Empowering Cyber Security by Enabling 7 Times Faster Log Analysis

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This is about how a cyber security service provider built its log storage and analysis system (LSAS) and realized 3X data writing speed, 7X query execution speed, and visualized management. 

Log Storage and Analysis Platform

In this use case, the LSAS collects system logs from its enterprise users, scans them, and detects viruses. It also provides data management and file-tracking services. 

Hubspot API Integration With WordPress CMS

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“There is a saying if we need to do a thing right, we need to do it right the first time, rather than doing things in a way that works now but breaks later :)."

Well, as per this saying, imagine if we are traveling in a forest and we come across a situation where we see there are two different ways to reach your destination, and we might think, well, if we go by either of them, we will reach our destination easily, but what we not know is which way is effective for us and according to our situation, let’s say.

Gen-AI: Fun, Fear, and Future!

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Image Generation AI: Reshaping the Landscape of Creativity, Innovation and Policies

In recent years, the field of artificial intelligence has made astonishing progress and achieved remarkable milestones, and Image processing is one area that has been particularly transformative. With the advent of sophisticated AI models like DALL-E 2, Midjourney, and Imagen, the ability to create stunning and realistic images from mere text descriptions is no longer a distant dream. This groundbreaking technology is rapidly transforming various industries and redefining the boundaries of creativity.

Image Generated on Imagen on Vertex AI by Google using prompt

10 Ways to Create an Interactive Homepage

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Interactive homepage.An interactive homepage can make your website more engaging and help you stand out from your competitors. However, designing an interactive page can be difficult when you lack design or coding skills. Fortunately, there are tons of ways for beginners to create homepages that prompt visitors to do something (interactivity). You can add contact forms, user-generated content, fun quizzes, polls, and many other interactive elements.