How to Tell WordPress to Increase Upload Size (4 Ways)

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WordPress to increase upload size.WordPress is a powerful content management system (CMS) that lets you install plugins, themes, and various types of media. However, when you install WordPress using your preferred web host, the default settings will put limits on the size of what you can upload. So, you may wonder how you can modify WordPress to increase upload size. In this post, we’ll discuss some of the main reasons you may want to configure WordPress to increase upload size. Then, we’ll show you four ways to do it. Let’s get started!

Distributed Systems: CAP Theorem

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Welcome to the Distributed Systems series. In this article, we will learn and understand what the CAP theorem is. CAP stands for consistency, availability, and partition tolerance. When we talk about the CAP theorem, we mostly talk about distributed systems. First, let’s understand what a distributed system Is. A distributed system is a system that is made up of multiple processes that run on a single machine or multiple machines. In this lecture, we will learn about the CAP theorem from a distributed system perspective using a simple database analogy.

What Is the CAP Theorem?

CAP theorem states that in a Distributed System, while network partition occurs, we can only choose either consistency or availability. This was coined by Eric Brewer to understand distributed systems. CAP stands for consistency, availability, and partition tolerance. 

How to Play Grand Poo World 3

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The underground world of creating and streaming Super Mario World-based ROM hacks continues to gain popularity. This popularity is a tribute to the creativity of gamers and the quality of the original 30 year old video game’s mechanics. Over the past decade, incredible ROM hacks like Grand Poo World 1 and 2, Invictus, and Dram World have brought joy (and horror) to the Mario community. Sure, Nintendo released Mario Maker and Mario Maker 2, but I love SMW Central patches because they allow all of us to create, much like open source.

The most anticipated hack in years, Grand Poo World 3, was just released and is taking the Super Mario World community by storm. You cannot, however, just download GPW3; due to legal reasons, and the ability to modify it further, the process takes some work. Let’s learn how to build Grand Poo World 3!

What You’ll Need

You’ll need multiple apps and files to build and play Grand Poo World 3:

Patching Grand Poo World 3

With the files and utilities available, open the patching utility and provide the path, Super Mario World ROM File, and patched file path:

If the input files are successful, you’ll get a working .smc file for GPW3! The risk is usually the SMW ROM file, so be sure to validate it with JSRomClean.

With a successful Grand Poo World 3 created, it’s time to play!

The whole process of creating Grand Poo World 3 gives me joy due to two of my loves: video games and open source coding. SMWCentral has thousands of patches you can apply on top of and parellel to ROM hacks to implement features like retry system and loads more.

Enjoy (the pain of) Grand Poo World 3!

The post How to Play Grand Poo World 3 appeared first on David Walsh Blog.

Inquiry Regarding Blog Page Rankings

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I've been actively monitoring the performance of my blog pages, and I noticed that some of them have not been consistently ranking in the top 3, I aim to achieve a position within the top 3. I did every possible way of SEO to improve their rankings.

I would appreciate it if you could provide insights into the factors influencing these rankings. Your expertise and guidance in understanding how I can optimize my blog content for better visibility would be invaluable.

If there are specific strategies, keywords, or content improvements that you recommend, I am eager to implement them to enhance the ranking of my blog pages.

Emulating the History Command Within a Bash Script

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In the world of Unix-like operating systems, the command line is a powerful and efficient way to interact with your computer. Over time, as you work with your system, you might wonder: "How can I use a kind of history command to recall past commands within the interactivity of a bash script?" 

I am seeking a script that offers a consistent interactive environment, enabling me as a user to navigate through and execute previous commands seamlessly using arrow keys. The desired functionality involves the ability to scroll through a history of commands on the same input line, similar to the experience in the Bash shell.

How To Create an Analytical Dashboard With Next.js: Airline Dashboard Example

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For the last several days, I’ve been working on one of my pet projects for my portfolio. To be precise, I have been creating an analytical dashboard for an airline company. Finding suitable tools turned out to be a challenge. I wanted to use Next.js in the stack, and my goal was to make sure any user could understand the presented statistical data and, secondly, interactively explore the information. So, in this tutorial, I will cut my way through constructing the dashboard and creating a pivot table and charts in the Next.js app on the example of an airline company. Hopefully, it will save you time :)


Here, I would like to share all the things I did to prepare for creating the essential statistics. And we will start with…

Should I Start My Job Search Now?

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My post about my 6-month job search generated some attention and conversation. The comments helped me clarify some of the more specific lessons I’ve learned recently or that I knew but were reinforced by the experience. After taking time to organize them into a somewhat coherent structure, I’m ready to share. Here are the first lessons on the list.

As always, if you have opinions, corrections, or experiences you want to share, please do so in the comments below.

Which industry should I target for digital marketing services?

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Determining the ideal industry to target for digital marketing services depends on various factors, including your expertise, interests, and the specific services your agency offers. It's essential to align your skills with industries where your digital marketing strategies can make a significant impact.

Highly competitive industries, such as e-commerce, technology, and healthcare, often require specialized and targeted digital marketing efforts. On the other hand, emerging sectors like renewable energy or sustainable products may benefit from innovative digital campaigns to establish a unique market presence.

Consider industries undergoing digital transformation, where businesses are actively seeking to enhance their online presence and adapt to evolving consumer behaviours. This might include sectors like retail, real estate, or traditional brick-and-mortar businesses looking to expand their digital footprint.

Furthermore, assess the local market demand. Some regions may have a burgeoning tech scene, while others might be ripe for digitalizing more traditional industries. Collaborating with businesses in your community can build strong, long-term relationships and foster a positive reputation for your agency.

Ultimately, the key is to research and evaluate the specific needs and challenges of different industries, then tailor your digital marketing services to meet those demands. A diversified approach might involve serving a mix of industries to mitigate risks and capitalize on various market opportunities, ensuring a well-rounded and adaptable digital marketing strategy.

Top Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes

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Design and functionality are essential Aspects of any successful website. And with the abundance of WordPress themes and plugins available, you have the power to elevate your site to new heights. In this article, we will explore the latest and most effective WordPress themes and plugins to help you enhance your website’s appearance and performance. […]

Digital Twins Will Revolutionize Modern Logistics. Here’s How

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As of 2022, the global market for digital twins was valued at $11.12 billion — and experts estimate an impressive annual growth rate of 37.5% from 2023 to 2030.

Digital twins help connect the physical and virtual worlds, allowing workers to timely identify when things need fixing, work more efficiently, and create less waste. So, embracing the potential of digital twins is a crucial move as the logistics sector steps into the new Industry 5.0 era.

Lessons From a Six-Month Job Search

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Now that I’m free to share the news that I’ve landed at Kentik — a visionary company filled by an amazing group of folks who believe that the value of their team goes far beyond what they might offer to the business — I wanted to take a minute to reflect on my job search, comment on the state of the job market, and share some lessons I’ve picked up along the way.

Let me be clear — I’m under no illusion that the world has breathlessly awaited the thoughts of a middle-aged white dude and will now, graced with my heretofore-undiscovered wisdom, be a truly better place. People with far more knowledge, experience, and expertise have written and spoken on this topic, with data and examples that are far more eloquent and compelling than anything I could hope to share.

Data Ingestion for Batch/Near Real-Time Analytics

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In the midst of our ever-expanding digital landscape, data management undergoes a metamorphic role as the custodian of the digital realm, responsible for the ingestion, storage, and comprehension of the immense volumes of information generated daily. At a broad level, data management workflows encompass the following phases, which are integral to ensuring the reliability, completeness, accuracy, and legitimacy of the insights (data) derived for business decisions. 

  1. Data identification: Identifying the required data elements to achieve the defined objective.
  2. Data ingestion: Ingest the data elements into a temporary or permanent storage for analysis.
  3. Data cleaning and validation: Clean the data and validate the values for accuracy.
  4. Data transformation and exploration: Transform, explore, and analyze the data to arrive at the aggregates or infer insights.
  5. Visualization: Apply business intelligence over the explored data to arrive at insights that complement the defined objective.

Within these stages, Data Ingestion acts as the guardian of the data realm, ensuring accurate and efficient entry of the right data into the system. It involves collecting targeted data, simplifying structures if they are complex, adapting to changes in the data structure, and scaling out to accommodate the increasing data volume, making the data interpretable for subsequent phases. This article will specifically concentrate on large-scale Data Ingestion tailored for both batch and near real-time analytics requirements.