.

You’re terminating an established connection, not with a process, but with a human. And this is not some abrupt termination like Quit or Cancel. It’s more of a proper goodbye. Consider it also a synonym to Exit because the person ending the interaction may simply be taking a break. They’re not necessarily quitting something for good. Let’s leave the light on the front patio for them to return later and pick things back up..

And speaking of end, we’ve reached the end of this article. That’s the tricky, but liberating, thing about content semantics — some words may technically be correct but still mislead site visitors. It’s not that we’re ever trying to give someone bad directions, but it can still happen because this is a world where there are many ways of saying the same thing. Our goal is to be unambiguous and the milestone is clarity. Settling on the right word or combination of words takes effort. Anyone who has struggled with naming things in code knows about this. It’s the same for naming things outside of code.

I did not make an attempt to cover each and every word or way to convey endings. The point is that our words matter and we have all the choice and freedom in the world to find the best fit. But maybe you’ve recently run into a situation where you needed to “end” something and communicate that in an interface. Did you rely on something definitive and permanent (e.g. quit) or did you find that softer language (e.g. exit) was the better direction? What other synonyms did you consider? I’d love to know!

End Article.

Close, Exit, Cancel: How to End User Interactions Well originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

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Essential Steps for Building a Mobile App for Your Brand

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Having a mobile app for your brand has become a necessity. A well-designed app can improve customer engagement, brand loyalty, and provide a competitive edge in your industry. Whether you’re a small business owner or a marketer in a large corporation, building an app can seem scary. However, by following a structured approach, you can create an app that not only meets your needs but also delights your users.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the essential steps to build a mobile app for your brand.

1. Define Your Goals

Define Your Goals

Before you get into the technical aspects, take a moment to define the purpose of your app. Ask yourself:

  • What problem does my app solve?
  • Who is my target audience?
  • What features will my users find most valuable?

Clearly outlining your goals will help you stay focused throughout the development process and guide decisions about design and functionality.

2. Research Your Market

Research Your Market

Understanding your competition and market trends is crucial. Analyze existing apps in your niche to identify strengths and weaknesses. Look for opportunities where your app can stand out. Conduct surveys or interviews with potential users to gather insights into their preferences and pain points. This research will inform your app’s features and design.

If you’re targeting a global audience, you will want to conduct surveys that include as wide a range of customers as possible. In that case, using VPN for Chrome will help you reach worldwide customers and secure the data you collect through surveys and interviews.

3. Create a Wireframe

Create a Wireframe

A wireframe is a blueprint of your app, showcasing its layout and navigation. This step lets you visualize the user experience without getting bogged down in design details. Use simple tools to create wireframes that outline each screen and how users will interact with your app. Focus on the flow from one screen to another, ensuring it’s intuitive and user-friendly.

4. Design the User Interface (UI)

Design the User Interface

Once you have a wireframe, it’s time to bring your app to life with a user-friendly design. Choose a color scheme, typography, and icons that align with your brand identity. Tools like Adobe XD or Figma can help you design stunning interfaces. Keep the following design principles in mind:

Simplicity : A clean and straightforward design helps users navigate easily.

Consistency : Use the same styles and elements throughout the app for a cohesive look.

Feedback : Provide visual feedback for user actions (like button presses) to enhance the experience.

5. Develop the App

 Develop the App

At this stage, you can either code the app yourself or hire a developer. If you’re not tech-savvy, consider using app builders like Appy Pie or Adalo, which allow you to create apps without extensive coding knowledge. If you choose to hire a developer, ensure they understand your vision and requirements.

6. Test Your App

Testing is a critical phase in the app development process. It helps you identify bugs and usability issues before launching. Conduct various tests, including:

Functionality Testing : Ensure all features work as intended.

Usability Testing : Gather feedback from real users to identify areas for improvement.

Performance Testing : Check the app’s speed and responsiveness on different devices.

7. Launch Your App

Once you’re satisfied with the app’s performance, it’s time to launch it on app stores. Prepare a marketing strategy to promote your app using social media, email newsletters, and your website. Engaging visuals and clear descriptions in the app store will attract potential users.

8. Gather Feedback and Iterate

After launching your app, encourage users to provide feedback. Monitor reviews and analytics to understand user behavior. Use this information to make improvements in future updates. Continuous iteration is key to keeping your app relevant and engaging.

Remember, this process takes time, so be patient and open to learning along the way. With dedication and the right approach, your app can become a powerful tool for connecting with customers and improving your brand’s presence in the digital space.

The post Essential Steps for Building a Mobile App for Your Brand appeared first on CSS Author.

55+ Best After Effects Slideshow Templates 2024

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Adobe After Effects is one of the most popular and effective tools for making attractive motion graphics. With the ability to use pre-made templates, After Effects can be a powerful tool even at the hands of a beginner.

Especially when making wedding photo album videos, presentations, and promotional campaigns, After Effects is quite useful in turning ordinary photos and videos into gorgeously animated slideshows.

To help you find inspiration, we handpicked a collection of After Effects slideshow templates you can use to easily make professional motion graphics without an effort.

All you have to do is edit the template and drop the images into the placeholders.

Top Pick

Urban Melodic Slideshow Template

Urban Melodic Slideshow Template

This After Effects slideshow template features a beautifully minimalist design that allows you to create modern and elegant slideshow videos for all kinds of creative projects, startups, businesses, and more.

The template is easily customizable and features stylish melodic animations that will make your videos more entertaining to watch.

Why This Is A Top Pick

The multipurpose and minimal design of this After Effects template allows you to create various types of slideshows with ease. The melodic transitions and the creative effects also add more value to the template.

Modern Photo Slideshow for After Effects

This After Effects template is a stunningly contemporary design ideal for assembling your photo slideshows. It brings together visual expertise and cutting-edge effects to present your images in the most captivating manner, effortlessly transforming ordinary photo collections into visually gripping masterpieces.

Modern Collages After Effects Slideshow

A creative After Effects slideshow template that levels up your photo presentations. With a collage-style layout, this After Effects slideshow template allows you to weave together multiple images in a visually captivating manner. It’s perfect for an engaging display of personal, professional, or event photos.

Handmade Paper Slides for After Effects

Explore the timeless beauty of simplicity with this creative paper-style After Effects slideshow template. This template allows you to forge paper-style slideshows, providing an organic and artistic touch to your digital creations. It’s a fantastic solution for adding unique personality and depth to your visual presentations, videos, and more.

Happy Halloween Slideshow for After Effects

This is a unique template designed for creating striking Halloween-themed promotional slideshows. This aesthetically engaging asset allows you to unleash your creativity and carve out an unforgettable visual experience for your audience. It’s a brilliant resource that saves time without compromising on quality and effect.

Fashion Sale After Effects Slideshow

A brilliantly designed After Effects slideshow template ideal for showcasing fashion sale promos. Its engaging visual effects and smooth transitions ensure an appealing user journey, making it a valuable resource for retailers wanting to add some creative flair to their promotional pursuits.

Split Screen Instagram Slideshow for After Effects

This is an innovative After Effects slideshow template designed to energize your Instagram videos. It employs a multi-frame layout that allows you to share multiple visuals simultaneously, creating a vibrant, dynamic, and engaging viewer experience. This template is an excellent tool to make your Instagram content stand out.

Colorful Fashion – After Effects Slideshow Template

bright colorful fashion-adobe-after-effects-template

This stylish After Effects slideshow template is specially designed for showcasing fashion and apparel design photos. It comes with vibrant and colorful designs that make your photos look like pages out of a fashion magazine.

Chrono Corporation – After Effects Slideshow Template


Chrono is a professionally designed After Effects slideshow template you can use to create company profile, startup pitch, and other videos related to business and corporations.

Colorful Fashion Slideshow Template

Colorful Fashion Slideshow Template

If you’re working on a promotional video for a product or a fashion brand, this After Effects template will come in handy. It features a creative layout for effectively showcasing different products like gadgets, clothing, and more. The template is quite useful for Instagram promotions.

Fast Dynamic Slideshow Template

Fast Dynamic Slideshow

This slideshow template comes with a modern and hipster-style layout design featuring multiple transition animations. The template can be easily customized to add your own text, audio, and change colors as well.

Free Simple Corporate Slideshow Template

Free Simple Corporate Slideshow Template

Whether you’re making a slideshow for a startup or a corporate agency, this free After Effect template will help you design a more professional slideshow without an effort.

Free Dynamic Colorful Slideshow Template

Free Dynamic Colorful Slideshow Template

This free slideshow template comes with an easily editable layout you can use to create a dynamic slideshow for a YouTube video or a social media promotional video. It’s available in Full HD resolution.

Creative Education After Effects Slideshow Template

Creative Education After Effects Slideshow Template

This After Effects template is perfect for designing an attractive slideshow for creating education-themed videos. It’s especially suitable for college presentations, exhibitions, and events. It features modern slide designs with editable elements. You can change text and colors to your preference.

Multi Sliders After Effects Slideshow Template

Multi Sliders After Effects Slideshow Template

Want to create a slideshow with colorful and trendy designs? Then this After Effects template is perfect for you. It features a multi-slide layout where you can showcase multiple images or video clips at the same time. There are lots of different transition animations and effects in the template as well.

New Season Sale Promo After Effects Template

New Season Sale Promo After Effects Template

Be sure to download this After Effects template to make your seasonal promo videos look more attractive. The template has a multipurpose layout that you can use to promote various products and businesses for different seasons.

Merry Christmas Slideshow After Effects Template

Merry Christmas Slideshow After Effects Template

If you’re looking for an After Effects slideshow to create a Christmas-themed video, this template is made just for you. It features a beautiful slide design that’s suitable for everything from Christmas sale promos to photo albums and more.

Free Grid Photo Slideshow After Effects Template

Free Grid Photo Slideshow After Effects Template

This free After Effects template allows you to make a simple slideshow video with a creative grid overlay effect. It also features simple fall-out animation that will give a professional look to your videos.

Digital Marketing Agency Slideshow for After Effects

Digital Marketing Agency Slideshow for After Effects

This is a very colorful and creative slideshow template for After Effects. It features multiple slides with bright colors with an attractive design for promoting your marketing agency services. You can easily customize it to your preference as well.

Grid Slideshow with Brushes for After Effects

Grid Slideshow with Brushes for After Effects

This slideshow template comes with lots of different styles of slides, animated effects, and transitions to help you make slideshow videos for all kinds of purposes. It has 56 media placeholders and 11 different scenes with grid layouts. Each scene features cool brush-style effects too.

Online Fashion Store Slideshow After Effects Template

Online Fashion Store Slideshow After Effects Template

The beautiful aesthetic feel of this slideshow design makes it a great choice for making videos related to fashion, beauty, and cosmetics. The template includes multiple slide layouts with editable colors, fonts, and media placeholders. It’s great for Instagram and Facebook promo videos.

Frame Wedding Photo Slideshow for After Effects

Frame Wedding Photo Slideshow for After Effects

You can design a beautiful photo frame slideshow for wedding videos using this After Effects slideshow template. It includes multiple styles of slide layouts with attractive animations, particle effects, and much more.

Free Glass Fade Slideshow After Effects Template

Free Glass Fade Slideshow After Effects Template

This free Slideshow template for After Effects features a simple glass fade animation that will make your videos look much more beautiful and romantic. It’s perfect for weddings and romantic photo slideshow videos.

Grunge Vintage Slideshow & Titles for After Effects

Grunge Vintage Slideshow & Titles for After Effects

This After Effects template is perfect for creating beautiful slideshows with a grunge vintage look and feel. It includes 15 animated titles with 29 placeholders for showcasing images and video clips. The template is compatible with After Effects CC.

Wooden Frames Slideshow Template for After Effects

Wooden Frames Slideshow Template for After Effects

If you want to add creative frames to your photo slideshows, this template is made just for you. It allows you to create video slideshows with a photobook-style design. The template comes with 29 placeholders and multiple styles of animations.

Fantasy Slideshow After Effects Template

Fantasy Slideshow After Effects Template

You can add a magical fantasy look to your slideshow videos with this amazing After Effects template. It features mesmerizing animations that create a beautiful fantasy look. The template includes 17 media placeholders.

Dynamic Parallax Slideshow After Effects Template

Dynamic Parallax Slideshow After Effects Template

A simple yet effective slideshow template for After Effects. This template features a clean slideshow layout with subtle animations for showcasing your images and video footage.

Free Letterbox Slideshow After Effects Template

Free Letterbox Slideshow After Effects Template

This free After Effects template is a great choice for designing simple slideshows for corporate and business videos. It features a letterbox-style design with creative slide transitions.

History Slideshow & Timeline Template for After Effects

History Slideshow & Timeline Template for After Effects

This After Effects template comes with a vintage design that allows you to create documentary timelines and slideshows for history-related videos. It includes multiples styles of slide layouts with creative animations for showcasing images and video clips.

Pages – Photo Gallery After Effects Slideshow Template

Pages - Photo Gallery After Effects Slideshow Template

A creative After Effects slideshow template featuring page-flipping animations. This slideshow template is perfect for showcasing product features as well as creating photo albums. The template comes in both short and long versions.

Magic Parallax Slideshow Template for After Effects

Magic Parallax Slideshow Template for After Effects

You can create beautiful slideshows with a cinematic look and feel using this After Effects template. It features a magic-themed slideshow design that also comes in short and long versions. There are 31 placeholders in each template as well.

Particles Slideshow Template for After Effects

Particles Slideshow Template for After Effects

Create fast and simple slideshows with particle effects using this slideshow template. It features a clean slideshow design with simple animations and text placeholders. It’s compatible with After Effects CS5 and higher.

Free Photo Frame Slideshow After Effects Template

Free Photo Frame Slideshow After Effects Template

Another free After Effects slideshow template with photo frame slide designs. This template works great for creating photo album videos as well as for product showcase videos.

INK Titles – After Effects Slideshow Template

ink title-adobe-after-effects-template

Ink Titles comes with an amazing slideshow design featuring creative ink-themed effects. The After Effects template can be easily customized to add up to 19 images or videos. It’s also available in 5 different colors presets.

Aquavitae – After Effects Slideshow Template


Aquavitae is a minimalist and a modern After Effects slideshow template that comes with 30 placeholders for making a slideshow of photos or video clips. The template also supports color controls for all the elements and includes a video tutorial on how to edit the template as well.

Ultimate Slideshow Construction Kit After Effects Template

ultimate slideshow kit-adobe-after-effects-template

Ultimate Slideshow is a complete bundle of After Effects templates that allows you to make your own unique slideshow videos. The template provides you with unlimited placeholders and includes automatic text animations.

Urban Slideshow – After Effects Template

urban slideshow-adobe-after-effects-template

This After Effects slideshow template features a modern design with an urban theme, which makes it ideal for photography, fashion, and documentary style slideshow videos and title scenes.

Free Inspiring Summer Slideshow Template

Free Inspiring Summer Slideshow Template

This free slideshow template features a colorful summer-inspired slideshow design. You can use it to create and promote your travel photos, Instagram videos, and much more.

Free Clean Slideshow Template

Free Clean Slideshow Template

The clean and minimal design of this slideshow template makes it a great choice for crafting creative design, fashion, and photography slideshows. The template is available in Full HD resolution.

Numeral Slideshow – After Effects Template

numeral slideshow-adobe-after-effects-template

Featuring a unique retro-themed design, this After Effects slideshow template will help you create a professional video opener or a slideshow that stands out from the crowd. The template is available in Full HD resolution.

Bright Photo Slideshow After Effects Template

bright photo-adobe-after-effects-template

This creative After Effects slideshow template lets you showcase your photos in an amazing way with its floating image placeholders. It will also give your slideshow a 3D-like look and feel.

Wonderful Memories – After Effects Slideshow Template

wonderful memory-adobe-after-effects-template

Another creative After Effects slideshow template that features a complete After Effects environment and with dynamic camera movements. It includes 12 main scenes and 300 image placeholders.

Corporate Presentation – After Effects Slideshow Template

corporate presentaion-adobe-after-effects-template

This After Effects slideshow template is designed specifically for making presentation videos for business and corporate events. It features modern transition effects and designs fit for professional purposes. The template is available in Full HD resolution.

Bold Slideshow – After Effects Template

bold slideshow-adobe-after-effects-template

A bold and beautiful After Effects slideshow template featuring a creative design. This template is ideal for making fashion and photography slideshow videos. It’s available in Full HD resolution.

Fast Slides – Free After Effects Slideshow

Fast Slides - Free After Effects Slideshow 2

A professional and modern slideshow template for making creative videos for startups and corporate businesses. The template is easily customizable and works with both photo and video compositions.

Free Modern Zoom Telescopic Slideshow

Modern Zoom Telescopic Slideshow

This simple and minimal slideshow template is perfect for creating photo slideshows of your family photos and creative projects. The template comes in Full HD resolution and lets you showcase 6 images.

Gradient Slideshow – After Effects Template


This unique After Effects slideshow template adds a colorful gradient overlay effect to your photos to make a colorful slideshow video while also highlight its text. It includes 10 image placeholders and 24 text holders.

Watercolor & Ink – After Effects Slideshow Template

watercolor ink-adobe-after-effects-template

This stylish After Effects slideshow template comes in two versions with short and long slideshows. It lets you feature up to 40 images or videos and includes 30 different ink and watercolor effects you can use to customizing the slideshow design.

Atmospheric – After Effects Slideshow Template


Atmospheric is a creative After Effects slideshow template featuring simple and minimalist effects and transitions for making a professional slideshow video. It’s available in 3 versions with up to 45 image placeholders.

Romantic Slideshow – After Effects Template

romantic slideshow-adobe-after-effects-template

This After Effects slideshow template is perfect for making a montage video for romantic events, weddings, and Valentine’s Day. The template is available in Full HD resolution.

Universal – After Effects Slideshow Template

universal slideshow-adobe-after-effects-template

A multipurpose After Effects slideshow template that can be used to make all kinds of slideshows and presentations. It can be easily customized to your preference and the template is available in Full HD.

Creative – After Effects Slideshow Template


Another creative After Effects slideshow template that comes with colorful and vibrant effects that let you make an attractive slideshow video. The template supports both videos and images.

Abstract Parallax – After Effects Slideshow Template


This After Effects slideshow template features a creative presentation design filled with abstract shapes and transitions. It’s ideal for photography, fashion, and other slideshow videos.

Romance – After Effects Slideshow Template

romance slideshow-adobe-after-effects-template

This beautiful and elegant After Effects slideshow template is designed specifically for romantic-themed videos. It’s most suitable for making wedding album videos and presentations. The template can be customized with After Effects CS4 and higher.

Refraction – After Effects Slideshow Template


Refraction is a two-in-one After Effects slideshow template that comes with customizable slideshow designs and transition effects.  It’s available in Full HD resolution.

Travel Slideshow – After Effects Template

travel slideshow-adobe-after-effects-template

If you’re looking for a template to make a travel-themed video, this After Effects slideshow template will come in handy. It’s perfect for showcasing travel destinations and journeys.

20+ Best Italian Style Fonts (Free & Pro)

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Capture the timeless elegance and charm of Italy with our curated selection of the best Italian-style fonts.

Whether you’re designing for a luxury brand, a rustic restaurant, or a high-end fashion label, Italian-inspired fonts can bring a sense of sophistication and flair to your projects. These fonts reflect the rich heritage of Italian design, from the classic, ornate styles of old-world Italy to sleek, modern typefaces inspired by the country’s famous art, architecture, and fashion.

In this post, we’ve handpicked the best Italian-style fonts that embody the beauty, culture, and craftsmanship Italy is known for. From elegant serif fonts that channel the grandeur of Renaissance architecture to playful, script styles reminiscent of Italian cafés and boutiques, these typefaces will help you create a design with authentic Italian flavor. Have a look.

Marcopolo – Italian Restaurant Font

Marcopolo - Italian Restaurant Font

Marcopolo is a creative Italian-style font, featuring a striking contrast deco style. This unique uppercase typeface also offers intriguing lowercase designs and comprehensive multilingual support. From Afrikaans to Zulu, it effectively communicates in diverse languages, making it a versatile choice for global projects.

Fiorent Deco – Italian Style Font

Fiorent Deco - Italian Style Font

Fiorent Deco is an Italian-style display font that embodies Art Deco simplicity. With its clean, modern letterforms imbued with a classic, retro feel, this all-caps font is fitting for headlines, branding, or logotypes. Inspired by Italian cafes, it includes stylish alternatives for certain characters, like the letter ‘S’. This font is especially ideal for food product packaging, menu designs, or cafe and restaurant branding.

CA Capoli – Italian Style Font

CA Capoli - Italian Style Font

CA Capoli is a beautifully refined script typeface with an authentic vintage flair. Inspired by a 1950’s font found on an Italian ceramic ashtray during a trip, the creators aimed to fill in the blanks of the mystery alphabet. Featuring Regular and Stroke styles alongside a Central European character set and alternative options, CA Capoli is ideal for illustrative titles or logos needing a touch of Italian elegance.

Praline Amaretto – Vintage Italian Font

Praline Amaretto - Vintage Italian Font

Praline Amaretto is an Italian-style Serif Font complete with 91 unique, handcrafted glyphs. This inclusive font features both uppercase and lowercase glyphs along with numbers and punctuation. In the near future, this font will also support multilingual glyphs. Perfect for crafting aesthetically pleasing typography for personal or client-based projects.

Pesto – Thin Italian Style Font

Pesto - Thin Italian Style Font

Pesto is a sleek, light sans-serif typeface with a multilingual flair. Perfect for imbuing a vintage vibe into logos, branding, arts or text for articles, this versatile TTF font supports a broad spectrum of languages including Spanish, Portuguese, German, Danish, French, Italian, and even Cyrillic.

Gallery – Italian Style Ligature Font

Gallery - Italian Style Ligature Font

The Gallery is a modern and stylish font that adds a touch of sophistication to your designs. Available in both OTF and TTF files, it supports a wide variety of characters including uppercase, lowercase, numbers, punctuations, and ligatures. The font also offers expansive language support, making it a versatile choice for international projects.

Restaconme – Modern Script Font

Restaconme - Modern Script Font

Restaconme is an Italian-inspired modern script font ideal for creative projects. Its hand-lettering style design, inspired by Italian pianist Ludovico Einaudi, adds an elegant touch to any project. Making Restaconme a perfect choice for use on apparel, invitations, product packaging, headers, logotype, letterheads, posters, labels and more.

Lico – Vintage Italian Font

Lico - Vintage Italian Font

Check out Lico, a vintage Italian-inspired font with a fun retro pop twist. The stylistic alternates and ligatures in each letter lend uniqueness to your writing, making Lico ideal for a variety of visual projects ranging from branding and logos to social media content, and even weddings. Lico comes in uppercase, lowercase, punctuation, numerical, ligatures, alternates, and supports multiple languages.

Neretto Sans – Italian Style Font

Neretto Sans - Italian Style Font

Neretto Sans is a sleek Italian style font based on the Sensi Bold design by Valerio Dell’Edera. The name Neretto, an Italian term for thick, black type, perfectly describes this contemporary sans serif font. Ideal for magazine titles and logotypes, this font includes updated ligatures, along with a complete glyph set.

Rigoletto – Italian Font Duo

Rigoletto - Italian Font Duo

The Rigoletto is a sophisticated, monoline-style font. With its Sans Serif fonts amplifying the sleek script, it emanates an expensive and tidy elegance. Offering 70 alternates, Rigoletto provides substantial flexibility in design. It supports multiple languages, from English to Swedish, making it versatile for international use. This font is particularly suitable for logotypes, wedding invites, vintage labels, and romantic cards.

Matrole – Vintage Italian Font

Matrole - Vintage Italian Font

Matrole is a versatile, vintage Italian-style serif font with three unique styles: clean, rough, and stamp. Providing a comprehensive suite with multilingual characters and stylistic alternates, Matrole is well-suited for various applications including quotes, clothing designs, vintage logos, labels, posters, and packaging designs.

Montrelo – Elegant Italian Font

Montrelo - Elegant Italian Font

Montrelo is a chic, modern sans-serif font that emanates Italian elegance. Versatile for any size and medium, it is ideal for branding, social media content, wedding designs, advertisements and product packaging. Montrelo also includes a host of features like OTF, TTF, and WOFF formats, various glyphs, alternates, ligature and multilingual support.

Freudian – Italian Font

Freudian - Italian Font

This is a beautifully crafted, Italian-style font with a vintage, handmade appeal. Its versatility makes it suitable for an array of graphic design projects such as logos, posters, prints, business cards, and even clothing designs. This opentype feature-rich and PUA Encoded font also supports 23 languages, making it a globally friendly typeface.

Hopscotch – Creative Italian Font

Hopscotch - Creative Italian Font

Hopscotch is a charming Italian-style font with whimsical handwritten doodles. Its playful summer tone, complete with a bouncy baseline and full alternate set in uppercase letters, makes it an excellent choice for prints, invitations, greeting cards, and custom typography.

LATUNA – Italian Serif Font

LATUNA - Italian Serif Font

LATUNA, a modern Italian serif font that brings a distinctive and premium touch to any project. The package includes regular and italic versions, web font, ligatures, alternates, and multilingual support. It supports 65 languages from Afrikaans to Zulu.

Romaben – Old Vintage Italian Font

Romaben - Old Vintage Italian Font

Romaben is an elegant vintage Italian-styled font that exudes a nostalgic charm reminiscent of the 70s, 80s, and 90s. This font captures the timeless appeal of old-fashioned design, making it an ideal choice for a variety of projects – from logos, advertisements, and branding projects to invitation designs and product labels.

Nethan – Elegant Italian Script Font

Nethan - Elegant Italian Script Font

Nethan is an Italian-style font that gives a distinct, premium touch to your projects. The package includes regular and italic versions of the font in various formats, and comes with added ligatures, alternatives, and multilingual support for 65 languages.

DeMonte – Italian Font Family

DeMonte - Italian Font Family

DeMonte is an appealing sans serif millennial-generation font, delicately crafted for a soft visual impact. With its 10 weight variations, this diverse font family stylishly accommodates a multitude of languages, including French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, and more.

Free Italian Fonts

Italian – Free Slab Serif Font

Featuring thin lines and a minimalist look, this slab-serif font will allow you to craft beautiful titles, badges, and signage for various projects. The font features an Italian-inspired letter design. And it’s free for personal use.

Italiano – Free Brush Font

This free font is perfect for crafting a bold title for your Italian restaurant or cafe shop. The font comes with a brush-style letter design inspired by Italian typography. It’s free to use with personal projects.

Mantey – Free Italian Style Font

Mantey is a professional-looking font you can use for all sorts of business design needs. It features a clean letter design inspired by Italian style but with a simple and bold look. It’s free for personal use only.

Marcione Trial – Free Italian Font

Marcione is another great free font you can use to craft Italian-themed typography. It comes with a tall and narrow letter design that will fit perfectly with Italian restaurant and hotel branding designs. It’s free for personal use.

Italian Breakfast – Free Font

A stylish Italian script font that features creative curves and swirly letters. This font is ideal for more romantic-themed typography designs as well as greeting cards, T-shirts, and more. It’s free to use with personal projects.