WPBakery vs Elementor: Which Builder is Better?

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WPBakery vs Elementor: Which Builder is Better?When it comes to building websites on WordPress, page builders have become an essential tool for many web designers and developers. Among the numerous WordPress page builders available, WPBakery and Elementor are two popular choices that offer a wide range of features and customization options.  In this article, we will compare WPBakery and Elementor in […]

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Round Up: 18 Free Plugins to Help Troubleshoot and Debug WordPress

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I’ve written numerous tutorials explaining how to troubleshoot WordPress, plugins, email, and more. When investigating issues, diagnosing problems, and hunting bugs, troubleshooting is a critical core skill for any web developer. To help readers level up their tool belt, here’s a quick round-up of free plugins to help troubleshoot any of your WordPress projects.

Plugins to troubleshoot & debug WordPress

There are TONS of great troubleshooting plugins available at the WordPress.org Plugin Directory. Some of these plugins you’re probably familiar with, others are newer with their own unique features. While nobody is gonna need all of these plugins, it is comforting that there are so many to choose from. So you can find the best tools for whatever inspecting or debugging is needed. Plus all of these plugins are open source and 100% free. So without further ado..

BugFu Console Debugger
Handy plugin that enables logging of PHP directly via the browser console. Can be a huge time saver for developers.
Code Profiler
Measures the performance of your plugins and themes at the PHP level. Finally a replacement for the once-great P3 Profiler.
Handles the configuration of debug and other variables via wp-config.php. So you don’t have to edit the file manually.
Debug Bar
Adds a debug menu to the admin bar that shows query, cache, and other debugging information. Super useful tool for analyzing performance.
Debug Info
Provides important details about your WordPress operating environment. Easy way to get PHP configuration (via phpinfo()).
Debug Log Manager
Provides all sorts of tools for managing your site’s debug logs and more. Another massive time-saving tool.
Debug This
Displays lots of details about your WordPress site via the admin bar. Reveals “under the hood” what’s happening on each page.
Log HTTP Requests
Incredibly useful plugin for measuring and logging outgoing HTTP requests. One of my favorite plugins when developing.. other plugins :)
Plugin Detective
Holds your hand through the process of troubleshooting your site. Could be super useful depending on your workflow.
Query Monitor
Enables debugging of database queries, PHP errors, hooks, and much more. Hands down one of the best plugins for debugging WordPress.
System Dashboard
Monitors WordPress components, processes, server hardware, software, and resource usage. A must-have for serious WordPress developers.
Variable Inspector
Enables you to inspect various PHP variables via the dashboard in the WP Admin Area. Huge time-saver when working with PHP variables.
WP Console
Adds PsySH runtime developer console, interactive debugger and REPL. Write code and view the output right in your browser.
WP Crontrol
Enables you to view and control what’s happening in the WP-Cron system. Excellent plugin and highly recommended.
WP Debug Log
Enables you to check the debug log from the dashboard and optionally send email notifications. Looks super useful for debugging with WordPress.
WP Debugging
Adds the requisite PHP constants to the wp-config.php file to enable debugging. So you don’t have to edit the file manually.
Measures performance of your WordPress site. Looks interesting and useful but hasn’t been updated in a while.
WordPress Hosting Benchmark tool
Tests the performance of your server and compares with results from other servers. A great tool for diving deeper into server performance.
Explore even more debug tools..
The WP Plugin Directory is loaded with many plugins for developing, troubleshooting, and debugging your site. Try a few searches and browse the results. All free and open source. Amazing.
Shouts out to the developers working to provide these free tools to the WordPress community. Your work is important and appreciated.

Note: WordPress plugins tend to change over time, usually for the better but not always. So to be safe, make sure to check the official homepage/docs for more details before trying any of the above plugins. If anything should or should not be on the list, please let us know so we can update the post. Thank you!


Gotta give props here. I was inspired to put this round up together after seeing this post in David McCan’s Dynamic WordPress group on Facebook. Check it out for some interesting comments and more ideas for troubleshooting your WordPress-powered websites.

Cheers! 😎

Optimizing Database Queries: Exploring the Heuristic and Cost-Based Approaches

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I think everyone at least once used the explaincommand or at least heard about it. This command demonstrates the query execution plan, but how exactly the DBMS arrives at it remains a mystery. And how does the DBMS understand that the selected query is optimal? Does it check all possible options?

In this article, I will try to give a little idea of how query optimizers work from a theoretical point of view.

AI Threats Today: The Unseen Challenges in Our Automated World

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As our world becomes increasingly automated, the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in various domains has grown exponentially. While AI brings numerous benefits and advancements, it also introduces new threats and challenges in cybersecurity. This article will delve into the unseen challenges that AI threats pose, exploring the potential risks and vulnerabilities associated with this technology.

Understanding AI Threats

AI has revolutionized healthcare, finance, transportation, and more industries. However, its rapid integration into critical systems and decision-making processes allows malicious actors to exploit vulnerabilities. As a cybersecurity professional with 20 years of experience, I have witnessed firsthand the evolving landscape of cyber threats, and AI presents unique challenges that demand our attention.

What Is the Average Cost of Website Design for Small Business?

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average cost of website design for small businessLaunching a website can be a daunting task for beginners, especially since there are different avenues to consider. For example, you might not know whether to hire a designer or have a go at it yourself. However, it’s even harder to make a decision without knowing the average cost of website design for small business. To help you out, we’ve put together a breakdown of web design costs for small businesses.