Setup Jira With MySQL Docker.

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Hello Everyone,

I am here again after a long gap. I have something new and interesting. In this article, we are going to set up a Jira DataCenter/Server-based instance on our host machine.

Backend-for-Frontend: The Demo

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In one of my earlier posts, I described the Backend-for-Frontend pattern. In short, it offers a single facade over multiple backend parts. Moreover, it provides each client type, e.g. desktop, mobile, exactly the data that it needs and not more in the format required by this client type.

The Use-case

Imagine the following use case. In an e-commerce shop, the home page should display multiple unrelated data at once.

Container vs. VM Security: Which Is Better?

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Containers and Virtual Machines (VMs) have a lot in common. They both make using IT infrastructure more efficient, but they do it in different ways. While both solutions can often solve the same problem, one of them is usually the better choice.

In this post, we're going to look at the security of containers and VMs. Is one more secure than the other?