Obtain Nearest Address to a Longitude-latitude Point

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In the mobile Internet era, people are increasingly using mobile apps for a variety of different purposes, such as buying products online, hailing taxis, and much more. When using such an app, a user usually needs to manually enter their address for package delivery or search for an appropriate pick-up and drop-off location when they hail a taxi, which can be inconvenient.

To improve user experience, many apps nowadays allow users to select a point on the map and then use the selected point as the location, for example, for package delivery or getting on or off a taxi. Each location has a longitude-latitude coordinate that pinpoints its position precisely on the map. However, longitude-latitude coordinates are simply a string of numbers and provide little information to the average user. It would therefore be useful if there was a tool which an app can use to convert longitude-latitude coordinates into human-readable addresses.

Ship/Show/Ask: A Branching Strategy for Modern Dev Teams With Rouan Wilsenach

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The branching strategy has been reimagined. Meet the mind behind it.

In his first-ever podcast appearance, Rouan Wilsenach, author of "Ship/Show/Ask: A Modern Branching Strategy," joins Dev Interrupted to talk about his work as an author and the inspiration behind his musings on branching strategy. Rouan has been more than an inspiration, he’s changed the way our dev teams work - and he might just change yours, too. If you haven’t already read "Ship/Show/Ask," you should. It’s one of the most influential articles we’ve read in years.

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Jenkins Security Tips

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For such an open, customizable platform, Jenkins provides decent security even in its default state. Though it connects to countless industry tools, there are a few other ways to help protect your projects.

In this post, we look at some of the methods and tools to keep your Jenkins instance safe, secure and protect those using it.