Event Streams Are Nothing Without Action

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Each data point in a system that produces data on an ongoing basis corresponds to an Event. Event Streams are described as a continuous flow of events or data points. Event Streams are sometimes referred to as Data Streams within the developer community since they consist of continuous data points. Event Stream Processing refers to the action taken on generated Events.

This article discusses Event Streams and Event Stream Processing in great depth, covering topics such as how Event Stream Processing works, the contrast between Event Stream Processing and Batch Processing, its benefits and use cases, and concluding with an illustrative example of Event Stream Processing.

The Ultimate Guide What To Look Out for in Web Hosting

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Web hosting is a service that allows individuals and organizations to make their websites accessible on the internet. When you create a website, you need a place to store all of your website's files, such as HTML, CSS, and images. Web hosting companies provide servers, which are powerful computers that are connected to the internet, where you can store and run your website's files.

When you sign up for a web hosting service, you are essentially renting space on a server to host your website. Depending on the type of web hosting plan you choose, you may have access to a range of features and resources, including disk space, bandwidth, email accounts, and databases.

Strategy for Combating New Threat Actors and Emerging Cyberattacks and Risks

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With the cyber threat landscape growing constantly and cyberattacks becoming more sophisticated, it is imperative for any organization to be well-prepared with a clear and actionable cyber defense strategy. As noted by   Chuck Robbins, Chairman, and CEO at Cisco, during his keynote at the RSA Conference 2021, cybercrime caused an estimated 6 trillion USD in damage globally in 2021 (1). Furthermore, the damage caused by cybercrime globally is estimated to grow about 15% per year, reaching 10.5 USD by 2025 (2). With remote working becoming a norm during post covid-19 pandemic in many organizations, the enterprise network perimeter has shifted, and more vulnerable points have been created. The Cyber security strategy needs to adapt to emerging attacks. 

This article proposes a security strategy that builds upon the well-established Defense-in-Depth concept, complemented by a more recent paradigm known as Zero trust. After giving a brief overview of both concepts, we will provide more details on specific actions that, if implemented correctly, will increase your organization’s capabilities in combatting emerging cyberattacks and risks.

Varchar vs Nvarchar Sql Server

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Varchar and Nvarchar are data types in SQL Server. The main difference between varchar and narchar is that the narchar is used for storing Unicode characters while varchar is used for storing Non-Unicode characters. Data storage is 1 byte per character in varchar while data storage in nvarchar is 2 bytes per character. In field ...

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Is Graphic Design a Good Carrer in 2023

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Ah, the graphic design world – a vibrant, ever-changing industry that needs both technical expertise and creative flair. Looking into the future, many aspiring designers are grappling with the million-dollar question of is graphic design a good career in 2023.  And really, it’s not surprising! With the advancements in design tools and technology, coupled with ...

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