How to Hide WooCommerce Shipping Methods

Set Up Woocommerce

How to Hide WooCommerce Shipping MethodsHaving multiple shipping and payment methods can be critical to increasing your WooCommerce store’s conversion rate. But with so many options you may sometimes need to restrict the availability of specific shipping methods based on multiple factors. For example, you might disable free shipping for certain products or regions overseas. In this article, we will […]

The post How to Hide WooCommerce Shipping Methods appeared first on WPExplorer.

My First Firefox Extension

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A couple of weeks ago, I spent the weekend creating another CFP submission helper in the form of a Firefox extension. It was not a walk in the park. To help others who may be interested in doing the same (and my future self), here's my journey.


I've written multiple posts about my conference submission workflow. To sum up:

Setting up iOS Framework for Unity

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Part 1: Launch UIViewController from Unity

I won’t waste your time on a long introduction about the technologies that I will describe here. You most likely already work as an iOS Engineer or Game Developer, which means you probably have some questions regarding the topic of this article. So, let’s get started.

This article is split into two parts. In the first part, you will learn how to launch a simple UIViewController from Unity. We will force C# to understand Swift. In the second part, we will try to expand the usage of Swift in Unity and explore its limitations.

Improve Site Navigation and WordPress SEO with New SmartCrawl Breadcrumbs

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Breadcrumbs are now baked into SmartCrawl, along with another hotly requested feature… setting primary categories for posts and products!

SmartCrawl 3.5 gives you the ability to improve your WordPress site navigation for users and search engines with two new powerful features: breadcrumbs, and the ability to specify primary categories when assigning multiple categories to your posts or product pages.

In this article, we explain the benefits of using SmartCrawl’s latest new features and how to get the most out of them. We’ll cover:

Let’s get cooking…

What’s a Breadcrumb?

In the classic fairytale, siblings Hansel and Gretel left a trail of breadcrumbs when they went deep into the forest so they would not get lost and have a path to navigate on their return.

Aptly named, breadcrumbs are an essential navigation aid that can help visitors and search engines better understand your website’s structure.

Why Use Breadcrumbs?

According to research, 38% of first-time website visitors look at navigational links on a page. So, the easier you make it for users to navigate your site, the better their experience. Especially if your website has a hierarchical structure with lots of nested pages.

And it goes without saying that improving your site’s navigation is also good for SEO, as it helps search engine bots crawl your pages and index your content more efficiently.

Here are some other reasons why you should use breadcrumbs on your WordPress site:

  • Breadcrumbs help users figure out where they are on your site. Visitors usually land on your site through an article link or search result and need a way to orient themselves quickly. A breadcrumb path can provide this orientation, making it easier for visitors to find what they’re looking for. It can also help to reduce bounce rates (i.e. the percentage of visitors who navigate away from your site after viewing only one page).
  • Breadcrumbs improve user experience. By providing a clear and concise path, users can understand not only where they are on your website, but also how to get back to previous pages or go up a level or two in your site’s hierarchical structure.
  • Breadcrumbs can improve your search engine visibility and potentially increase traffic to your site. Google uses breadcrumbs to categorize information on your site, helping it to index and organize your content and present it correctly to users. In fact, search engines like Google display breadcrumbs in search results pages, making them a valuable tool for improving your click-through rates.
Google search results example
Google displays breadcrumbs in search results.

Where Can You Use Breadcrumbs?

Breadcrumbs are a type of secondary navigation scheme that show users the path they have taken to reach a particular page on a website.

They don’t replace your site navigation menu, they support and complement it. So, a good place to put them is at the top of a page, just below your site’s primary navigation menu or the main header section.

Breadcrumbs displaying at the top of the page.
You can display a breadcrumb trail at the top of your content.

However, you can also use them at the bottom of your page or even on your sidebar.

As you will see later in this post, you can pretty much add a breadcrumb anywhere on your site using a shortcode.

Example of adding a breadcrumb into content using a shortcode.
Don’t know why you’d want to do this, but you can.

The best way to find what works best for your site is to test different locations and use tools like heatmaps or analytics to measure your results.

A website page with breadcrumb navigation.
Test different locations to sprinkle breadcrumbs on your site.

What happens if you assign multiple categories to a post? How do breadcrumbs choose which path to display?

Example of a WordPress post assigned to multiple categories.
Which of these categories gets the breadcrumb?

The answer is… breadcrumbs will choose whichever category you have specified as the primary category for the post.

Example of WordPress post assigned to multiple categories with the option to assign a primary category.
Make sure you can assign a primary category to posts with multiple categories.

Primary categories are the main classification of your business, product, or service and can help search engines understand the primary focus of your website, so the ability to select primary categories in SEO is important.

Example of post with a primary category assigned.
This is the category your breadcrumb patch will display.

If you assign a primary category to your posts, breadcrumbs don’t have to guess. It’s as simple as that!

An example of a web page with breadcrumbs.
A breadcrumb makes your site less humdrum.

How to Add Breadcrumbs to WordPress with SmartCrawl SEO Plugin

SmartCrawl not only makes it easy to add breadcrumb navigation to your website and assign primary categories to your posts and product pages, but it automatically adds structured data to your breadcrumbs. This helps search engines to understand and categorize your content and present it correctly to users.

Plus, SmartCrawl gives you complete control over how your breadcrumbs appear, making it easy to provide visitors with the information they need to navigate your site.

Example of web page with SmartCrawl breadcrumbs feature activated.
SmartCrawl’s breadcrumbs give you more SEO for your dough.

To activate SmartCrawl’s breadcrumb feature, go to SmartCrawl > Advanced Tools > Breadcrumb and click on activate.

SmartCrawl - Activate Breadcrumb screen
Activate SmartCrawl’s breadcrumb feature to configure and use it on your site.

Activating the feature gives you access to a range of settings and options for configuring your breadcrumbs.

SmartCrawl breadcrumbs settings screen.
SmartCrawl gives you loads of breadcrumb customization options.

Let’s go briefly over SmartCrawl’s breadcrumb settings:

  • Add Breadcrumbs to your Webpage – Add breadcrumbs to any page and anywhere on your website using a shortcode or adding PHP code to the template page.
  • Preview – This section lets you preview how breadcrumbs will display on your pages.
  • Breadcrumb Separator – Choose a breadcrumb separator from the list of presets or add your own custom separator using HTML characters.
  • Configurations – This section lets you enable additional breadcrumbs settings for your site, such as adding a prefix at the beginning of the breadcrumbs, adding home breadcrumbs to the trail, hiding the post title from the breadcrumb trail, or hiding the default WooCommerce product breadcrumb from your site if you use WooCommerce.
  • Breadcrumb Label Format – Here you can customize various breadcrumb label formats across your site, such as Post, Page, Archive, Search Results, and 404 Error Page label formats.
  • Deactivate – Deactivate the feature if you no longer want to display breadcrumbs on your site.

Let’s look at a few ways to customize breadcrumbs by tweaking SmartCrawl’s settings.

Choose a Breadcrumb Separator

The Breadcrumb Separator section lets you specify a separator symbol from a list of presets, but you can also add your own by entering HTML characters.

So, for this example, let’s add an emoji into the custom separator field…

Custom Breadcrumb separator
Add your custom separator HTML.

Here’s the result…

Webpage with custom breadcrumbs.
Create fun trails for users with custom breadcrumbs.

Add a Prefix

You can also add a prefix to your breadcrumbs in the Configurations section…

SmartCrawl - Breadcrumb settings: Add Prefix to Breadcrumb.
Add a prefix to your breadcrumbs.

And here’s the result…

Breadcrumb trail with prefix added.
Happy trails…

Hide Title in Breadcrumb

Let’s do one more tweak and hide the post title from our breadcrumb trails…

SmartCrawl breadcrumb configuration settings - Hide Post Title option.
You can hide the post title from displaying your breadcrumbs.

And here’s our customized breadcrumb sans title…

Breadcrumb trail with prefix and hidden title.
This humble breadcrumb is neither titled nor entitled.

Breadcrumb Label Formats

SmartCrawl gives you additional options to customize breadcrumb label formats across your site.

Customize breadcrumb label formats with a wide range of options.

This allows you to add additional information to your breadcrumbs such as post authors, dates and time, your site title, etc.

Example of customizing breadcrumb label formats.
Customized breadcrumb label formats? Is there anything SmartCrawl won’t do?

SmartCrawl… the Crumb de la Crumb of Breadcrumbs

Breadcrumbs improve your website’s SEO and search engine visibility, provide visitors with an easy way to navigate your site, reduce bounce rates, and increase click-through rates.

Smartcrawl’s breadcrumb feature is customizable, flexible, user-friendly, SEO-friendly, and compatible with all WordPress themes and plugins.

Additionally, SmartCrawl automatically ads breadcrumb schema markup and the ability to specify a primary category for posts and product pages with multiple categories assigned.

SmartCrawl is the free SEO plugin that lets you have your cake and eat it too… right down to the tastiest breadcrumbs!

See our documentation section for more information on using this feature and, if you have any questions, ask our 24/7 support team or check out our new AI Assistant by clicking the Support tab inside The Hub.

3 Ways to Track Construction Assets Using Ultra-Wideband

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Ultra-wideband (UWB) technology uses high-frequency radio waves and operates across a broad portion of the spectrum. Although some of its earliest uses relate to the military, people are increasingly interested in using it for asset tracking in construction. That allows them to scan a large target area and quickly pinpoint an item’s precise location. Here are some eye-opening reasons to consider using UWB tracking for better construction site visibility. 

1. Deploy the Technology on a Busy Site

Construction site decision-makers have an ongoing need for outdoor asset tracking. Such solutions should ideally be wireless since wires can pose tripping and other safety hazards. 

Red-Black Trees in C#: A Guide to Efficient Self-Balancing Binary Search Trees

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Welcome back to the final article in our series on binary search trees in C#. In our previous articles, we explored the fundamentals of binary search trees and the self-balancing AVL trees. We learned that while AVL trees guarantee a balanced tree structure, they require significant computational overhead to maintain balance factors and execute multiple rotations.

In this article, we will delve into another self-balancing binary search tree, the red-black tree. Red-black trees are designed to strike a balance between the efficiency of operations and the maintenance of a balanced tree structure. Unlike AVL trees, red-black trees use a color coding scheme to balance the tree, making it a more efficient alternative in certain scenarios.

Build a Celebrity Twitter Chatbot with GPT-4!

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This is what you will be building: A custom chatbot using MindsDB’s connectors to Twitter, OpenAI’s GPT-4, and custom prompts.

A simple example is this Twitter bot — @Snoop_Stein — who will reply with the appropriate context and personality to any tweets which mention him. If you haven’t tried tweeting to SnoopStein yet, check it out and tweet at your new friend and rapping physicist! See what it comes up with.

What Is the Real Root Cause of Your Problem?

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There is a project. Code is written, everything is tested, coverage is high, and features get delivered. There are bugs from time to time, but incidents get fixed fast, and no one worries about the situation. Well, business as usual. 

Time passes...

How to Use Icon Fonts in WordPress Post Editor (No Code)

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Do you want to use icon fonts in the WordPress post editor?

Icon fonts allow you to easily use images and symbols in text. They are lightweight and won’t slow down your site, and they can be easily scaled to any size and styled like any other text font.

In this article, we’ll show you how to easily use icon fonts in the WordPress post editor without writing any HTML code.

Using icon fonts in the WordPress editor

We’ll show you multiple methods, each one using a slightly different approach than the other. You can choose one that works best for you.

Method 1. Adding Icon Fonts in WordPress Post Editor using JVM Rich Text Icons

This method is recommended to use on any kind of WordPress website. It is easy to use and works seamlessly with the block editor.

First, you need to install and activate the JVM Rich Text Icons plugin. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you can simply edit a WordPress post or page or create a new one. Inside the post editor, add a new paragraph block, and you’ll see a new Flag icon in the block toolbar.

Icon font button in the block toolbar

Clicking on it will show a popup of icons to choose from. It uses the popular Font Awesome icon fonts by default.

You can use the search to look for an icon or simply scroll down to find the icon you want, and then click to add it.

Choose icons to insert

One advantage of using icon fonts is that you can use CSS to style them.

However, since you are already using the block editor, you can simply use the built-in color tools to style the icons.

Style icon fonts using block editor tools

The plugin allows you to use icon fonts in most text blocks such as Paragraph, List, Button, Columns, Cover, and more.

Here is an example of using icon fonts and block options to style three columns.

Icon fonts in columns

Another useful example of using icon fonts is with buttons.

This time we are using inline icon fonts alongside some text for the two buttons.

Using icon fonts in buttons and lists

Feel free to use the block editor tools like text alignment, colors, spacing, and more to get the most out of the icon fonts.

Method 2. Add Icon Fonts in WordPress Post Editor with Font Awesome

This method requires you to add shortcodes in the post editor to display icon fonts. You can use this method if you don’t need to regularly use icon fonts in your WordPress posts and pages.

First, you need to install and activate the Font Awesome plugin. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you can edit a post or page in WordPress and use the following shortcode to add a font icon.

[icon name="home"]
Adding icon fonts using shortcode

The name parameter here is the name of the font used by Font Awesome. You can find the entire list on the Font Awesome cheatsheet page.

Once added, you can preview your post or page to see how the icon will look on the live site since it will not display as an icon in the block editor.

This is how it looked on our test site.

Font icon preview

You can use the shortcode inside a paragraph and inline with other text. You can also add it on its own using the ‘Shortcode’ block.

However, using the ‘Shortcode’ block will not give you the styling options you’ll get with other text blocks.

You can also add the shortcode inside columns to create a features row.

Shortcode in columns

It would be a bit trickier as you will not be able to see the actual images, and the column heights will keep changing within the editor.

Here is how it looked on our test website. The columns are the same height, even though they are not in the editor.

Icon fonts preview using Font Awesome

You’ll probably have to preview your work in a new browser tab many times to see how it will look to users.

Method 3. Using Icon Fonts with WordPress Page Builders

This method is great if you are creating a landing page or designing your website using a WordPress page builder like SeedProd.

SeedProd is the best WordPress page builder on the market. It allows you to easily create beautiful landing pages or design your complete website.

SeedProd WordPress Website Builder

First, you need to install and activate the SeedProd plugin. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you’ll be asked to enter your plugin license key. You can find this information under your account on the SeedProd website.

SeedProd license key

After entering your license key and clicking ‘Verify Key,’ you can start working on your landing page.

Simply go to the SeedProd » Landing Pages page and click on the ‘Add New Landing Page’ button.

Add new landing page

After that, you will be asked to choose a template for your landing page.

SeedProd comes with a bunch of beautiful designs that you can use as a starting point, or you can start with a blank template and design the whole thing yourself.

Choose landing page template

For this tutorial, we will be using a pre-designed template. Simply click on a template to select it and continue.

Next, you will be asked to provide a title for your landing page and choose a URL.

Provide page title and URL

After entering them, click on the ‘Save and Start Editing the Page’ button to continue.

SeedProd will now launch the page builder interface. It is a drag-and-drop design tool where you can simply point and click on any item to edit it.

SeedProd page builder interface

You can also drag and drop blocks from the left column to add new elements to your design.

For the sake of this tutorial, we are going to add the Icon block.

Add icon block

After you add the block, you can simply click to edit its properties.

The left column will change to show the options for the Icon block. You can click into the ‘Icon’ section to the left and choose a different icon image or change the color and style.

Icon block settings

Another way to use icons in SeedProd is by adding the ‘Icon Box’ block.

The difference between this and the ‘Icon’ block we used previously is that ‘Icon Box’ allows you to add text along with your chosen icon.

This is one of the most common ways to use icons when displaying product features, services, and other items.

Icon box block

You can place your icon box inside columns, choose colors, and adjust the icon size to your liking.

Additionally, you can also format the accompanying text using SeedProd’s formatting toolbar.

Icon box inside columns

Once you are finished editing your page, don’t forget to click on the ‘Save’ button at the top right corner of the screen.

If you’re ready, you can click ‘Publish’ for the page to go live, or you can click on ‘Preview’ to make sure it looks like you want it to.

Save and publish your landing page

You can also click on ‘Save as Template’ so you can reuse this design with SeedProd on other parts of your website.

Here is how the icon fonts looked on our test website.

Icon fonts preview

We hope this article helped you learn how to use icon fonts in WordPress post editor without writing HTML code. You may also want to see our WordPress performance guide to optimize your website speed or the best landing page plugins for WordPress.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Use Icon Fonts in WordPress Post Editor (No Code) first appeared on WPBeginner.

Enhancing Threat Intelligence and Cybersecurity With IP Geolocation

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In the face of mounting cybercrime risks, enterprises and institutions are progressively leveraging IP geolocation as an efficacious instrument for detecting and alleviating internet-based menaces. IP geolocation involves the identification of a device or user's geographical location through their IP address. This advanced technology empowers organizations to track and oversee online activities, recognize looming threats, and proactively thwart potential cyberattacks.

Understanding IP Geolocation in Cybersecurity

IP geolocation data unveils the whereabouts of network traffic and devices, affording organizations the ability to promptly detect potential threats and take suitable actions. Through meticulous analysis of IP geolocation data, organizations can effectively detect dubious activity, such as connections from unexpected locations, and swiftly impede or isolate them from causing any damage.

Chris’ Corner: A Little Back and Forth

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I feel like y’all out there are like: ya know what I could use this week? A scattered collection of interesting links with light commentary about what is interesting about them or how they connect with the modern web zeitgeist. No worries gang, I got ya.

I like Josh’s take on all this coding + AI stuff and the fear of lost jobs. It’s terrible timing for all this because fricking tons of people are losing tech jobs in layoffs right now. But that isn’t because AI is taking their jobs, it’s economic fears, correcting overhiring mistakes, and some greedy “ooo look we can do mass layoffs and not get much flack for it because everyone is doing it”. Anyway here are some quotes from Josh’s article:

… since the beginning, there’s been a concern that web developers would be made redundant by some new technology. In the 2000s, it was WordPress. In the 2010s, it was Webflow. In the early 2020s, it was “no code” tools.

[on GPT-4 building simple website from napkin drawing] … we haven’t needed web developers to build these sorts of pages in decades. There is an enormous difference between this HTML document and the sorts of code front-end developers write today.

Code snippets are all over the internet, and are often generic. By contrast, every codebase is unique. There are very few large open-source codebases. How’s the AI supposed to learn how to build big real-world projects?

I actually think that this could increase the total # of developer jobs.

Certain tasks might be delegated to an AI, but not many jobs.

Normally I skip or roll my eyes at people’s hot takes on AI stuff since there is just so much of it right now, but again I think Josh’s takes here are smart. It’s also in agreement with most other takes I’ve read on this. Generally, people are writing articles trying to address people’s fear, but the fear seems a little invented.

A little accessibility back and forth!

I suppose the powers that be should listen to web accessibility experts over me, but I’m more inclined to agree with Ben here. The cowpaths are there, pave them.

Another back-and-forth took place last month between Alex Russell’s The Market for Lemons and Laurie Voss’ The case for frameworks. As much as I prefer to rate these arguments on the written word entirely, the fact is I know that both of these people are Very Big Web Personalities that both very much like to argue. Laurie for the most part brings baby-bear porridge to the party and I like that, but I also don’t mind Alex bringing down the hammer and taking hard-line stances on web performance, mostly because not a ton of other people do that and the web could use the pushback.

A good amount of web platform arguments end up being about JavaScript frameworks and the whole idea of SPAs. Probably no question we overdid it as an industry on the SPA thing. One side plot here though is that this was all happening during a time when the web was perhaps a bit more threatened by “native” apps than it is now. Native apps have a certain feel to them that is a bit different than web apps generally, and no small part of that is how they tend to animate their state and page transitions moreso than web apps do. SPAs made that far more possible than we were able to do on standard new-page-loading web apps.

Transitioning interfaces and page transitions in non-SPAs isn’t just sitting around waiting to be solved though. I think of three things:

  1. Swup is a JavaScript library just for this stuff which is being actively developed. There is also Taxi.
  2. Turbo looks still actively developed too, and while it’s not about transitions specifically, it’s about making a non-SPA behave like an SPA meaning you don’t need to change architectures but can still benefit from a page that never 100% reloads.
  3. The biggest deal is still the View Transitions API which has just landed now in stable Chrome. No libraries needed. No SPA needed. Just straight-up animations between state and page changes in native JavaScript.

I mentioned the other week that Firefox fixed this old bug a bit related to drop caps, but really, or I guess in addition to that, the best thing that can happen to drop caps is the CSS initial-letter property. I should have linked up Stephanie Stimac’s article Greater styling control over type with `initial-letter` which digs into that and strongly makes the case.

Ethan Marcotte has a wonderful video showing how to do drop caps well, but it’s frustratingly complicated. Really looks like initial-letter is the answer to all this.