Remove WordPress Themes – How to Uninstall in Under a Minute

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WordPress (WP) is an industry-leading web publishing platform with a content management system (CMS) that’s easy to use, SEO-friendly, and completely free. One of the main advantages of using WP over other popular alternatives is its high degree of customizability due to its vast library of themes. In WordPress, themes […]

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A Complete Guide to Turning Text Into Audio With Audio-LDM

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In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, AI models have emerged as powerful tools that enable us to create remarkable things. One such impressive feat is text-to-audio generation, where we can transform written words into captivating audio experiences. This breakthrough technology opens up a world of possibilities, allowing you to turn a sentence like "two starships are fighting in space with laser cannons" into a realistic sound effect instantly.

In this guide, we will explore the capabilities of the cutting-edge AI model known as audio-ldm. Ranked 152 on, audio-ldm harnesses latent diffusion models to provide high-quality text-to-audio generation. So, let's embark on this exciting journey!

Using Data Diodes for One-Way Information Transfer and Preventing Data Leaks

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Every organization dealing with information processing eventually faces the challenge of securely storing confidential data and preventing its leakage. The importance of this issue for a company depends on the potential damage a data breach could cause. The greater the risk of loss from a data leak, the more rigorous the protective measures should be. These measures can range from establishing internal policies and installing Data Loss Prevention (DLP) systems to adopting a Zero Trust approach or creating Air Gaps, which involves physically isolating critical network segments from external access.

Isolating secure networks to prevent data exchange with other segments is crucial, particularly for industrial infrastructures and various process control systems like DCS, PLC, SCADA, state-owned companies handling regulated data, and commercial entities involved in innovative projects. However, the concept of an Air Gap is not entirely foolproof. This is mainly because even a fully isolated infrastructure must occasionally interact with the external world. For example, controller firmware needs regular updates, confidential commercial or government data requires refreshing, and outcomes of product designs often have to be presented to the public.

Optimal CX With Hidden Prompts: The Secret Sauce of Prompt Engineering for LLMs

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In the fast-moving field of Generative AI in Artificial Intelligence, particularly with the advent of large language models (LLMs) such as GPT-4, prompt engineering has become a crucial Aspect of delivering the desired customer experience (CX). One of the most effective yet often overlooked techniques in prompt engineering is the use of hidden prompts, also known as system prompts. These hidden prompts play a crucial role in guiding the model's output, ensuring efficiency, consistency, context awareness, and alignment with the intended user experience.

What Are Hidden Prompts?

Hidden prompts are predefined instructions embedded within the interaction setup of an LLM. Unlike user-visible prompts, these instructions are not shown to the end-user but are crucial in shaping how the model governs, interprets, and responds to the user's requested inputs. Hidden prompts help set the stage, establish context, define the constraints with which the LLM functions, and also role play to adapt to domains and use cases.

Change Keyboad Bindings (Shortcuts) In the Virtual Console

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The virtual console, also known as the terminal or command line interface, is a powerful tool in Linux for performing various tasks and executing commands. One Aspect of customization that can greatly enhance your productivity is modifying the keyboard bindings in the virtual console. This article will guide you through the process of changing keyboard bindings to suit your preferences and streamline your workflow. 

Before diving into customizing keyboard bindings, it's important to familiarize yourself with the virtual console. The virtual console provides a text-based interface for interacting with the operating system. It allows you to execute commands, manage files, and perform system configurations without the need for a graphical user interface. 

Another Stab at Truncated Text

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Seems like we’re always talking about clipping text around here. All it takes is a little browsing to spot a bunch of things we’ve already explored.

It’s harder than it looks! And there’s oodles of consideration that go into it! Last time I visited this, I recreated a cool-looking implementation on MDN.

In there, I noted that VoiceOver respects the full text and announces it.

A truncated block of text with VoiceOver text overlay of the full content.

I started wondering: What if I or someone else wanted to read the full text but didn’t have the assistive tech for it? It’s almost a selfish-sounding thing because of long-term muscle memory telling me I’m not the user. But I think that’s a valid request for a more inclusive experience. All folks should be able to get the full content, visually or announced.

I didn’t want to make the same demo, so I opted for something a little different that poses similar challenges, perhaps even more so. This is it:

I know, not the loveliest thing ever. But it’s an interesting case study because:

This setup does what my MDN experiment doesn’t: give users without assistive tech a path to the full content. Right on, ship it! But wait…

Now VoiceOver (I’m sorry that’s all I’ve tested in) announces the button. I don’t want that. I don’t even need that because a screen reader already announces the full text. It’s not like someone who hears the text needs to expand the panel or anything. They should be able to skip it!

But should we really “hide” the button? So much conventional wisdom out there tells us that it’s terrible to hide and disable buttons. Any control that’s there for sighted readers should be present for hearing listeners as well.

If we were to simply drop disabled="true" on the button, that prevents the screen reader from pressing the button to activate something needlessly. But now we’ve created a situation where we’ve disabled something without so much as an explanation why. If I’m hearing that there’s a button on the page and it’s disabled (or dimmed), I want to know why because it sounds like I might be missing out on something even if I’m not. Plus, I don’t want to disable the button by default, especially for those who need it.

This is where “real world” Geoff would likely stop and question the pattern altogether. If something is getting this complicated, then there’s probably a straighter path I’m missing. But we’re all learners here, so I gave that other Geoff a shiny object and how he’s distracted for hours.

Let’s say we really do want to pursue this pattern and make it where the button remains in place but also gives assistive tech-ers some context. I know that the first rule of ARIA is “don’t use ARIA” but we’ve crossed that metaphorical line by deciding to use a <button>. We’re not jamming functionality into a <div> but are using a semantic element. Seems like the “right” place to reach for ARIA.

We could “hide” the button this way:

<!-- NOPE! -->
<button aria-hidden="true">Show Full Text</button>

Buuuut, slapping aria-hidden="true" on a focusable element is not considered a best practice. There’s an aria- approach that’s equivalent to the disabled attribute, only it doesn’t actually disable the button when we’re not using a screen reader.

<button aria-disabled="true">Show Full Text</button>

Cool, now it’s hidden! Ship it. Oh, wait again. Yes, we’ve aria-disabled the button as far as assistive tech is concerned, but it still doesn’t say why.

Button in a focus state with VoiceOver transcription saying 'You are currently on a button. This item is dimmed.'

Still some work to do. I recently learned a bunch about ARIA after watching Sara Soueidan’s “The Other C in CSS” presentation. I’m not saying I “get” it all now, but I wanted to practice and saw this demo as a good learning exercise. I learned a couple different ways we can “describe” the button accessibly:

  • Using aria-label: If our element is interactive (which it is), we can use this to compose a custom description for the button, assuming the button’s accessible name is not enough (which it’s not).
  • Using aria-labelledby: It’s like aria-label but allows us to reference another element on the page that’s used for the button’s description.

Let’s focus on that second one for a moment. That might look something like this:

<button aria-disabled="true" aria-labelledby="notice">Show Full Text</button>
<span id="notice">This button is disabled since assistive tech already announces the article content.</span>

The element we’re referencing has to have an id. And since an ID can only be used once a page we’ve gotta make sure this is the only instance of it, so make it unique — more unique than my lazy example. Once it’s there, though, we want to hide it because sighted folks don’t need the additional context — it’s for certain people. We can use some sort of .visually-hidden utility class to hide the text inclusively so that screen readers still see and announce it:

.visually-hidden:not(:focus):not(:active) {
  width: 1px;
  height: 1px;
  overflow: hidden;
  clip: rect(0 0 0 0); /* for IE only */
  clip-path: inset(50%);
  position: absolute;
  white-space: nowrap;

Let’s make sure we’re referencing that in the CSS:

<button aria-disabled="true" aria-labelledby="notice">Show Full Text</button>
<span id="notice" class="visually-hidden">This button is disabled since assistive tech already announces the article content.</span>

This certainly does the trick! VoiceOver recognizes the button, calls it out, and reads the .visually-hidden notice as the button’s description.

Button in a focus state with VoiceOver transcription saying 'This button is disabled since assistive tech already announces the article content., dimmed, button'

I’m pretty sure I would ship this. That said, the markup feels heavy with hidden span. We had to intentionally create that span purely to describe the button. It’s not like that element was already on the page and we decided to recycle it. We can get away with aria-label instead without the extra baggage:

<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quidem asperiores reprehenderit, dicta illum culpa facere qui ab dolorem suscipit praesentium nostrum delectus repellendus quas unde error numquam maxime cupiditate quaerat?
<button aria-disabled="true" aria-label="This button is disabled since assistive tech already announces the article content.">Read More</button>

VoiceOver seemed to read things a little smoother this time around. For example, it read the aria-label content right away and announced the button and its state only once. Left to my own devices, I’d call this “baked” and, yes, finally ship it.

But not left to my own devices, this probably isn’t up to snuff. I inspected the button again in DevTools to see how the accessibility API translates it.

DevTools accessibility information on a button element with the aria-label filled it matches the name.

This looks off to me. I know that the button’s accessible name should come from the aria-label if one is available, but I also know two other ARIA attributes are designed specifically for describing elements:

  • aria-description: This is likely what we want! MDN describes it as “a string value that describes or annotates the current element.” Perfect for our purposes. But! MDN notes that this is still in the Editor’s Draft of the ARIA 1.3 specification. It shows up widely supported in Caniuse at the same time. It’s probably safe to use but I’m strangely conservative with features that haven’t been formally recommended and would be hesitant to ship this. I’m sure an actual accessibility practitioner would have a more informed opinion based on testing.
  • aria-describedby: We can leverage another element’s accessible description to describe the button just like we did with aria-labelledby. Cool for sure, but not what we need right here since I wouldn’t want to introduce another element only to hide it for its description.

But don’t just take it from me! I’m feeling my way through this — and only partially as far as testing. This also might be a completely dumb use case — hiding text is usually a bad thing, including little excerpts like this. I’m expecting we’ll get some tips from smarter folks in the comments.

Here’s that final demo once again. It’s editable, so feel free to poke around.

Another Stab at Truncated Text originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

7 Easy Ways to Speed Up WordPress Backend

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Speed up WordPress backend.Looking to speed up your frustratingly slow WordPress admin panel? A fast and efficient WordPress backend is just as critical as a visually appealing frontend. Think of it as tuning up a sports car engine.

How To Use an Automatic Sequence Diagram Generator

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You may have heard about or experienced the value of sequence diagrams. In this article, I’ll introduce sequence diagrams and describe what they are good for. I’ll also give you a tour of the features of sequence diagrams and explain how to use each feature to interpret the behavior of your code. Then I’ll show how AppMap makes sequence diagrams even better by (a) generating diagrams from your running code and (b) making diagrams fully interactive.

What Is a Sequence Diagram?

Sequence diagrams are a type of Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagram that shows the interactions between different components or objects in a system over time. They show the flow of messages and the order in which these messages are exchanged. They are great for understanding how code works because they show enough detail to communicate the key elements of code behavior while being compact enough to fit a lot of information onto a single page.

Chris’ Corner: People Be Doing Web Components

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Native Web Components are still enjoying something of a moment lately. Lots of chatter, and a good amount of it positive. Other sentiment may be critical, but hopeful. Even more important, we’re seeing people actually use Web Components more and more. Like make them and share them proudly. Here are some recently:

  • David Darnes made a <storage-form> component. Here’s an example that happens to me regularly enough that I really notice it. Have you ever been on GitHub, typing up a PR description or something, but then accidentally navigated away or closed the tab? Then you go back, and everything you typed was still there. Phew! They are using the localStorage API to help there. They save the data you type in the form behind the scenes, and put it back if they need to.
  • Dave Rupert made <wobbly-box>, which draws a border around itself that is every so slightly kittywampus. It uses border-image which is nigh unlearnable so I’d be happy to outsource that. Also interesting that the original implementation was a Houdini paint worklet thing, but since that’ll never be cross-browser compatible, this was the improvement.
  • Ryan Mulligan made a <target-toggler>, which wraps a <button> and helps target some other element (anywhere in DOM) and hides/shows it with the hidden attribute. Plus toggles the aria-expanded attribute properly on the button. Simple, handy, probably catches a few more details that you would crafting it up quick, and is only like 1KB.
  • Hasan Ali made a <cruk-textarea> that implements Stephen’s trick on auto-growing text areas automatically. Probably isn’t needed for too much longer, but we’ll see.
  • Jake Lazaroff made <roving-tabindex> component such that you can put whatever DOM stuff inside to create a focus trap on those things (as it required for things like modal implementations). I think you get this behavior “for free” with <dialog> but that assumes you want to and can use that element. I also thought inert was supposed to make this easier (like inert the entire body and un-inert the part you want a focus trap on), but it doesn’t look like that’s as easily possible as I thought. Just makes this idea all the more valuable. Part of the success story, as it were.

Interesting point here: every single one of these encourages, nay requires, useful HTML inside of them to do what they do. Web Components in that vein have come to be called HTML Web Components. Scott Jehl took a moment to codify it:

They are custom elements that

  1. are not empty, and instead contain functional HTML from the start,
  2. receive some amount of progressive enhancement using the Web Components JavaScript lifecycle, and
  3. do not rely on that JavaScript to run for their basic content or functionality

He was just expanding on Jeremy Keith’s original coining and the excitement that followed.

Speaking of excitement, Austin Crim has a theory that there are two types of Web Components fants:

  1. The source-first fans. As in, close to the metal, nothing can break, lasts forever…
  2. The output-first fans. As in, easy to use, provide a lot of value, works anywhere…

I don’t know if I’m quite feeling that distinction. They feel pretty similar to me, really. At least, I’m a fan for both reasons. We could brainstorm some more fan types maybe! There’s This is the Best Way to Make a Design System group. There’s the This is Progressive Enhancement at its Finest group. There’s the If Chrome Says it’s Good, Then I Say it’s Good group. There’s the Ooooo Something New To Play With group. Your turn.

Let’s end here with two things related to the technology of Web Components you might want to know about.

One of the reasons people reach for JavaScript frameworks is essentially data binding. Like you have some variable that has some string in it (think: a username, for example) and that needs to make it’s way into HTML somewhere. That kind of thing has been done a million times, we tend to think about putting that data in braces, like {username}. But the web platform doesn’t have anything like that yet. Like Rob Eisenberg says:

One of the longest running requests of the Web Platform is the ability to have native templating and data binding features directly in HTML. For at least two decades innovative developers have been building libraries and frameworks to make up for this platform limitation.

The Future of Native HTML Templating and Data Binding

DOM Parts is maybe the closest proposal so far, but read Rob’s article for more in-depth background.

Another thing I’m interested in, forever, is the styling of Web Components. I think it’s obnoxious we can’t reach into the Shadow DOM with outside CSS, even if we know fully what we’re doing. The options for styling within Web Components all suck if you ask me. Who knows if we’ll ever get anything proper (the old /deep/ stuff that had a brief appearance in CSS was removed apparently for good reason). But fortunately Brian Kardell has a very small and cool library that looks entirely usable.

Let’s say you are totally fine with making a request for a stylesheet from within a Web Component though, how does that work? Well there is a such thing as a Constructable StyleSheet, and if you have one of those on hand, you can attach it to a Shadow Root via adoptedStyleSheets. How do you get one of those from requesting a CSS file? The trick there is likely to be import assertions for CSS, which look like:

import sheet from './styles.css' assert {type: 'css'};

Now sheet is a Constructable StyleSheet and usable. I like that. But let’s say you’re bundling your CSS, which is generally a smart thing to do. Does that mean you need to start breaking it apart again, making individual component styles individually importable? Maybe not! There is a proposal that looks solid for declaring individually importable chunks of CSS within a @sheet block. Then, just like non-default exports in JavaScript, you can pluck them off by name.

@sheet sheet1 {
  :host {
    display: block;
    background: red;

@sheet sheet2 {
  p {
    color: blue;
import {sheet1, sheet2} from './styles1and2.css' assert {type: 'css'};

Pretty solid solution I think. I’d be surprised if it didn’t make it into the platform. If it doesn’t, I promise I’ll go awww sheet.

Vector Database: A Beginner’s Guide!

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In the age of burgeoning data complexity and high-dimensional information, traditional databases often fall short when it comes to efficiently handling and extracting meaning from intricate datasets. Enter vector databases, a technological innovation that has emerged as a solution to the challenges posed by the ever-expanding landscape of data.

Understanding Vector Databases

Vector databases have gained significant importance in various fields due to their unique ability to efficiently store, index, and search high-dimensional data points, often referred to as vectors. These databases are designed to handle data where each entry is represented as a vector in a multi-dimensional space. The vectors can represent a wide range of information, such as numerical features, embeddings from text or images, and even complex data like molecular structures.

Is Your Latest Data Really the Latest? Check Your Data Update Mechanism

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In databases, data update is to add, delete, or modify data. Timely data update is an important part of high-quality data services.

Technically speaking, there are two types of data updates: you either update a whole row (Row Update) or just update part of the columns (Partial Column Update). Many databases support both of them but in different ways. This post is about one of them, which is simple in execution and efficient in data quality guarantee. 

Disabe Emoji Autoload for Faster WordPress Sites

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Website speed is critical to the success of any online venture, which is why we’ll discuss how to disable Emoji Autoload in WordPress in this guide. Not only does site speed have a direct impact on user engagement and conversion rates, but it also influences how search engines rank your site. One often overlooked factor affecting website speed, particularly in WordPress, is the Emoji Autoload feature. Let’s delve into this feature and discuss its implications on site performance.

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What is Emoji Autoload in WordPress?

Emojis, those fun little icons we often use in our digital conversations, are universally supported on almost all devices and browsers. To ensure emojis display correctly across all platforms, WordPress introduced the Emoji Autoload feature in version 4.2. This feature, which is part of the core WordPress functionalities, automatically loads a JavaScript file (wp-emoji-release.min.js) on every page of your WordPress site, impacting the site’s loading speed.

While this ensures a consistent emoji experience across all devices, it also adds an extra HTTP request to your site on every page load. In the world of web performance, each HTTP request can add to your site’s load time. For websites that do not rely heavily on emojis, this feature can slow down the site unnecessarily.

Why You Should Disable Emoji Autoload

Optimizing your WordPress website for speed involves minimizing unnecessary HTTP requests, including those made by features like Emoji Autoload. By disabling the Emoji Autoload feature in WordPress, you eliminate one such HTTP request from every page load, thereby enhancing your website’s speed. Remember, in the speed race, every millisecond counts. As per the HTTP Archive, among the top contributors to page bloat are HTTP requests.

How to Disable Emoji Autoload

Disabling Emoji Autoload is straightforward and involves adding a short code snippet to your theme’s functions.php file. Remember, before editing any theme files, ensure you have a recent backup of your site and preferably use a child theme to prevent issues when updating your theme.

Here is the code snippet to disable Emoji Autoload:

remove_action('wp_head', 'print_emoji_detection_script', 7);
remove_action('wp_print_styles', 'print_emoji_styles');

This code stops the emoji script from loading on your site, thereby eliminating the associated HTTP request.

The code snippet is made up of two functions:

  • remove_action(‘wp_head’, ‘print_emoji_detection_script’, 7); – This line tells WordPress to stop printing the emoji detection script into the <head> of your website.
  • remove_action(‘wp_print_styles’, ‘print_emoji_styles’); – This line does the same for the emoji styles, preventing them from being printed on your site.

When adding these two lines to your functions.php file and saving your changes, you effectively disable the Emoji Autoload feature.

Wrapping Up

Optimizing your WordPress site for speed involves many tweaks and adjustments, and disabling Emoji Autoload is just one of them. It’s a small change that can contribute to a faster, more efficient website, particularly if emojis are not a critical part of your site’s content. After making these adjustments, it’s crucial to assess the impact on your website’s performance. You might consider using a tool like Lighthouse to monitor your website’s page experience.

Bonus💡: How to Monitor Website Page Experience with Lighthouse