What Emerging Technologies Make Data Centers More Energy Efficient?

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The looming energy crisis is a black spot for industries where power consumption is commonly excessive and difficult to manage, the chief example being modern data centers. These facilities consume 10 to 50 times more energy per floor space than your average office building. While achieving an energy-efficient data center is possible, even the most sophisticated energy management initiatives are not without difficulties.

One of the best solutions is to adopt emerging technologies — which require using even more energy, albeit efficiently — such as the Internet of Things and connected sensors. A quick review is necessary to understand how they can help better reduce, mitigate and manage power consumption.

A Brief History of the DMCA

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What Is the DMCA?

The DMCA is short for the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

On Oct 12, 1998, the US Congress passed the DMCA, which amended U.S. copyright law to address important issues of the relationship between copyright and the internet.

Common Types Of Network Security Vulnerabilities In 2022

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Cyber attacks become more and more sophisticated every year and cause serious financial and reputational damage. The damage affects all means of communication and blocks an organization for an extended period. For example, two of the most significant encryption viruses are Petya and Wanna Cry. They caused millions of losses in different areas of business around the world and showed the vulnerability and insecurity of the network infrastructure of even large companies. The protective measures were simply not provided. In most organizations, information security was limited at best to the installation of the antivirus. At the same time, there are hundreds of types of attacks that might occur every day, and the power of the consequences is only growing.

Network Security Vulnerabilities You Should Pay Attention to in 2022

There are a lot of varieties of network attacks. Here are just the most common, which can face both small businesses and large corporations in 2022:

Google Ushers in V4 of the Campaign Manager 360 API

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Google has recently announced V4 of the Google Ads Campaign Manager 360 API, which ushers in improvements to billing services and invoicing. Also included in the announcement are key deprecation dates. 

First up is the announcement that V3.5 will officially be sunset as of Feb 15, 2023, which provides developers with plenty of time for migration. 

What Is VIX

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What Is the Cboe Volatility Index (VIX) What is VIX? The CBOE Volatility Index, or VIX, is created by the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), which shows the market’s expectation of 30-day volatility. It’s constructed...

The post What Is VIX appeared first on 85ideas.com.

The Power of Enum: Make Your Code More Readable and Efficient [Video]

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Like any other language, Java has the enum feature that allows us to enumerate items. It is helpful to list delimited items in your code, such as the seasons. Regarding the readability of code, it is better and cleaner than using constant codes such as int. It avoids mistakes, such as an invalid number or a value the system does not support. Once we're talking about any number type such as int, float, double, or long, enum can support any value. On the other hand, with an enum, the API only has valid values.  

The question is: Can we do more with enum? Where else can we use an enum?  In this article, discover tips that are excellent and effective in Java. 

8 Must-Have Project Reports You Can Use Today

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Knowing exactly what state your project is in is important

You'll need to report on the progress of each assignment and summarize what's been completed so far. You should start keeping track of these as soon as you begin planning any project because chances are, you'll forget something or think of something completely different by the time the task is finished.  If everything goes according to plan, then great! However, chances are good that you'll miss a deadline or a small detail will turn out to be more complicated than expected. 

Spelling “Equality” With IT: Addressing the Gender Gap in the Tech Industry

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Without a doubt, women are the minority in a lot of industries. From the general workforce up to the management levels, McKinsey’s “Women in the Workplace 2021” report tells us that women are still very much underrepresented in corporate America.

From their findings, white women make up 30% of the entry-level workforce while white men make up 35%. In more stark comparison, white men make up 62% of the C-Suite population while white women only make up 20%. An even wider gap was seen for women of color, making up only 17% of the entry-level workforce and a measly 4% for the C-Suite levels.

How to Make Git Forget a Tracked File Now in .gitignore

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When we track a file in git, it can sometimes get cached and remain tracked, even if we add it to our .gitignore file. This is simply because .gitignore prevents files from being added to Git's tracking system, but it will not actively remove those that are already tracked. This can lead to issues when you have something you no longer want to be tracked, but can't seem to remove it from your git repository.

Fortunately, there is an easy way to fix this. git has a built-in rm function which lets us remove cached or tracked changes. To run it, you can use the following command to remove a specific file, where [filename] can be removed with the file you wish to stop tracking: