Here Is Why You Need a Message Broker

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Among the open-source projects my college buddies (and my future co-founders of and I built, you can find “Makhela,” a Hebrew word for choir.

For the sake of simplicity, we will call it "Choir" in this article.

The Darker Side of ALTER TABLE

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If you frequently find yourself immersed into the MySQL world, there's probably no need to explain to you what SQL queries are and what they do. Chances are, you know them like your five fingers. SELECT queries allow us to read data, INSERT queries allow us to insert data into a given database, UPDATE queries allow us to update data for certain rows or for the entire table if we wish, DELETE queries let us delete records from a table, etc. If you've ever dug deeper into the world of MySQL though, you must know that there is one more query that is very important for both database administrators and developers — that query is ALTER TABLE.


Simply put, ALTER TABLE is a query in MySQL that allows us to modify (or ALTER) the structure of a table. The things that ALTER TABLE can do are numerous — ALTER TABLE can be used to change names of tables or columns, or add or modify columns as well. On its end though, ALTER TABLE is mostly used when indexes are involved — when developers need to add indexes, they change the structure of their tables, and that's where ALTER TABLE comes into play once again.

Image Generation in Action: 3 Methods With Code Samples and Image Generation API

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In this article, we share our experience generating millions of images with DynaPictures in the last months. We will go over possible solutions needed to generate images programmatically, possible caveats and pitfalls you may hit, as well as the best practices that emerged from our experience using dynamic image generation.

So let us dive in and discuss what image generation is and then review the available options.