Get Started in AI and NFTs with the Limewire API (Sponsored)

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AI media creation has expanded to incredible video art and a host of other important improvements, and LimeWire is leading the way in creating an awesome interface for the average user to become an AI artist. Limewire has just released its Developer API, a method for engineers like us to create dynamic AI art on the fly!

Quick Hits

  • Free to sign up!
  • Provides methods to create a variety of quality images from any number of AI services and algorithms
  • Create images based on text and other images
  • Modify existing images to scale them, remove backgrounds, and more
  • Use JavaScript, PHP, Python, or any of your favorite languages
  • Documentation is clean and easy to understand
  • Very easy to get started

A simple API call is as easy as:

curl -i -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer MY_API_KEY' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'X-Api-Version: v1' \
  -d '{
    "prompt": "A beautiful princess in front of her kingdom",
    "aspect_ratio": "1:1"

You can also upscale an existing, uploaded image:

curl -i -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer MY_API_KEY' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'X-Api-Version: v1' \
  -d '{
    "image_asset_id": "116a972f-666a-44a1-a3df-c9c28a1f56c0",
    "upscale_factor": 4

The value in creating AI art dynamically is hard to stress the enormity of for engineers and authors alike. Rather than scouring Google Images for image to match my blog post, I can use LimeWire’s API to send keywords from the article to create a representative image. Likewise, authors can feed their story to LimeWire to generate illustrations! You can even integrate the developer API into your platform for your users to employ!

Give LimeWire’s new developer API a try! LimeWire lets you create AI images where you are!

The post Get Started in AI and NFTs with the Limewire API (Sponsored) appeared first on David Walsh Blog.

Understanding Escape Analysis in Go

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Go uses escape analysis to determine the dynamic scope of Go values. Typically, go tries to store all the Go values in the function stack frame. The go compiler can predetermine which memory needs to be freed and emits machine instructions to clean it up. This way it becomes easy to clean up memory without the intervention of the Go Garbage Collector. This way of allocating memory is typically called stack allocation.

But when the compiler cannot determine the lifetime of a Go value it escapes to the heap. A value may also escape to the heap when the compiler does not know the size of the variable, or it’s too large to fit into the stack, or if the compiler cannot determine whether the variable is used after the function ends or the function stack frame is not used anymore.

Is Claude 3 Outperforming GPT-4?

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In the rapidly evolving world of large language models (LLMs), a new challenger has emerged that claims to outperform the reigning champion, OpenAI's GPT-4. Anthropic, a relatively new player in the field of artificial intelligence, has recently announced the release of Claude 3, a powerful language model that comes in three different sizes: Haiku, Sonnet, and Opus.

Compared to previous models, the new Claude 3 model displays enhanced contextual understanding that ultimately results in fewer refusals (as shown in the above image). The company claims that the Claude 3 Opus model rivals or even surpasses GPT-4 considering performance across various benchmarks. Experts engage in lively debates regarding the possible superiority of Claude 3 over GPT-4 as the pre-eminent language model on the market.

Time Data Series: Working With PHP Zmanim

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This post continues my exploration of concepts and techniques related to both the way so-called “Jewish times” (zmanim) are calculated; as well as the techniques needed to use the PHP Zmanim library – a library of functions that let you easily calculate Jewish times. Once again I owe a huge debt of gratitude to several folks – including Eliyahu Hershfeld, creator of the Kosher Java library, Zachary Weixelbaum (owner of the PHP Zmanim library, a port of Kosher Java), Elyahu Jacobi (who built with those tools and patiently explained so many concepts to me), and Maor Neim, who offered explanations that turned theory into practice.


In my last post, I explored both the foundational concepts of Jewish time calculations (zmanim) and also the initial steps needed to install and use PHP Zmanim. We got as far as calculating sunrise with that library.

Debugging Streams With Peek

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I blogged about Java stream debugging in the past, but I skipped an important method that's worthy of a post of its own: peek. This blog post delves into the practicalities of using peek() to debug Java streams, complete with code samples and common pitfalls.
Magnifying glass over code

Understanding Java Streams

Java Streams represent a significant shift in how Java developers work with collections and data processing, introducing a functional approach to handling sequences of elements. Streams facilitate declarative processing of collections, enabling operations such as filter, map, reduce, and more in a fluent style. This not only makes the code more readable but also more concise compared to traditional iterative approaches.

JUnit, 4, 5, Jupiter, Vintage

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After JUnit 5 was released, a lot of developers just added this awesome new library to their projects, because unlike other versions, in this new version, it is not necessary to migrate from JUnit 4 to 5, you just need to include the new library in your project, and with all the engine of JUnit 5 you can do your new tests using JUnit 5, and the older one with JUnit 4 or 3, will keep running without problem. 

But what can happen in a big project, a project that was built 10 years ago with two versions of JUnit running in parallel?

I’m So Old: Web Edition

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Time can be a funny thing. I still remember discovering HTML, CSS, and JavaScript coding. I still remember my first college programming course. I still remember my first day at my first coding job, then my first day at my second coding job, and then my first day at Mozilla. I still remember my first day coding for MetaMask. This year marks my 20th year as a professional software engineer and it’s happened in the blink of an eye.

Every once in a while I will make an old programming reference to a much younger engineer and then realize they have no idea what I’m talking about.

I’m so old…

  • Webpage layouts were being done with <table>s and this new “CSS float” property was becoming the new standard
  • Rounded corners were achieved via images and VML hacks for Internet Explorer
  • FTP was the best way to upload websites changes
  • SVN and copying its trunk was the best versioning tool
  • alert and confirm were the standard for “modals”
  • Firebug was the best debugging tool available
  • The “standard” for getting videos to play properly was finding the right codec to install
  • ActionScript knowledge was as valuable as JavaScript knowledge
  • Dreamweaver was best in class text editor and design tool
  • XML was the future of data structures
  • Mobile-first? Mobile didn’t exist
  • Reactive navigation? How about Java Applets…
  • …or even different <img src=""> upon mouseover and mouseleave!
  • Want to code a desktop app with web tech? Try Adobe Air!
  • NPM stood for “not performant, man”
  • Voting on a poll meant the page would refresh
  • “Social media” meant
  • The love sound of the web was a 56k modem connection purrrrr
  • Disabling right-click enforced image security
  • Bitmap (.bmp) was a viable image format
  • JavaScript had a competitor called JScript
  • SpyJax’ing let you detect where your user had been
  • Cookies were the pinnacle of user tracking
  • Social media wall? It’s called a “guestbook”…
  • …and a friends list? It’s called a “web ring’
  • Search engine optimization was spamming the <title> with keywords=

Whew, those where the days. How old are you in web?

The post I’m So Old: Web Edition appeared first on David Walsh Blog.