What Is Product-Led Growth and Why Is It Critical for API-First Companies?

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There’s a common misconception that product-led growth means a business doesn’t focus on sales. That’s not the case. It’s just that product-led growth layers in sales later in the customer journey. This can be a hugely effective approach, particularly when it’s combined with deep data insights to drive that growth.

For API-first companies, this product-led approach is a cornerstone of success. We’ll dive into the detail of why it’s so critical below, but first, let’s start with the basics…

Getting Started with Chaos Engineering

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Breaking stuff on purpose primarily in the production environment is one of the mantras in chaos engineering. But when you tell your plan to your engineering manager or product owner, you will often get some resistance. 

Their concerns are valid. What if breaking stuff is irreversible? What will happen to the end users? Will our support ticket system get busy?