What Is mTLS? How To Implement It With Istio

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This is a detailed guide on mTLS and how to implement it with Istio service mesh. We will be covering the following topics here:

  • Understanding mTLS protocol wrt TCP/IP suite
  • SSL vs TLS vs mTLS
  • Why is mTLS important?
  • Use-cases of mTLS
  • Certificate Authority, Publick keys, X.509 certificate: Must-know mTLS concepts
  • How does mTLS work?
  • How to enable mTLS with Istio service mesh
  • Certificate management for mTLS in Istio

What Is mTLS?

Mutual Transport Layer Security (mTLS) is a cryptographic protocol designed to authenticate two parties and secure their communication in the network. mTLS protocol is an extension of TLS protocol where both the parties- web client and web server- are authenticated. The primary aim of mTLS is to achieve the following:

The Pentagonal Transformation Forces Driving the Next-Gen Enterprise: A Consultant’s View

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The world is in flux. The pandemic has waned, but the definitive trails it left behind still shape the contours of our day-to-day life. The war in Europe promises to prolong. The heat wave is beginning to show its ugly fangs in Europe while California and Alabama in the USA brace for more climatic impacts. Amongst all this, the banking sector in the USA, under the weight of the rising interest rates and poor commercial real estate market (an offshoot of the pandemic), has shown its brittle side. Understandably, in a world as chaotic as this, the CIOs and CTOs of modern-day enterprises want to operate as thriftily as possible, balancing the see-saw between digital transformation and cost savings judiciously. 

Many transformation programs are either delayed or stayed in favor of more pressing, low-hanging initiatives that can help save some urgent mullah for the enterprises. Many enterprises are also brainstorming what should be their approach toward digital transformation going forward. It is in this context that the five transformation forces detailed out below could serve as a guiding light for enterprises to cherry-pick their digital transformation initiatives, thus, not only helping them invest prudently but also enabling and positioning them well to emerge successfully as an Enterprise of the Future.