Proactively Protect Against WordPress Vulnerabilities

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Proactively Protect Against WordPress VulnerabilitiesWithout a doubt, WordPress remains the most popular content management platform in the world, powering over 43% of websites worldwide. Given its immense popularity and the number of businesses running on the WP platform, it’s no surprise that a WP website is a common target for cyberattacks. Have you done everything in your power to […]

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Understanding Data Compaction in 3 Minutes

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What is compaction in the database? Think of your disks as a warehouse: The compaction mechanism is like a team of storekeepers (with genius organizing skills like Marie Kondo) who help put away the incoming data. 

In particular, the data (which is the inflowing cargo in this metaphor) comes in on a "conveyor belt," which does not allow cutting in line. This is how the LSM-Tree (Log Structured-Merge Tree) works: In data storage, data is written into MemTables in an append-only manner, and then the MemTables are flushed to disks to form files. (These files go by different names in different databases. In my community, we call them Rowsets). Just like putting small boxes of cargo into a large container, compaction means merging multiple small rowset files into a big one, but it does much more than that. As I said, the compaction mechanism is an organizing magician: 

Tuning EMQX To Scale to One Million Concurrent Connection on Kubernetes

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When building an IoT-based service, we need to implement a messaging mechanism that transmits data collected by the IoT devices to a hub or a server. That mechanism is known as a messaging protocol. A messaging protocol is a set of rules and formats that are agreed upon among entities that want to communicate with each other.

When dealing with IoT, one of the first things that come to mind is the limited processing, networking, and storage capabilities these devices operate with. These constraints make it challenging to implement a messaging protocol to facilitate communication. Ideally, we should use a protocol that takes all these issues into consideration.