What Are Source Maps and How to Properly Use Them

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You are debugging a web app for a client but the minified version of the JavaScript and CSS code makes it impossible to understand what statements the browser is actually executing.

You could break down the original code line by line in your editor putting some console.log() statements here and there, or try debugging it from its transformed state.

Serverless is the New Timeshare

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We have shared amnesia. When I speak to younger developers about past technologies, I often get blank stares. To be fair, some of that is because I’m a bit “intense” or “weird” but some of that is because. Huh? Really? Did we have that?

Case in point XA transactions and 2PC (Two Phase Commit). We have a young generation that’s completely ignorant of that capability and the fact that this was “a thing”. Did the requirement for transaction management somehow vanish?