Want To Be a Terrible Engineering Manager? Be a Sh*t Shield

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Many new managers think their job is to “protect the team." In fact, they see that as their primary function. 

This is a mistake. I’ve interviewed hundreds of managers in my career. Usually, when people talk about protecting the team, it is a sign of inexperience. It is a common trap for new managers.

How Much Does It Cost to Host a Website in 2022?

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How Much Does It Cost to Host a WebsiteHow much does it cost to host a website? If you want to launch your own website, that’s probably a question that’s at the forefront of your mind. So – what should you expect? Are we talking single digits per month? Double digits, triple digits, quadruple digits? Don’t worry – if you’re just getting started, you’re likely to be in the single digits camp, especially for a simple site.

How to Make Your WordPress Site EU Cookie Law Compliant

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How to Make Your WordPress Site EU Cookie Law CompliantBy using cookies you can significantly improve user experience on your site. However, installing tracking cookies without express user consent constitutes a breach of the ePrivacy Directive 2002/58/EC (EU Cookie Law), and can result in a number of issues for European sites. This is why ensuring you make your WordPress site EU Cookie Law compliant […]

The post How to Make Your WordPress Site EU Cookie Law Compliant appeared first on WPExplorer.

Set Conditional Breakpoints in IDEA

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Debugging is Part of the Process

One of the things that I simply cannot stress enough is the fact that all computer programs require at least some debugging for them to function at the highest levels. It is simply the reality of the situation, and there is no getting around this fact. 

If you aren't prepared to spend some time debugging your own creations, then you are probably not in the right business. The fact remains that coders have to do this type of work all the time.