Weebly Review: Is This a Viable Website Builder in 2023?

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weebly reviewChoosing a website builder for your next project can be a tough decision, even once you whittle down the options to a handful. Weebly is often one of the top contenders, due to its straightforward usability, reasonable pricing, and ecommerce integrations. However, it’s just as important to compare what this platform offers in relation to the likes of WordPress, Squarespace, and Wix. Our Weebly review will shed as much light as possible on what the builder does well, and where it can improve.

SQL Commands: A Brief Guide

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SQL stands for Structured Query Language. And SQL is used for communication with the database for accessing, creating, updating the data stored in the database.

SQL allows the user to do the following:

Responsive vs Adaptive Design: Which One Is Better?

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Having an online presence meant designing a website that would only be seen and displayed on a desktop and maybe a laptop computer screen. Now, though, if you are planning to design a website, a plethora of screen sizes and resolutions need to be considered —  from a handy device (mobile) to a laptop or tablet screen. And if your web design doesn’t display correctly on any of the devices, a user will quickly move on. 

The era we’re living in, where people prefer using mobile devices for visiting websites. However, there is a significant increase in the number of mobile devices. It’s vital for businesses to make their website visibility on smartphones and tablets.

Organizing Talent: Return of the Data Center of Excellence

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Will Larson (writer of "An Elegant Puzzle" – recommended read) may have said it best when he wrote that one of the best kinds of reorganization is the one you don’t do. 

However, data leaders inevitably reach a point where, due to team growth or evolving business demands, things just don’t work. Faced with these challenges, data organizations may swing back-and-forth between centralized vs. decentralized organizational structures until they achieve the right balance. 

WordPress Guest Posting: Attract, Manage & Earn

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WordPress Guest Posting: Attract, Manage & EarnChances are, you’ve written a few guest posts yourself. But have you considered accepting them on your own site? If you have a WordPress site, creating a WordPress guest posting program is a powerful content strategy. It can increase your audience reach, build your authority, and even earn you extra cash. Most importantly, it keeps […]

The post WordPress Guest Posting: Attract, Manage & Earn appeared first on WPExplorer.

How To Use ggshield To Avoid Hardcoded Secrets [Cheat Sheet Included]

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Most developers love working in the terminal, tying together all sorts of tools with command line interfaces, CLIs, via scripting. Working with CLIs is powerful, but it can be challenging to initially learn all the ways a tool can help you do your work. While the only real way to learn any tool is by using it, one time-tested method to get over the learning curve is to keep a short list of common commands, as well as concept recaps, on hand for using the tools.

At the same time, it is pretty common to adopt a tool for one or two specific functions, without investigating what other commands a tool offers. For example, just think about how many Git commands you use regularly out of the 164 currently available commands. Getting a holistic view of how a command line tool is structured and the possible commands can help you make better use of the platform.

CSS is OK, I guess.

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Nothing but ear-to-ear smiles as I was watching this video from @quayjn on YouTube. (No actual name in the byline, though I think it’s Brian Katz if my paper trail is correct).

The best is this Pen you can use to sing along…

The little song Una did for memorizing for JavaScript’s map(), filter(), and reduce()methods at the end of this article comes to mind for sure.

To Shared LinkPermalink on CSS-Tricks

CSS is OK, I guess. originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

WordPress Hosting Survey 2022: The Results Are In! 3,400+ Voted

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WordPress Hosting Survey 2022Looking for WordPress hosting recommendations online is a bit tough. Sure, you will find loads of reviews from various publishers – including us – but how can you know which of the hosts go beyond that initial positive impression and deliver good experience long term? That’s the kind of stuff you can only learn from actual users and website owners. This is where our WordPress hosting survey comes into play!

70 Awesome Illustrator Tutorials For Designers

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Welcome to day 2 of tutorial week on Designrfix. Today we have assembled a stunning collection of some of the  latest and most creative Illustrator tutorials from around the Web. I am confident that these 70 awesome Illustrator tutorials will guide you in creating some of the most amazing Illustrations for your next project. Hope you like […]

140 Fantastic Photo Manipulation Tutorials for Adobe Photoshop

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Here at Designrfix, we are always in search of great Photoshop tutorials from around the web. This week we have compiled an amazing set of tutorials focusing on photo manipulation. In this post, you’ll find everything from How to Create an Autumn Fairy Photo Manipulation to . Now the hard part will be deciding which of […]

All You Wanted To Know About Custom Fields in Project Management

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A survey has found that 59% of project managers manage between 2 and 5 projects, 11% manage 6 to 10 projects, and 15% manage more than 10 projects at a time. Only 15% of project managers manage one project at a time.

Managing even a single project can turn out to be an overwhelming task for project managers, leave alone running multiple projects at the same time. The task is made even more difficult when working with remote teams to get the job done.

Streaming in Mule

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Streaming is the process where we just refer the data as its bytes arrive instead of scanning and loading the entire document to index it. Streaming speeds up the processing of large documents without overloading memory. Mule supports end-to-end streaming throughout a flow.

Enablement of Streaming 

We can enable streaming through 2 modes:

How to Add Featured Video Thumbnails in WordPress

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Do you want to use video for featured thumbnails in WordPress?

By replacing a post or product’s featured image with a featured video, you can make your website much more vibrant and dynamic. Visitors can view these videos from nearly anywhere including your blog archives, homepage, and WooCommerce product pages.

In this article, we will show you how you can add featured video thumbnails in WordPress.

How to add featured video thumbnails in WordPress

Why Add Featured Video Thumbnails in WordPress?

All popular WordPress themes allow you to add featured images to your posts and products.

These are the primary images, and they often appear at the top of the page and other areas of your site such as your website’s archive pages. Search engines and social media sites may also display a page’s featured image.

A good featured image can get you a lot of user engagement. However, you may be able to get more clicks, pageviews, and even sales by using a featured video thumbnail instead.

If you’ve created an online store, then showing a video at the top of the product page is a great way to make shoppers want to scroll and learn more about that product.

An example of a featured video thumbnail

With that being said, let’s see how you can add featured video thumbnails in WordPress.

How to Add Featured Video Thumbnails in WordPress

The easiest way to use videos as featured thumbnails is by using Really Simple Featured Video. This plugin lets you embed videos from popular video hosting websites such as YouTube or Vimeo and use them as featured video thumbnails.

It also works perfectly with WooCommerce and will show the featured video at the top of the product page.

However, just be aware that WooCommerce will show the featured video on the product page only. The featured image thumbnail will still be used in other places, including your WooCommerce store page.

First, you’ll need to install and activate the plugin. If you need help, then please see our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

After activation, there are a few settings to configure. To get started, go to Settings » Really Simple Featured Video.

The Simple Featured Video settings

On this screen, you can select whether you want to add featured video thumbnails to pages, posts, or WooCommerce products.

To do this, simply click on the ‘Posts,‘ ‘Pages’ or ‘Products’ switches to turn them from grey (disabled) to purple (active). In the following image, we’ve enabled the featured video feature for products, plus posts and pages.

Enabling featured video thumbnails for posts, pages, and products

After that, click on the ‘Save changes’ button.

Next, click on the ‘Controls’ tab. Here, you’ll find a ‘Self-hosted videos’ section where you can configure the settings for the videos in your WordPress media library.

Changing the featured video thumbnail settings

While the plugin does support self-hosted videos, this can take up a lot of storage space and bandwidth so we don’t recommend it. To learn more, check out why you should never upload a video to WordPress.

Instead, scroll to the ‘Embed Videos’ section. This is where you will find settings for any videos you embed from third-party video platforms such as YouTube.

When you embed videos from YouTube or Vimeo, Really Simple Featured Video will show the playback controls for that platform.

For example, if you’re embedding a YouTube video then visitors will have access to YouTube’s specific playback features.

However, the ‘Embed videos’ section does have an ‘Autoplay’ switch that you can click to enable, too.

Enabling autoplay for WordPress featured thumbnail images

By default, the plugin will play videos with sound turned on. To mute your videos by default, click on the ‘Mute sound’ toggle.

You can also set the featured video thumbnails to play on loop.

Looping videos can be annoying to many visitors, particularly if the video is short and has sound. It’s a good idea to only activate the ‘Loop’ switch if replaying the video over and over improves the visitor experience in some way. For example, you might create a video showing a 360 degree view of a product and then set that clip to loop.

Embedding a video

After working your way through the different settings, make sure you click on the ‘Save Changes’ button.

Adding Featured Video Thumbnails to Posts, Pages, and WooCommerce Products

Once you’ve configured how the plugin will show embedded videos, you’re ready to add featured video thumbnails to your WordPress website.

To do this, simply open the post, page, or WooCommerce product where you want to add a featured video thumbnail.

If you’re adding a featured video to a page or post, then you’ll find the ‘Featured Video’ section in the right-hand menu underneath the ‘Discussion’ section.

Adding a featured video to a WordPress post

Want to add a featured video to a WooCommerce product instead?

Then you’ll find the ‘Featured Video’ section underneath the ‘Product gallery‘ section.

The Featured Video settings on the product screen

To use a video from a video hosting site, simply click on ‘Embed.’

In the new field, you’ll need to paste the URL of the video that you want to embed.

Adding a featured video thumbnail in the WordPress post editor

Just make sure that you add the video’s URL in the right format. In the right-hand menu, you’ll see some examples for YouTube, Vimeo, and Dailymotion.

For YouTube, the plugin gives us the following example URL: https://www.youtube.com/embed/vbLgiRQ0Moo

This means you’ll need to use https://www.youtube.com/embed/ as the first part of your URL and then add the ID of the video that you want to embed.

To find the video ID, simply open a new tab in your browser, then go to the YouTube video that you want to embed. Now, take a look at the browser’s address bar.

The video ID is the value that comes after v=. In the following image, we can see that the video ID is DvbFBxKcORA.

The WPBeginner YouTube channel

After adding the video ID to the first part of the URL, we get the following: https://www.youtube.com/embed/DvbFBxKcORA

You can now go back to the tab with the WordPress block editor and just paste the URL into the ‘Embed’ field. That will add a featured video thumbnail to the post, and then you’re ready to click on either the ‘Update’ or ‘Publish’ button.

You can now add featured video thumbnails to more posts, pages, and WooCommerce products by following the same process described above.

On your blog archive or similar page you’ll see that WordPress is now using the videos as the featured thumbnail for your posts and pages.

If you open any page, post, or WooCommerce product, then you’ll see that the featured video also appears at the top of the page, just like a featured image would.

An example of a WooCommerce featured video

We hope this article helped you learn how to add featured video thumbnails in WordPress. You can also go through our guide on the best YouTube video gallery plugins for WordPress and how to embed a Facebook video.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Add Featured Video Thumbnails in WordPress first appeared on WPBeginner.

The Beginner’s Guide to MQTT Retained Messages

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What Are Retained Messages?

If you know MQTT even for just a little bit, you may already know that for each MQTT message, there is a topic name, and there is the payload. If you dig a little deeper, you’ll find that there are also message properties and flags. One of the flags is called Retain, which is what this post is about.

Upon receiving a message with the Retain flag set, the MQTT broker must store the message for the topic to which the message was published, and it must store only the latest message. So the subscribers which are interested in this topic can go offline, and reconnect at any time to receive the latest message instead of having to wait for the next message from the publisher after the subscription.

Measure the Impact of Your Data Platform With These Metrics

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For many data teams, the past five years have witnessed an evolution of technology, teams, and processes that calls to mind another significant period in time: the Industrial Revolution. 

From the late 18th century to the mid-19th century, the Industrial Revolution transformed economies with new tools, cheaper power sources, and more streamlined ways of organizing work in factories. And even now, visit a modern printing plant, and you’ll find a state-of-the-art operation with advanced tech and robotics.