Daily Standup Meeting: Ways To Keep It Short and Effective

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Developer teams are no strangers to daily standup meetings. Their success in increasing collaboration and visibility has led to their adoption in different types of teams and projects. Every day the whole team has a standup agenda meeting where developers and other team members proactively align with the project and delivery goals, share progress with the team, and be on top of blockers.

There are, however, developers who despise standup meetings because they are hyper-vigilant about even the most subtle indicators of unproductivity. They dislike regular standup meetings because they see no advantage to their work. Instead, they think that the daily meeting has little use to their skills and productivity, and they choose to work on projects rather than attend meetings.

ANEW Can Help With Road Safety

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Self-driving cars can change everything in terms of road safety and mobility. Self-driving vehicles are capable of sensing their immediate environment and can move safely with little or no human input. With self-driving cars, real-time alerting systems act as a communication between vehicle and driver. Real-time signaling and alerting have many tangible and intangible benefits. 

XYZ’s “Autopilot and Full Self-driving capability” has been getting better every year since its introduction. XYZ's patent to “Automate Turn Signals” is an advanced step in enhancing road safety, not only for self-driving cars but also for drivers who ignore or forget to use turn signals. There is always a question, how independent should a vehicle be in making smart decisions? Self-driving cars should be just as intelligent as the driver in making the right decisions.