Bulk Actions for Assets

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We got a support request from a user who had many thousands of uploaded files using our Asset Hosting feature. They told us many of them were duplicates and totally unused variations and they’d like to clean up. And to be perfectly honest, it was so many assets it was causing some minor bugs with search and actually find the assets they were trying to find.

So to assist in this cleanup, we decided to take a tiny break from our larger projects, and kick out this new feature: Bulk Actions for Assets. There isn’t all that much to understand, so here it is:

  1. You can select multiple assets at a time
  2. When do you…
  3. You can delete all of them, or
  4. You can download all of them.

Here’s me showing off those things:

Hopefully, it’s rather self-explanatory and you find it useful. We’d like to add more bulk actions for you for other things in time, so let us know if you have one in mind particularly.

The post Bulk Actions for Assets appeared first on CodePen Blog.

Understand the Root Cause of Regressions With Git Bisect

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In this series, I cover a lot of magical tools and git bisect is probably the best example of such magic. The hardest part in debugging is knowing the general area of the bug, bisect literally shines a light on the specific commit that caused it! 

Before we begin, let’s make one thing clear: bisect is a tool for debugging regressions. It does nothing for regular bugs. When we have a regression, we typically know that the issue used to work in a specific release, we would typically have a specific revision where the code worked. We would typically know that it doesn’t work in the current version, but which commit along the way causes the failure?

WordPress.com Ends Recent Pricing Experiment, Reverts to Previous Model

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WordPress.com has ended the pricing experiment it began at the beginning of April. The company announced today that it is rolling back its pricing structure to the previous model, which offered five plans, including the free tier.

WordPress.com’s updated pricing table – July 21, 2022

A few months ago, WordPress.com pared back its pricing table from five to just two plans (Free and a $15/month Pro plan) as a major unannounced change, slashing free storage limits and imposing a traffic ceiling. After nearly two months of overwhelmingly negative feedback, the company added a new $5/month Starter plan to bridge the gap between Free and Pro, but even this entry level plan didn’t remove ads.

The changes were not clicking with users and many of them announced plans to move away from WordPress.com to new platforms. The company claims it was responding to feedback in reverting to the previous pricing model, but after 15 weeks of running the experiment, they likely had enough data to force the decision.

“As we began to roll out our new pricing plans a couple of months back, we took note of the feedback you shared,” Automattic VP of Content Michael Pick said in the new pricing announcement. “What we heard is that some of you missed the more granular flexibility of our previous plans. Additionally, the features you needed and pricing of the new plans didn’t always align for you.”

WordPress.com also emailed its customs about the availability of add-ons for à la carte upgrades for features like access to premium themes, removal of ads, and custom CSS. Notably missing was an add-on for storage upgrades, which multiple customers expressed in the comments that they are eager to have.

Customers reacted positively to announcement of the pricing reverting back and several thanked the company for taking their feedback seriously. WordPress.com confirmed that customers who switched to the previous Starter and Pro plans will be able to remain on those plans indefinitely with auto-renew if they choose.

How to do onpage SEO?

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I have website related to Pregnancy and baby care, but I want to improve my website traffic with keyword research and on page SEO, if anyone have ideas how to boost traffic of my website, Please tell me. You can visit website.

Should You Invest in a Digital Transformation Office?

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Undertaking a digital transformation journey is easier said than done. Efforts to transform an organization often face significant challenges, including integration of legacy platforms with modern technology stacks, the skill sets required for implementation, and an organizational structure that can communicate and embrace change. According to a 2020 study by the Boston Group, 72% of digital transformations fail, falling short of their objectives, and are often met with radical consequences after. 

With so much at stake when it comes to transforming an organization, Adecco Group’s Sabine Laute suggests that a dedicated transformation office could be a viable solution.

Working With Geospatial Data in Redis

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Working with geospatial data is notoriously difficult because latitude and longitude are floating point numbers and should be very precise. In addition, it would seem that latitude and longitude can be represented as a grid, but in fact, they can't, simply because Earth is not flat, and mathematics is a complex science.

For example, to determine the distance of a great circle between two points on a sphere, based on their latitude and longitude, the haversine formula is used, which looks like this:

Want To Be a Terrible Engineering Manager? Be a Sh*t Shield

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Many new managers think their job is to “protect the team." In fact, they see that as their primary function. 

This is a mistake. I’ve interviewed hundreds of managers in my career. Usually, when people talk about protecting the team, it is a sign of inexperience. It is a common trap for new managers.

How Much Does It Cost to Host a Website in 2022?

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How Much Does It Cost to Host a WebsiteHow much does it cost to host a website? If you want to launch your own website, that’s probably a question that’s at the forefront of your mind. So – what should you expect? Are we talking single digits per month? Double digits, triple digits, quadruple digits? Don’t worry – if you’re just getting started, you’re likely to be in the single digits camp, especially for a simple site.

How to Make Your WordPress Site EU Cookie Law Compliant

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How to Make Your WordPress Site EU Cookie Law CompliantBy using cookies you can significantly improve user experience on your site. However, installing tracking cookies without express user consent constitutes a breach of the ePrivacy Directive 2002/58/EC (EU Cookie Law), and can result in a number of issues for European sites. This is why ensuring you make your WordPress site EU Cookie Law compliant […]

The post How to Make Your WordPress Site EU Cookie Law Compliant appeared first on WPExplorer.

Set Conditional Breakpoints in IDEA

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Debugging is Part of the Process

One of the things that I simply cannot stress enough is the fact that all computer programs require at least some debugging for them to function at the highest levels. It is simply the reality of the situation, and there is no getting around this fact. 

If you aren't prepared to spend some time debugging your own creations, then you are probably not in the right business. The fact remains that coders have to do this type of work all the time. 

Here Is Why You Need a Message Broker

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Among the open-source projects my college buddies (and my future co-founders of memphis.dev) and I built, you can find “Makhela,” a Hebrew word for choir.

For the sake of simplicity, we will call it "Choir" in this article.

The Darker Side of ALTER TABLE

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If you frequently find yourself immersed into the MySQL world, there's probably no need to explain to you what SQL queries are and what they do. Chances are, you know them like your five fingers. SELECT queries allow us to read data, INSERT queries allow us to insert data into a given database, UPDATE queries allow us to update data for certain rows or for the entire table if we wish, DELETE queries let us delete records from a table, etc. If you've ever dug deeper into the world of MySQL though, you must know that there is one more query that is very important for both database administrators and developers — that query is ALTER TABLE.


Simply put, ALTER TABLE is a query in MySQL that allows us to modify (or ALTER) the structure of a table. The things that ALTER TABLE can do are numerous — ALTER TABLE can be used to change names of tables or columns, or add or modify columns as well. On its end though, ALTER TABLE is mostly used when indexes are involved — when developers need to add indexes, they change the structure of their tables, and that's where ALTER TABLE comes into play once again.