A Comparison of eBPF Observability vs. Agents and Sidecars

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The observability landscape is witnessing a radical transformation today. The central driver of this shift is eBPF (extended Berkeley Packet Filter), a technology that is revolutionizing how we observe and monitor systems. In an earlier post, we took a detailed look at the technology of eBPF and its implications for observability.

In this article, we will compare eBPF-based instrumentation with other instrumentation methods like code agents and sidecars and see which best suits the needs of observability today.

Before we dive in, let’s briefly revisit eBPF.

How does social media marketing work?

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social media marketing

Social media marketing involves creating and sharing content on social media platforms to engage with your target audience. This can include posts, images, videos, and ads. The goal is to build brand awareness, drive traffic, and encourage user engagement.