20+ Awesome Dashboard Designs That Will Inspire You

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The Internet is awash with a truckload of websites. While most of them hardly manage to take hold of our attention, there are a few which find a way to perch themselves into our bookmarks and are scattered throughout browser’s history. The following list is not about those websites! Instead it brings forth what lies […]

How to Draw Mountains | Easy Steps

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A mountain’s beauty can see from above the land’s surface. Mountain ranges usually consist of a group of mountains. In addition to cities situate in lowlands, there are also cities situated on mountains with harsher conditions. Many mountains hold religious significance as they uses for millennia for spiritual and religious reasons. The highest mountain in […]

Where Did All The Focus Time Go? Dissecting 1.5 Million Meetings With Clockwise’s VP of Engineering Dan Kador

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Where has all the focus time gone? Why does there seem to be less of it at big companies than at startups? And do managers really have as little as they claim?

It should come as no surprise to our listeners that we're big fans of data here at Dev Interrupted. The coolest thing about having Dan Kador, VP of Engineering at Clockwise, on the show is that he brings data we already intuitively understood but could not quantify.

designing a flipflop


Design a three-bit counter using T-FFs. The counter has one input X. The counter counts odd numbers (1, 3, 5, 7) if X = 0 and counts even numbers (0, 2, 4, 6) if X = 1. If X = 1 and the current number is odd, the counter will go to the next even number. likewise, if X = 0 and the current number is even, the counter will go to the next odd.
**wanting to make have I did good so far ;-; been struggling a lot, next step is just drawing if I wasn't mistaken""


WordPress 6.1, FSE Rebrand, State of the Word 2022, HPOS in WooCommerce 🗞️ December 2022 WordPress News w/ CodeinWP

Set Up Woocommerce
December 2022 WordPress NewsHey, WordPress fans. We are checking in with our latest roundup of WordPress news from the past month. November was a bit of a slow month in terms of WordPress news, perhaps because the US WordPress community was more focused on stuffing themselves with turkey than working on WordPress sites. But despite that, there were still a few tasty tidbits that are worth sharing.

100 Photoshop CS6 Tutorials 2022

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Back by popular demand, it’s Designrfix Tutorial Week! Every day we will publish one article to get your creative juices flowing with free online tutorials in Photoshop, Illustrator and Cinema 4d, just to name a few. So tune in daily, and discover all the latest tips and tricks to arm yourself with the knowledge to kick-ass […]

Optimize Business KPIs by Making Effective Actionable Decisions Using Causal Machine Learning

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In this blog post, we will look at different scenarios where the most used ML modeling techniques may misinterpret the real relationships in the data. Here we try to shift this paradigm to find actionable insights beyond spurious correlations based on estimating causal relationships and measuring the treatment effectiveness of Target KPI outcomes. 

Motivation for Causal ML

If we were given historic or observational data with 5% churned customers for a product in the last year, every business owner's goal is to decrease this percentage by conducting a targeted campaign. We usually build a predictive classical Propensity Model of churn customers (Propensity score – Probability of churn given its covariates of customer behavior such as CLV, RFM, etc.) and prescribe discounts or upsell/cross-sell to customers by selecting thresholds. 

Is this good practice for SEO?

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Just came to my mind this and i like to ask others about it. So i have website that have auto generated content on the pages.
The text it self is all the same but only some variables changing like (names, tags, pictures). So i was wondering is it good practice for SEO purposes, to make the text content change for some KEY keywords.
For example.
DaniWeb was founded in 2002 by Dani, who, at that time, was pursuing a computer science degree on Long Island, New York, and began gaining widespread attention throughout the search engine optimization industry in 2005.

On the second refresh to be something like this.
DaniWeb is founded in 2002 by Dani, which was pursuing a computer science degree on Long Island, New York and started to gain widespread attention throughout the SEO industry in 2005.

The above is just an example to get my point.

But i have on my website key keywords that users will search on google.
I plan to do this in the title & text also. But as i said only for some KEY keywords
Keyword: [LEAKED] -> [LEAKS], [HACKED], [HACK]
and so on...