Cybersecurity Threats of EV Charging Stations

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According to Statista, In January 2022, there were almost 113,600 charging stations for electric vehicles in the United States. California has a large number of these charging stations, with nearly 41,300 public and private power outlets.

As the number of electric vehicles (EVs) on the road continues to grow, so does the need for public and private EV charging stations. While most EV owners charge their cars at home or work, there are still many times when they need to rely on public charging stations.

Develop a Sense of Code

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The more the counter next to my years-in-tech metric increments upward, the more I find myself in situations where I talk about career paths, skill decisions, and choices about specializations. It might be talking to a publication, on a panel, or one-on-one with someone who wants to get into or ahead in IT.

One of the questions that come up a lot is something like, "Are we at the point where everyone in IT needs to learn to code?"

Data Collection: Methods, Definition, Types, and Tools

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Access to information gives a unique opportunity to understand the interests and demands of the customers much better and even exceed their expectations. So naturally, this makes data collection urgent, the first and most crucial step of any decision-making process. But before diving deeper into the topic, let’s get started with some essential definitions.

What Is Data Collection?

Data collection is gathering data; it's further measuring, processing, assessing, and analyzing for research purposes. It’s conducted with the help of established, validated techniques, which make it possible to answer research questions, test hypotheses, and evaluate final results. The main goal of data collection is to get access to reliable sources of information that will provide data for further analysis and make data-driven decisions possible.

Script that mounts and checks if a file has been modified


First, it has been a LONG time since Ive been here. Good memories from when I was young.


In a monitoring system I have, I had a plugin that remotely checked a SMB share and if the file hasnt been modified in 1 day, it should return a warning. if it is 2 days or more, it should return a critical.

Returning the warning and the critical isnt the issue, its the entire logic of the script itself.

I mean, I dont think it should be too difficult but Im not used to shell scripting. Also, the downfall exists, of having to check if the mount is correct, etc.

The logic is basically

inputvariable warningdays
inputvariable criticaldays
inputvariable smbpath
mount smbpath to final folder /mnt/folder
if mount is unsuccessful
return unknown
if mount is successful
if /mnt/folder/file does not exist
return unknown
if /mnt/folder/file does exist
if /mnt/folder/file has been written to less than warningdays
return ok
if /mnt/folder/file has been written to more than warningdays and less than criticaldays
return warning
if /mnt/folder/file has been written to more than criticaldays
return critical
if previousoperations are done
if unmount is unsuccessful
return unknown

Could someone tell me the basics of the shell script?

Thank you.

A First Look at CSS When and Else Statements

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In CSS, we make selections of different devices by using media queries. Media queries give us an easy way to select devices based on numerous conditions, such as screen size, pixel density, or even format: i.e., print or screen.

This has progressively gotten more complicated over time, and now we are often balancing many conditions that sometimes conflict with each other.

One Weird Trick to Try @parcel/css on CodePen

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Ideally, we’d just offer @parcel/css as a CSS processor choice right in our editors. We could absolutely do that, but we’re smack in the middle of a bunch of next-gen CodePen stuff, and we’re keeping our efforts focused there. Never fear, interesting new processors like this will be there along with it. But this CSS processor caught my eye especially because it’s a very fresh, modern, and interesting take on CSS processing. It handles vendor prefixing on its own (something you might otherwise use Autoprefixer for), it handles “syntax lowering” (love that term) for future-syntax CSS (like you’d use postcss-preset-env for), offers scoping, and even has its own built-in minifier, while being super fast. Nice!

So what if you do wanna try it on CodePen? Well, it’s actually possible because they have cleverly released the processor with a Wasm option, not just a backend-language-only thing. So here’s the plan:

  1. Load the processor in the browser as a script (go Wasm go!)
  2. Pull the CSS from the current Pen
  3. Pass that CSS to the in-browser processor we just loaded
  4. Get the transformed CSS
  5. Replace the CSS in the preview with the transformed CSS

Check it:

The post One Weird Trick to Try @parcel/css on CodePen appeared first on CodePen Blog.

Google Releases New Meet Live Sharing SDK

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Last week at Google’s annual developer conference, Google I/O 2022, the company announced a new SDK to enable developers to facilitate shared experiences within Google Meet.  The new Google Meet Live Sharing SDK expands the platform’s ability to provide synchronized content sharing and interaction.  

Google highlighted the value of this new SDK in a blog post that stated:

Augmented Analytics: The Future of Business Intelligence

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It is more important than ever to access accurate and timely data in a rapidly changing business landscape. Unfortunately, the traditional business intelligence methods are no longer adequate to meet the needs of modern businesses. Augmented analytics is a new approach that combines the best of human expertise with the power of artificial intelligence to provide previously unattainable insights. 

This technology is already being used by quite a few of the world’s leading companies to gain a competitive edge.