Rethinking Data Governance: Metrics for Meaningful Outcomes

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For years, data governance has been obsessed with a metric that feels more like accounting than strategic decision-making: coverage. Data Governance tool vendors educated a generation of governance professionals to diligently track the percentage of documented data, chasing a completion checkbox that often misses the bigger picture.

The problem? Coverage misses the mark. It assumes that meticulously documented data automatically translates to understandable, usable information. But what if the end user just needs an answer to a question? Why make them navigate a labyrinth of tables, columns and descriptions when the goal is simply to get the right information, quickly and efficiently?

Why Can’t I Find the Right Data?

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The modern data stack has helped democratize the creation, processing, and analysis of data across organizations. However, it has also led to a new set of challenges thanks to the decentralization of the data stack. In this post, we’ll discuss one of the cornerstones of the modern data stack—data catalogs—and why they fall short of overcoming the fragmentation to deliver a fully self-served data discovery experience.

If you are the leader of the data team at a company with 200+ employees, there is a high probability that you have.

Successful Products Using Raspberry Pi Computing Model

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The Raspberry Pi, a flexible and low-cost single-board computer, has fostered innovation across several sectors. It was originally intended for educational and hobbyist projects but has now made its way into a slew of successful commercial goods. In this post, we will look at some of the astonishing devices that have taken use of Raspberry Pi’s capability, proving its versatility and robustness.

Raspberry Pi: A Brief Overview

Before we delve into the successful products, let’s provide a brief overview of the Raspberry Pi and its key features.