5 Essential Steps for Conducting a Comprehensive Technical SEO Audit

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As an SEO Expert, my name is Twin Mark and I am here to provide you with an essential guide to conducting a comprehensive technical SEO audit. A technical SEO audit helps you understand where your website stands in terms of search engine optimization, and provides you with the steps you need to take to improve it. Here are the five essential steps for conducting a comprehensive technical SEO audit:

1. Analyze Your Websites Technical SEO: The first step in any technical SEO audit is to analyze the technical SEO of your website. This includes things like page speed, mobile optimization, crawlability, structured data, and more. You can use tools like Google Search Console, Screaming Frog, and GTmetrix to help you get started.

2. Assess Your Websites Content Quality: Content quality is a major factor in your websites ability to rank in search engines. You should assess your content to make sure it is relevant, well-written, and free of any spelling and grammar errors. Additionally, you should make sure that your content is optimized for relevant keywords.

3. Analyze Your Websites Backlink Profile: Another important factor in SEO is your websites backlink profile. You should analyze your backlink profile to make sure it consists of high-quality and relevant links from authoritative sources. You can use tools like Moz Link Explorer and Ahrefs to help you with this.

4. Identify Broken Links and Missing Pages: Broken links and missing pages can have a negative impact on your websites SEO. You should identify any broken links or missing pages on your website and take the necessary steps to fix them. You can use tools like Google Search Console and Screaming Frog to help you find and fix broken links.

5. Monitor Your Websites Performance: Finally, you should monitor your websites performance to make sure it is performing optimally. You should use tools like Google Analytics and Search Console to monitor your websites traffic and keyword rankings. This will help you identify any areas that need improvement and track your progress over time.

By following these five essential steps, you can conduct a comprehensive technical SEO audit and make sure your website is optimized for search engines. This will help you improve your websites SEO and ensure that it is performing at its best.

What Are Network Operation Centers (NOCs) and How Do NOC Teams Work?

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Modern-day markets are highly competitive, and in order to foster stronger customer relations, we see businesses striving hard to be always available and operational. Hence, businesses invest heavily to ensure higher uptime and to have dedicated teams that constantly monitor the performance of an organization’s IT resources. In this article, we will explore what NOC teams are and why they are important.

The following pointers are covered in this article:

Building Real-Time Data Systems the Hard Way

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What Is Real-Time Data?

Real-time data proves to be beneficial for businesses. They use real-time data throughout the organization to derive useful information from it and extract better insights. Real-time data is helpful for monitoring and maintaining IT infrastructure. Real-time data enables businesses and organizations to get better visibility and understanding of the operation of their intricate networks.

It is crucial to have a better grip on concepts related to real-time data. These might include data velocity, the choice of processing, and an unavoidable problem of maintaining and monitoring systems for creating and consuming real-time data.

Implementing Adaptive Concurrency Limits

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Highly available and reliable Services are a hallmark of any thriving business in today’s digital economy. As a Service owner, it is important to ensure that your Services stay within SLAs. But when bugs make it into production or user traffic surges unexpectedly, services can slow down under a large volume of requests and fail. If not addressed in time, such failures tend to cascade across your infrastructure, sometimes resulting in a complete outage.

At FluxNinja, we believe that adaptive concurrency limits are the most effective way to ensure services are protected and continue to perform within SLAs.

Benefits for Bulk mailing

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(1) Cost-effectiveness: Sending a large number of emails at once can be more cost-effective than sending individual emails, especially if you are using a bulk email service that offers discounts for high volume.
(2) Reach: You can reach a large number of people in a short amount of time, making bulk mailing a quick and efficient way to get your message out to a wide audience.
(3) Customization: Many bulk email services offer the ability to personalize your messages with the recipient's name, location, and other information, which can increase engagement and improve the effectiveness of your campaign.
(4) Analytics: Most bulk email services provide detailed analytics and tracking information, allowing you to measure the success of your campaign and make data-driven decisions.
(5) Time-saving: Sending a large number of emails at once can save you time compared to sending individual emails, especially if you use automated features such as templates and pre-written responses.

Uplevel Your Managers With Mini-M Support Groups

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Today, I would like to share a management practice we developed at New Relic. It was one of the best things we did as an engineering organization. The practice is called “Mini-Ms." I believe it’s as important a practice for managers as code reviews are for engineers.

This post is the first of a series:

3 Ways That You Can Operate Record Beyond DTO [Video]

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The record feature has arrived in the latest LTS version, Java 17! Records allow the making of an immutable class without a boilerplate. That is awesome! The question is: how can we use it? In general, we saw a couple of samples with DTO, but we can do more than that. In this tutorial and video, we'll explore design capabilities with a record exceeding DTO.


We won't focus on it here, but it is worth mentioning that it is a good sample of record but not a unique case.

How To Avoid “Schema Drift”

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We are all familiar with drifting in-app configuration and IaC. We’re starting with a specific configuration backed with IaC files. Soon after, we are facing a “drift” or a change between what is actually configured in our infrastructure and files. The same behavior happens in data. The schema starts in a specific shape. As data ingestion grows and scales to different sources, we get a schema drift, a messy, unstructured database and an analytical layer that keeps failing due to a bad schema. In this article, we will learn how to deal with the scenario and how to work with dynamic schemas.

Schemas Are a Major Struggle

A schema defines the structure of the data format. Keys/Values/Formats/Types, a combination of all, results in a defined structure or simply—schema.

Blaze Slider

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Gotta love a good slider component! There have been so many over the years. I made my own back in the day, using jQuery, called the AnythingSlider. I remember the Pei Wei website used it for a while and I knew I had made it haha.

I think we see so many of these because they are a microcosm of the web itself. It’s a semantic challenge, an accessibility challenge, a performance challenge, a developer ergonomics challenge, a UX challenge, a design challenge, and even a marketing challenge.

Anyway, I’m usually a Flickity guy myself (basic demo), but Blaze Slider also looks great.

I like how it requires no framework at all, but if you’re using one, they have all the most common documented.

The post Blaze Slider appeared first on CodePen Blog.

Image Alt Text vs Image Title in WordPress – What’s the Difference?

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A lot of content on the web includes images. However, not many website owners optimize their images for speed or better search rankings. Even though WordPress comes with the option to add alt text and an image title, often beginners do not understand the difference and how to use them. In this article, we will share the difference between image alt text vs image title in WordPress, so you can improve your image SEO.
Image Alt Text vs Image Title in WordPress - What's the Difference?
Here’s what we’ll cover in this tutorial:

What’s the Difference Between Alt Text and Image Title?

‘Alt text’ is short for ‘alternate text’ and is an attribute that is added to an HTML image tag. The text describes the image, so visitors who can’t see the image and search engine bots will understand what the image is about. If an image on your WordPress website can’t be found or displayed for some reason, then the alt text will be shown instead, as you can see in the following screenshot.
Alt text displayed next to a broken image icon
Alt text is different from the image’s title. The title will be displayed in a small popup box when you bring your mouse cursor over the image.
An image with the title text
Alt text and image titles are also used to improve the accessibility of your website for those with poor vision and who use screen reader devices to read your site’s content. When the screen reader comes to an image, it will read the alt text. Depending on the user’s settings, it may also read the title text. For both accessibility and search engine optimization (SEO), alt text is more important than title text. This is why we strongly recommend including alt text for all your images.

How to Add Alt Text to an Image in WordPress

WordPress allows you to easily add alt text to your images. You can do this from the block editor, the classic editor, or the WordPress Media Library. Adding Alt Text in the Block Editor Simply create a new post or page or edit an existing one, and add an Image block.
Add an Image Block
If you’re not sure how to add a block or you need some extra help with the block editor, then just check out our tutorial on how to use the WordPress block editor. Now you need to upload your image or drag and drop it into the Image block. You can then set the alt text on the right-hand side of the page.
Adding alt text to an image in the WordPress block editor
Adding Alt Text in the Classic Editor If you’re still using the classic WordPress editor, then you can add image alt text when adding the image. First, click on ‘Add Media’ above the posting box.
Click 'Add Media' in the classic editor to add an image to your post
After that, you should either upload the image from your computer or click the ‘Media Library’ tab to view images you’ve already uploaded. Next, click on the image you want in order to select it, and then type the alt text you want into the ‘Attachment Details’ of your image.
Adding alt text to an image in the classic editor
Adding Alt Text in the Media Library You can also add alt text to an image by going to Media » Library and clicking on the image to edit it.
Viewing or editing the alt text for your image in the WordPress media library
Remember, this won’t change the alt text for any instances of that image that you’ve already inserted into posts or pages. However, if you add the image to a post or page after adding alt text here, then the alt text will be included with it.

How to Add Image Titles in WordPress

It’s important to understand that there are two types of titles that you can add to your images. First, there is the default image title WordPress uses internally to identify media files in the Media Library and attachments pages. Second, there is the HTML image title attribute added to images in your posts and pages. Let’s take a look at how to add both types of titles. Adding the WordPress Image Title in the Media Library You can add WordPress media titles to your images using theMedia Library. When you edit an image in the Media Library, you will see a ‘Title’ field.
Adding an Image Title in the WordPress Media Library
This title is used by WordPress to identify the image. When you click the ‘View attachment page’ link at the bottom of the screen, you’ll see the title is used as the title on that page.
Viewing the image's attachment page, with the image title shown
The WordPress media title isn’t necessary for image SEO or for users with screen readers. While it may be helpful in some cases, it’s not as useful as the image’s HTML title attribute. So how do you create that?
Pro Tip: Would you like to automatically use the WordPress media title as the image’s title attribute in your posts and pages? Take a look at the section below where we show you how to do this using All in One SEO Pro.
Adding an HTML Image Title Attribute in the Block Editor It’s easy to add a title attribute in the block editor. Simply click the image and then click the down arrow next to ‘Advanced’ to show the advanced image options.
Adding the Title Attribute in the Block Editor
Now you can simply type the title in the ‘Title Attribute’ field. Adding an HTML Image Title Attribute in the Classic Editor Adding a title attribute using the old classic editor is similar. You can add the title attribute by clicking on an image and then clicking the pencil icon.
Editing an image in the WordPress classic editor
You’ll then see the ‘Image Details’ screen. To set the image title attribute, you need to click the little down arrow next to ‘Advanced Options’ at the bottom.
Click the downward arrow to view the Advanced details for your image
You can then set the image’s title attribute. Make sure you click the ‘Update’ button at the bottom of the screen when you’re done.

How to Automatically Set Alt Text and Image Titles Using AIOSEO

All in One SEO (AIOSEO) is the best WordPress SEO plugin on the market. It will add a proper image sitemap and other SEO features to improve your SEO ranking. It also lets you automatically set your alt text and image titles, and more. The first thing you need to do is install and activate the All in One SEO plugin. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin. To use the Image SEO feature, you will need the Plus plan or above. Upon activation, the plugin will launch the setup wizard automatically. You can learn how to configure the plugin in our guide on how to set up All in One SEO correctly. Now you need to navigate to All in One SEO » Search Appearance and then click on the ‘Image SEO’ tab. After that, you’ll have to click the ‘Activate Image SEO’ button to enable the premium image SEO features.
Activating the Image SEO Module in AIOSEO
Setting Image Titles Using All in One SEO Make sure that you are looking at the ‘Title’ tab of the Image SEO page. Here you can choose tags that will set the format used to automatically generate title attributes for your images. For example, if you include the ‘+ Image Title’ tag, then each image in your posts and pages will automatically use the WordPress media title in the HTML title attribute.
Customizing the Image Title in AIOSEO
You can also add other tags, such as your website title, to your image title attribute. All in One SEO can even strip punctuation from the title and change its capitalization. Setting Alt Text Using All in One SEO Next, you need to click the ‘Alt Tag’ tab on the AIOSEO’s Image SEO page. Here you can automatically format the alt text of your images. By default, AIOSEO will simply use the image’s alt text. If you like, you can also add your website’s title and other information to the alt text of each image on your website.
Customizing the Alt Tag in AIOSEO

Why Use Alt Text and Image Titles in WordPress?

We strongly recommend using alt text for all images. Here on WPBeginner, we also add a title to all images. However, this is less important than the alt text. Alt text is important because Google focuses on it as a ranking factor for images. It is also used by screen readers to help visitors with impaired vision to fully engage with your content. You should never just stuff keywords into alt and title tags. It’s important that you make them descriptive and helpful so that they’re useful for visitors who need them. You can use your keywords where relevant, but don’t overdo it. For example, if you’re writing an article about the best WordPress hosting, then your target keyword could be “best WordPress hosting”. You might also have a screenshot in your article showing users how to set up an account with a popular web host like Bluehost. Let’s take a look at some good and bad examples of alt text for that image:
  • “Account setup” is not very descriptive and also doesn’t include anything related to your keyword.
  • “Best WordPress hosting, WordPress hosting, best web hosting for WordPress” doesn’t describe the image and is stuffed with keywords.
  • “Setting up a WordPress hosting account” is much better as it’s descriptive and uses part of the keyword in a natural and appropriate way.
We hope this article helped you understand the difference between image alt text and image title in WordPress. You may also want to learn how to optimize images for the web, and check out our list of the best WordPress SEO plugins and tools. If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook. The post Image Alt Text vs Image Title in WordPress – What’s the Difference? first appeared on WPBeginner.

Landing Your Dream Job with Lensa in Graphic Design

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Landing your dream job in graphic design requires more than just a creative eye and technical skills. You need to have the right skills, an online presence, and a portfolio that demonstrates your abilities. In this article, we will discuss how to make yourself a more attractive candidate for a graphic design position by honing […]

Vector Databases Are Reinventing How Unstructured Data Is Analyzed

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Unstructured data is a complex challenge but a huge opportunity in any organization’s pursuit of data excellence. Unfortunately, it remains untouched due to the complexity of sorting, managing, and organizing the load. Interestingly, the OpenAI initiative, ChatGPT, has emerged as a winner in manipulating unstructured data into a structured format. However, ChatGPT isn’t the only one making inroads to streamlining the analysis of unstructured data: Enter vector databases. 

Difference between structured and unstructured data.

Measuring Page Speed With Lighthouse

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Page speed matters more than you think. According to research by Google, the probability of users staying on your site plummets as the loading speed slows down. A site that loads in ten seconds increases the bounce rate by a whopping 123%. In other words, speed equals revenue.

How can we ensure that our pages are loading at top speed? The answer is to measure them regularly with Lighthouse and CI/CD.

Measuring Page Speed With Lighthouse

Lighthouse is a page speed benchmark tool created by Google. It runs a battery of tests against your website and produces a report with detailed advice to improve performance.

Content Security Policy / PayPal

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Anyone here had experience with PayPal Content Security Policy?
I tried to make a dummy purchase using Chrome Developer tools and this message is written in the bottom box: Content Security Policy blocks inline execution of scripts and stylesheets
(See attachment)
There must be a line of code to go in the <head> lurking somewhere, PayPal doesn't want to make it simple.
So, does anyone have any knowledge of this CSP? It's certainly preventing any PayPal sales that's for sure.
