The CDI Event: How to Archive Success on the Open-close Principle

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When we talk about a good design on Java and OOP, the first thing that might come to mind is the SOLID principle; it brings five easy steps or at least a sign if the code is going in the right direction. CDI for sure helps you to archive the code in the proper order. Today, we'll explain how to take advantage of CDI with CDI and get the Open close principle.

If you forget the SOLID principle, don't worry, we'll put it here to remember what does mean SOLID:

A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Encryption Vs Decryption

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A computer system must promise or at least assure privacy and confidentiality when it transmits sensitive or personal data. A simple system, unless equipped with the proper technology, cannot stop any unauthorized access to cyber criminals. And in this computer era, data tampering needs no introduction as it is not something unheard of. So if you want to prevent or altogether stop the mishap, one of the best ways is to alter the data as it will prevent unauthorized access. 

The technique employed to alter the data is known as cryptography, and this process takes place in two phases- encryption and decryption of information. So if you want to find out what encryption vs. decryption is all about, keep reading: