Extractive Summarization With LLM Using BERT

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In today's fast-paced world, we're bombarded with more information than we can handle. We’re increasingly getting used to receiving more information in less time, leading to frustration when having to read extensive documents or books. That's where extractive summarization steps in. To get to the heart of a text, the process pulls out key sentences from an article, piece, or page to give us a snapshot of its most important points. 

For anyone needing to understand big documents without reading every word, this is a game changer.

Elevate Your Terminal Game: Hacks for a Productive Workspace

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In the realm of productivity, every efficiency gained counts. For many, the terminal serves as the central hub for navigating the digital landscape. Whether you're a seasoned developer, a system administrator, or simply someone who spends a lot of time working in the command line, customizing your terminal can transform it from a basic tool into a personalized powerhouse. In this guide, we'll explore various ways you can hack your terminal to enhance your workflow, boost productivity, and create a workspace tailored to your needs. Most of the stuff will revolve around modifying your bashrc/zshrc config.

Enhance the Look With Powerlevel10k

The aesthetic appeal of your terminal plays a significant role in your overall experience. Powerlevel10k is one of the coolest themes you can install in your zsh terminal. It transforms your terminal from a basic interface into a sleek, informative, and visually captivating display, providing a significant upgrade in both aesthetics and functionality.