How To Handle Optional Values in SwiftData Predicates

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SwiftData has revamped the mechanism for creating data models, incorporating a type-safe mode for predicate creation based on model code. As a result, developers encounter numerous operations involving optional values when constructing predicates for SwiftData. This article will explore some techniques and considerations for handling optional values while building predicates.

From "Inside-Out" to "Outside-In" Transformation

Among the many innovations in SwiftData, the most striking is allowing developers to declare data models directly through code. In Core Data, developers must first create a data model in Xcode's model editor (corresponding to NSManagedObjectModel) before writing or auto-generating NSManagedObject subclass code.

How To Split Exchange Server DAG

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Database Availability Group (DAG) setup in Exchange Server provides full protection and recovery in case of database, network, or server failure. In a DAG, you can have up to 16 mailbox servers hosting a set of databases. This helps provide automatic, database-level recovery in case something happens. 

Sometimes, situations arise when you need to split the Database Availability Group (DAG) and move the mailboxes from one availability group to another. Some common situations are: