A Brief History of Website Builders

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history of website buildersThe process of website building has gone through significant transformation over the years. Nowadays almost anyone with basic computer skills can build a website, but during the early days of the internet, web design was the sole domain of programmers and coders. In this article, we will explore the history of website builder from the mid-90s to the present.

A Guide to CSS Color Functions

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Hey, there fellow developers! Today, we’re going to dive into the world of CSS color functions.

You might have used CSS to change the color of an element on a web page, but have you ever heard of CSS color functions? If not, tighten your seat belts because you’re about to learn something new and super useful!

Google as a tool to search for information is getting worse.

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I f***ing hate Google anymore. 5 years ago you would have searched that and found a definite answer and guide on how to find your password. I'm gonna guess you got a bunch of poorly written articles from strange websites that weren't actually helpful?

I'm not the only one seeing Google's decline as a search engine or place to find information.
Not to pull any punches here, ChatGPT is blowing up the idea you go to ye olde link purveyor along with Reddit doing what they do as well.

The fallout from this is enormous as it threatens to tear up the ideas of SEO and ranking. Why bother with a google search when you have alternatives? Yes I've read where humans, AI, Reddit can get it wrong but Google has been moving away from being a good way of finding information for over a decade.

If there's anything good about ChatGPT is that it has the Google founder's attention as a credible threat and they are back at work.
Too bad their first reveal (Google Bard) was a flop.

Event Streams Are Nothing Without Action

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Each data point in a system that produces data on an ongoing basis corresponds to an Event. Event Streams are described as a continuous flow of events or data points. Event Streams are sometimes referred to as Data Streams within the developer community since they consist of continuous data points. Event Stream Processing refers to the action taken on generated Events.

This article discusses Event Streams and Event Stream Processing in great depth, covering topics such as how Event Stream Processing works, the contrast between Event Stream Processing and Batch Processing, its benefits and use cases, and concluding with an illustrative example of Event Stream Processing.

The Ultimate Guide What To Look Out for in Web Hosting

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Web hosting is a service that allows individuals and organizations to make their websites accessible on the internet. When you create a website, you need a place to store all of your website's files, such as HTML, CSS, and images. Web hosting companies provide servers, which are powerful computers that are connected to the internet, where you can store and run your website's files.

When you sign up for a web hosting service, you are essentially renting space on a server to host your website. Depending on the type of web hosting plan you choose, you may have access to a range of features and resources, including disk space, bandwidth, email accounts, and databases.

Strategy for Combating New Threat Actors and Emerging Cyberattacks and Risks

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With the cyber threat landscape growing constantly and cyberattacks becoming more sophisticated, it is imperative for any organization to be well-prepared with a clear and actionable cyber defense strategy. As noted by   Chuck Robbins, Chairman, and CEO at Cisco, during his keynote at the RSA Conference 2021, cybercrime caused an estimated 6 trillion USD in damage globally in 2021 (1). Furthermore, the damage caused by cybercrime globally is estimated to grow about 15% per year, reaching 10.5 USD by 2025 (2). With remote working becoming a norm during post covid-19 pandemic in many organizations, the enterprise network perimeter has shifted, and more vulnerable points have been created. The Cyber security strategy needs to adapt to emerging attacks. 

This article proposes a security strategy that builds upon the well-established Defense-in-Depth concept, complemented by a more recent paradigm known as Zero trust. After giving a brief overview of both concepts, we will provide more details on specific actions that, if implemented correctly, will increase your organization’s capabilities in combatting emerging cyberattacks and risks.

Varchar vs Nvarchar Sql Server

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Varchar and Nvarchar are data types in SQL Server. The main difference between varchar and narchar is that the narchar is used for storing Unicode characters while varchar is used for storing Non-Unicode characters. Data storage is 1 byte per character in varchar while data storage in nvarchar is 2 bytes per character. In field ...

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Is Graphic Design a Good Carrer in 2023

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Ah, the graphic design world – a vibrant, ever-changing industry that needs both technical expertise and creative flair. Looking into the future, many aspiring designers are grappling with the million-dollar question of is graphic design a good career in 2023.  And really, it’s not surprising! With the advancements in design tools and technology, coupled with ...

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5 Ways to Open CR3 Files in Photoshop

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You have CR3 file Images that you want to edit or open on photoshop, but you cannot open CR3 files on photoshop. Please do not get upset that you can’t open your CR3 files in photoshop because there is a solution for every problem. In this article, we have mentioned how to open CR3 files ...

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Landing Your Dream Job with Lensa

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Landing your dream job in graphic design requires more than just a creative eye and technical skills. You need to have the right skills, an online presence, and a portfolio that demonstrates your abilities. In this article, we will discuss how to make yourself a more attractive candidate for a graphic design position by honing ...

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How to Protect Your WooCommerce Store from Fraud

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How to Protect Your WooCommerce Store from FraudA few weeks ago, WPTavern highlighted the recent spike in payment fraud via Stripe on WooCommerce websites. While this issue itself is not new, this post was triggered by a discussion on the Advanced WordPress Facebook Group, by several developers who noticed that their clients’ websites were affected by similar incidents. And they are not […]

The post How to Protect Your WooCommerce Store from Fraud appeared first on WPExplorer.

Database Subsetting With Jailer Tutorial

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Jailer is a tool for database subsetting, schema, and data browsing. 

It creates small slices from your database and lets you navigate through your database following the relationships. Jailer is ideal for creating small samples of test data or for local problem analysis with relevant production data.

How to Create a 3D Audio Effect Generator

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3D Audio Overview

An immersive experience is much talked about in the current mobile app world, given how it evokes emotions from users to merge the virtual world with reality.

3D audio is a fantastic gimmick that is capable of delivering such an experience. This tech provides listeners with an audio experience that mimics how they hear sounds in real life, mostly by using the binaural sound systems to capture, process, and playback audio waves. 3D audio allows the listener to know where audio sources are from, thereby delivering a richer experience.

How to Sell a Website in 9 Steps: Go From Scratch to Done Deal

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how to sell a websiteEver wondered how to sell a website? Whatever your reasons might be for doing so, you’ve decided that now is the time to pull the trigger. Unfortunately, selling a website can often feel like a daunting and even intimidating process. Luckily, we’re here to help you with a simple guide on how to do it in nine steps.

10 Artificial Intelligence Tasks You Didn’t Know AI Could Do

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Artificial intelligence tasks are as innumerable as humans can creatively conceive of ways to apply AI technology.

While much can be said about artificial intelligence, this list is more of an artificial intelligence 101 crash course. We could deep dive into specific ways AI has improved our lives in ways we may not realize, but let’s start by defining artificial intelligence.