The 5 Books You Absolutely Must Read as an Engineering Manager

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Continuous learning is one of the guiding principles that all people should apply in their life. Reading is an excellent tool to learn, and it is a habit that we should all be doing on a regular basis. Since I love reading books about different topics, in this article, I'm going to share five books that have helped me a lot to improve as Engineering Manager.

When we read a book, we should always remember three important things: 

Simulating and Troubleshooting BLOCKED Threads in Kotlin [Video]

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In this latest article of the series about simulating and troubleshooting performance problems in Kotlin, let’s discuss how to make threads go into a BLOCKED state. A thread will enter into a BLOCKED state if it can’t acquire a lock on an object because another thread already holds the lock on the same object and doesn’t release it.

Kotlin BLOCKED Thread Program

Here is a sample program that would make threads go into a BLOCKED state.

From Data Stack to Data Stuck: The Risks of Not Asking the Right Data Questions

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Companies are in continuous motion: new requirements, new data streams, and new technologies are popping up every day. When designing new data platforms supporting the needs of your company, failing to perform a complete assessment of the options available can have disastrous effects on a company’s capability to innovate and make sure its data assets are usable and reusable in the long term.

Having a standard assessment methodology is an absolute must to avoid personal bias and properly evaluate the various solutions across all the needed axes. The SOFT Methodology provides a comprehensive guide of all the evaluation points to define robust and future-proof data solutions. However, the original blog doesn’t discuss a couple of important factors: why is applying a methodology like SOFT important? And, even more, what risks can we encounter if we’re not doing so? This blog aims to cover both Aspects.

Developing a Barcode Reader To Make Life Easier

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I recently came across an article saying that barcodes and barcode readers have become a mainstay of today's economies and our lives in general since they were introduced in the 1970s.

So, I decided to test how true this is by seeing how often I come across barcode readers on a typical day of mine. And — surprise surprise — they turned out to be more important than I thought.

5 Common Firewall Misconfigurations and How to Address Them

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Cybersecurity experts are always learning the latest methods criminals are using to break into networks and steal data — but sometimes the criminals don’t need nefarious solutions. Especially not when people take an average of 277 days to recognize a breach through things like common firewall misconfigurations.

Protect yourself or your clients by addressing these concerns with common firewall issues. When criminals run into optimized firewalls, they’re more likely to look for potential victims elsewhere.