8 Must-Have Project Reports You Can Use Today

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Knowing exactly what state your project is in is important

You'll need to report on the progress of each assignment and summarize what's been completed so far. You should start keeping track of these as soon as you begin planning any project because chances are, you'll forget something or think of something completely different by the time the task is finished.  If everything goes according to plan, then great! However, chances are good that you'll miss a deadline or a small detail will turn out to be more complicated than expected. 

Spelling “Equality” With IT: Addressing the Gender Gap in the Tech Industry

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Without a doubt, women are the minority in a lot of industries. From the general workforce up to the management levels, McKinsey’s “Women in the Workplace 2021” report tells us that women are still very much underrepresented in corporate America.

From their findings, white women make up 30% of the entry-level workforce while white men make up 35%. In more stark comparison, white men make up 62% of the C-Suite population while white women only make up 20%. An even wider gap was seen for women of color, making up only 17% of the entry-level workforce and a measly 4% for the C-Suite levels.