Landing Your Dream Job with Lensa in Graphic Design

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Landing your dream job in graphic design requires more than just a creative eye and technical skills. You need to have the right skills, an online presence, and a portfolio that demonstrates your abilities. In this article, we will discuss how to make yourself a more attractive candidate for a graphic design position by honing […]

Vector Databases Are Reinventing How Unstructured Data Is Analyzed

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Unstructured data is a complex challenge but a huge opportunity in any organization’s pursuit of data excellence. Unfortunately, it remains untouched due to the complexity of sorting, managing, and organizing the load. Interestingly, the OpenAI initiative, ChatGPT, has emerged as a winner in manipulating unstructured data into a structured format. However, ChatGPT isn’t the only one making inroads to streamlining the analysis of unstructured data: Enter vector databases. 

Difference between structured and unstructured data.

Measuring Page Speed With Lighthouse

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Page speed matters more than you think. According to research by Google, the probability of users staying on your site plummets as the loading speed slows down. A site that loads in ten seconds increases the bounce rate by a whopping 123%. In other words, speed equals revenue.

How can we ensure that our pages are loading at top speed? The answer is to measure them regularly with Lighthouse and CI/CD.

Measuring Page Speed With Lighthouse

Lighthouse is a page speed benchmark tool created by Google. It runs a battery of tests against your website and produces a report with detailed advice to improve performance.

Content Security Policy / PayPal

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Anyone here had experience with PayPal Content Security Policy?
I tried to make a dummy purchase using Chrome Developer tools and this message is written in the bottom box: Content Security Policy blocks inline execution of scripts and stylesheets
(See attachment)
There must be a line of code to go in the <head> lurking somewhere, PayPal doesn't want to make it simple.
So, does anyone have any knowledge of this CSP? It's certainly preventing any PayPal sales that's for sure.
