The Role of Zero-Knowledge Proofs in LLM Chains for Data Privacy

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In today's digital age, data privacy has become a paramount concern for individuals and organizations alike. With the increasing amount of personal and sensitive information being stored and transmitted online, there is a growing need for robust security measures to protect this data from unauthorized access and misuse. One promising solution to address this challenge is the use of zero-knowledge proofs in large language model chains.

What Are Zero-Knowledge Proofs?

Zero-knowledge proofs are cryptographic protocols that allow one party (the prover) to prove to another party (the verifier) that a certain statement is true without revealing any additional information beyond the validity of the statement itself. In other words, zero-knowledge proofs enable the prover to convince the verifier of the truthfulness of a claim without disclosing any underlying data or secrets.

Enhancing GenAI Results With the Nearest Neighbor Algorithm

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Forget about artificial intelligence (AI) and all that fancy math for a moment. Let’s talk about cheese. Specifically when you are creating a charcuterie board. If you’re not familiar, the United State’s version of a charcuterie board is (literally) a board of wood or stone with a spread of meats, cheeses, and other tasty bits. If you’re doing it right, each meat on the board has been meticulously paired with a specific cheese to complement flavor, texture, and appearance (we eat with our eyes, you know). Creating a board is as much an art as it is a culinary delight.

What makes one cheese better than another? What makes one board better than another? A few distinct characteristics can categorize all cheeses. And one can use these characteristics to craft the perfect board. You could even follow a theme like “cheddar,” “goat’s milk,” or “high-contrast.”

Simple SQL Statements Only Exist in Coursebooks and Training Courses

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The sample SQL statements in coursebooks are usually simple and easy to understand. They even read like English sentences, giving the impression that SQL is rather simple and easy to learn.

Actually, such a SQL statement consisting of only a few lines of code can only be found in coursebooks and training courses. In real-world businesses, the amount of SQL code is measured by KB instead of the number of lines. One SQL statement having several hundred lines of code and N layers of nested subqueries often reaches 3KB to 5KB in size. Such SQL statements are not easy to learn at all but rather a nightmare even to professional programmers.

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Ask any software engineer and they’ll tell you that coding date logic can be a nightmare. Developers need to consider timezones, weird date defaults, and platform-specific date formats. The easiest way to work with dates is to reduce the date to the most simple format possible — usually a timestamp. To get the immediate time in integer format, you can use

const now =; // 1705190738870

I will oftentimes employ in my console.log statements to differentiate likewise console.log results from each other. You could also use that date as a unique identifier for an event in a low-traffic environment.

The post appeared first on David Walsh Blog.

The Grok AI Model From X: What Does It Mean to the Market?

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Elon Musk recently announced the introduction of an artificial intelligence (AI) product to compete with the OpenAI ChatGPT product suite. This product, named Grok, is currently available in beta version only, and is in limited release to a select number of users in the United States. 

As we await the full release of the Grok product, it may be worth considering its potential impact on the market and the features that Musk believes will distinguish Grok from its main competitor.