Google Ushers in V4 of the Campaign Manager 360 API

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Google has recently announced V4 of the Google Ads Campaign Manager 360 API, which ushers in improvements to billing services and invoicing. Also included in the announcement are key deprecation dates. 

First up is the announcement that V3.5 will officially be sunset as of Feb 15, 2023, which provides developers with plenty of time for migration. 

What Is VIX

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What Is the Cboe Volatility Index (VIX) What is VIX? The CBOE Volatility Index, or VIX, is created by the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), which shows the market’s expectation of 30-day volatility. It’s constructed...

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The Power of Enum: Make Your Code More Readable and Efficient [Video]

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Like any other language, Java has the enum feature that allows us to enumerate items. It is helpful to list delimited items in your code, such as the seasons. Regarding the readability of code, it is better and cleaner than using constant codes such as int. It avoids mistakes, such as an invalid number or a value the system does not support. Once we're talking about any number type such as int, float, double, or long, enum can support any value. On the other hand, with an enum, the API only has valid values.  

The question is: Can we do more with enum? Where else can we use an enum?  In this article, discover tips that are excellent and effective in Java.