Cybersecurity Threats of EV Charging Stations

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According to Statista, In January 2022, there were almost 113,600 charging stations for electric vehicles in the United States. California has a large number of these charging stations, with nearly 41,300 public and private power outlets.

As the number of electric vehicles (EVs) on the road continues to grow, so does the need for public and private EV charging stations. While most EV owners charge their cars at home or work, there are still many times when they need to rely on public charging stations.

Develop a Sense of Code

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The more the counter next to my years-in-tech metric increments upward, the more I find myself in situations where I talk about career paths, skill decisions, and choices about specializations. It might be talking to a publication, on a panel, or one-on-one with someone who wants to get into or ahead in IT.

One of the questions that come up a lot is something like, "Are we at the point where everyone in IT needs to learn to code?"

Data Collection: Methods, Definition, Types, and Tools

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Access to information gives a unique opportunity to understand the interests and demands of the customers much better and even exceed their expectations. So naturally, this makes data collection urgent, the first and most crucial step of any decision-making process. But before diving deeper into the topic, let’s get started with some essential definitions.

What Is Data Collection?

Data collection is gathering data; it's further measuring, processing, assessing, and analyzing for research purposes. It’s conducted with the help of established, validated techniques, which make it possible to answer research questions, test hypotheses, and evaluate final results. The main goal of data collection is to get access to reliable sources of information that will provide data for further analysis and make data-driven decisions possible.